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Our best selling hydroponic module, the WaterFarm is built to assure a long service life. The unique square design allows growers to closely pack modules.
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Harwood is firm in his belief that the business he and his colleagues have put together can be profitable. But there are still those who remain sceptical.

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Michael Hamm, a professor of sustainable agriculture at Michigan State University, is one of them. He points out that vertical farms depend on constant supplies of electricity, much of which will come from fossil fuel sources. He does acknowledge a few of the benefits, though.

Water farming - Wikipedia

With the development of vertical farming technologies, and the likely fall in cost associated with them in coming years, some are betting that all kinds of people will want to start growing their own greens — even at home. Its founders, Henrik Jobczyk and Maximillian Richter, have developed a prototype vertical farm about the size of a household fridge-freezer.

And they would also have to keep the Neofarms device clean and constantly topped up with water. But in exchange they will have the freshest produce possible. Many consumers already grow their herbs on a window box, but that is a low-cost and low-maintenance activity. It remains to be seen whether the same people would be interested in making the conceptual leap that comes with bringing a mini vertical farm into their own kitchen.

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Ed Harwood, for one, thinks vertical farming technologies might help to bring agriculture closer to the consumer. But he also sticks by his belief that farming on giant scales is here to stay. Future supermarkets, though, might be filled with miniature vertical farms of their own. If you liked this story, sign up for the weekly bbc. Future Now. But can you really grow anything in a building, with the right technology at your fingertips?

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Basically, inside the system, every day is a summer day without a cloud in the sky - Maarten Vandecruys. Read more.

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  • Close navigation. The hard part is getting computers to determine when crops are sick, injured, or thirsty. So firms have developed systems that can learn to interpret images, growing smarter over time.

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    Those systems also combine information gleaned from images with data on temperature, rainfall, soil quality, and other variables to determine when and how much to spray and water crops. Does this count as artificial intelligence? Koppel believes that artificial intelligence will usher in the next great agricultural revolution. Previous technological advances—irrigation, mechanization, synthetic fertilizers, genetic engineering—have allowed humans to grow more food with less work.

    About Irrigation

    He said that artificial intelligence is going to allow growers to be even more efficient by taking the guesswork out of farming. He said that, rather than rely on intuition, it would be better to use computers to analyze images of every inch of the farm. Those computers could recommend decisions based on data they have collected from farms all across the world—a grower in Mexico might benefit from data collected on a farm in Israel.

    You know, a doctor maybe saw a few thousand people, and the machine has seen hundreds of millions of people. In the future, we could see robots that can tell when a strawberry is ripe and pluck it gingerly from the plant, or droids that can find weeds and spray them, or machines that can determine when and how much to feed dairy cows.

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    However, while AI holds incredible promise for farms, it also threatens to be massively disruptive, especially at a time when many farmers are returning to more traditional growing methods. Water farming is a practice in Florida where farmers are paid to keep storm-water on their properties and receive water from other areas to store on their properties.

    In , Alico dispatched lobbyists to the Florida legislature to try to get funding for the project. When asked about this effort, Alico spokeswoman Sarah Bascom is reported to have said that Alico was just helping a state agency in need by lobbying for the SFWMD who was not permitted by law to lobby. Rick Scott vetoed the funding. Much controversy surrounds the use of water farms due to their cost and hard to quantify benefit.

    Another concern about the contracts by the South Florida Water Management District with the water farmers is the District is paying for capital improvements to the land owned by the water farmers, but the water farmers can terminate the contract at will.