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An alligator wants to eat a jackal, but the jackal is too clever for him! A charming classic Hindu fairytale for children. Read free bedtime stories.
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American alligators reside nearly exclusively in the freshwater rivers, lakes, swamps, and marshes of the southeastern United States, primarily Florida and Louisiana. Heavy and ungainly out of water, these reptiles are supremely well adapted swimmers.

Males average 10 to 15 feet in length and can weigh 1, pounds. Females grow to a maximum of about 9.

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Hatchlings are 6 to 8 inches long with yellow and black stripes. Juveniles, which are on the menu for dozens of predators, including birds, raccoons, bobcats, and even other alligators, usually stay with their mothers for about two years.

Adult alligators are apex predators critical to the biodiversity of their habitat. They feed mainly on fish, turtles, snakes, and small mammals.

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However, they are opportunists, and a hungry gator will eat just about anything, including carrion, pets and, in rare instances, humans. Miraculously, the boy, who was taken to the hospital, escaped with just a few scrapes and cuts, which was all thanks to the stranger, Joseph said.

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And because father and son were in such a rush to get to the hospital, they didn't get a chance to get to know their savior. Stepping in to help save someone else's child takes courage and compassion. The fearless mom Lake County, Fla. It's that kind of attitude and experience that came in handy this past March when an alligator strolled up to a local middle school moments before students were to be let out for the day. McGregor, who is a police officer, spotted the seven-foot beast. Instead of bothering animal control with the problem, she just tapped into her alligator wrangling roots and got to work.

The year-old mother of two grabbed a rope, tied a noose on one end, and lassoed the alligator's snout.

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She dragged it out of the bushes and held on tight while it angrily thrashed around. Eventually the alligator tired itself out and McGregor was able to drop down with her knees behind its front legs, tie it up properly, and take it out of the school yard. The dad reached up with his free arms, grabbed hold of the alligator's jaws, and pried them open with all of his might.

The animal eventually released him, and Bostwick was transported to the hospital where his injuries were treated with 50 stitches and a few staples. The animal tried to drag her back into the water, but the tough woman managed to hold onto dry land long enough to catch the attention of a stranger, who scared the alligator away.

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Webb lost part of her leg in the attack and authorities sent a trapper to the area to find the reptile in the hopes of retrieving her leg. Unfortunately, the alligator remains at large.

Dow, her husband, and son were snorkeling in Big Moss Lake when an alligator clasped its jaws on the year-old's foot and arm. Dow screamed and her husband, Ray, tried to yank her above the water's surface as the alligator tried to force her down.

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The fight only intensified the alligator's attack. But Ray fought back, kicking the alligator in the head several times until it let go. Ray brought his wife to shore, where other nudists applied pressure to Dow's gashes until medics arrived. Dow was said to be in serious , but stable, condition after the attack, which was the resort's first in its year history. The dedicated brothers Wayne Petteway and his brother Joel were collecting crab pots one Saturday in in Jacksonville, Fla.

He tried to run, but the chest-deep water kept him nearly locked in place.