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The Happy Warrior: A Personal Guide to Joyous, Peaceful, Healthy Living [​Michael Morales] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. At a time.
Table of contents

People of that day thought that the position of men obliged to till the land for their lords, and to obey them, was a natural, inevitable, economic condition of life, and they did not call it slavery. It is the same among us: people of our day consider the position of the laborer to be a natural, inevitable economic condition, and they do not call it slavery.

And as, at the end of the Eighteenth Century, the people of Europe began little by little to understand that what formerly seemed a natural and inevitable form of economic life-namely, the position of peasants who were completely in the power of their lords-was wrong, unjust and immoral, and demanded alteration, so now people today are beginning to understand that the position of hired workmen, and of the working classes in general, which formerly seemed quite right and quite normal, is not what it should be, and demands alteration. This divergence and perversion of the essential question is most striking in what goes today by the name of philosophy.

There would seem to be only one question for philosophy to resolve: What must I do? Despite being combined with an enormous amount of unnecessary confusion, answers to the question have at any rate been given within the philosophical tradition on the Christian nations. This was the first step backwards. The second step, degrading human thought yet further, was the acceptance of the struggle for existence as a basic law, simply because that struggle can be observed among animals and plants.

According to this theory the destruction of the weakest is a law which should not be opposed.

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In reply to the question: what must we do? Some disjointed writings, striving after effect in a most sordid manner, appear, written by a daring, but limited and abnormal German, suffering from power mania.

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Neither in talent nor in their basic argument to these writings justify public attention. In the days of Kant, Leibniz , or Hume , or even fifty years ago, such writings would not only have received no attention, but they would not even have appeared. But today all the so called educated people are praising the ravings of Mr. N, arguing about him, elucidating him, and countless copies of his works are printed in all languages. The whole world knows that virtue consists in the subjugation of one's passions, or in self-renunciation.

It is not just the Christian world, against whom Nietzsche howls, that knows this, but it is an eternal supreme law towards which all humanity has developed, including Brahmanism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and the ancient Persian religion. Sandra, this is awesome. I teach little people and I want to celebrate all their accomplishments. I have a son graduating from high school and I want to make sure I celebrate his success and his next steps instead of dreading him moving on. I have a daughter learning to drive and I want to celebrate with her instead of focusing on the worry that comes with this big step.

I want to celebrate all of these changes and have fun with them!

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Thank you for this wonderful idea, I look forward to a whole year of celebrations!! I plan to look for ways to celebrate each and every day! Jennifer, yes! We all need to celebrate more. What a beautiful word to choose. Cheers to more celebrations in ! Thanks for sharing. It is a pattern that I often fall into, and it keeps me stuck in a sameness that I want to grow out of.

This year will be next level! I feel that everything I have been working towards over the past few years is going to come to fruition and my life will be filled with love, laughter, health, joy and financial security this year. I love this post Elizabeth! Hi Candida, thank you for sharing these with us!

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Only you live your life, and you have a lot of life left to live. Enjoy it and be free! Expertise, Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy are coming your way in I love this concept! My word for is Balance. As a working Mom of 2 little girls 4 and 1 , it can be difficult to find….


Practicing Gratitude is a wonderful intention for me as well! Thanks for the inspiring idea! What a great idea. I feel I had to keep two words though as I need to desperately remind myself of both. They are confidence funnily enough and positivity. Wish me luck. My word is Balanced. I was promoted to a manager over our county on January 2nd. My word is inspire. I chose to be a leader that can inspire my County to do more, learn more and dream more. I choose, Authentic! Being a mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, co-worker, pet owner, you name it, it has been my joy and greatest gift to love and nurture those around me.

However, in doing so, I tend to loose myself along the way. My word for this year is awareness. Awareness of myself, others, situations, both mine and others feelings. Just be in the moment of awareness. I have been gifting myself a word every new years day for the last 10 years. I find they help me focus and accomplish my goals for the year. Just discovered your blog. Realising how quickly and without notice we can loose our loved ones, I just want to be thankful for my many daily blessings and the family and friends who surround me.

I believe in the power of prayer.

The Happy Warrior: A Personal Guide to Joyous, Peaceful, Healthy Living

But actually, I have chosen Luminescent the emission of light not caused by incandescence and occurring at a temperature below that of incandescent bodies. It has become more and more important to me over the years that I exist as a shining light, to guide the way forward in this messed up world of ours.

I am pursuing my goals this year and that 12 letter word will get me through these 12 months in I promise me, myself, and I that I will accomplish my goals. Your email address will not be published.

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Let's get you both! Your Word of the Year sets an intention, a theme per se, for how you want your year to flow. How to choose your Word of the Year: Choose one to five words that really speak to how you want your year to feel. Here are some ideas to get you started: This list is by no means all-inclusive, just some ideas to get your creative juices flowing.

My word for is Confident. Happy New Year! Get Healthy Recipes. I Want In.