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Kala-azar, I.E. Visceral leishmaniasis (vl) is a menace to the state of Bihar, affecting a large chunk of population. One-third cases of kala-azar are reported from.
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JE is not transmitted from one infected person to other. In short, Japanese Encephalitis requires four things Pigs with flavivirus Amplifying host. Rice fields Mosquito breeding ground Culex mosquitos carrier Human The innocent victim Therefore, JE is found throughout south east Asia, because Rice cultivation and pig rearing is common.

Solution for Japanese Encephalitis JE? Vaccination Chemical vector control e. Keep larvae eating fish, such as guppies, in ponds. There is no transmission from person to person and therefore patients do not need to be isolated. Rice growing farmers should never be encouraged to do pig rearing as a secondary source of income.

Firstly, there is no curative treatment for J. No magic pill, injection etc. This is also inflammation of brain. But it is caused by entero virus. The virus comes in the air or water through open defecation and circulates mainly through shallow hand pumps in the area.

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Plan has following components: Vaccination of Children 1. Perhaps allotting more money under Total Sanitation Campaign Provide alternative means of livelihood for pig-rearing farmers. Set up special schools for mentally challenged children. There is no other vaccine available to private doctors in India currently. But the company has yet to obtain approval of WHO to export this vaccine to other countries.

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It is covered under the overall umbrella of National Rural Health Mission. Swine is the amplifying host of the virus responsible for Japanese Encephalitis. Aedes aegypti mosquito is the main carrier of Japanese Encephalitis. Poultry culling is essential during the outbreak of Japanese Encephalitis. A pesticide is said to be successful when it kills over 90 per cent of the targeted insect or pest population.

Over 3, species of mosquitoes, which play host to a number of disease-causing vectors such as zika, yellow fever, west Nile virus, etc.

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They kill million people annually world over. In Delhi itself, at least 10 people died of dengue last year and 9, people were affected. The numbers of malaria and chikungunya cases recorded in stood at 1, and In , at least 21 dengue deaths were reported from various city hospitals.

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And this year, an early onset of the deadly trio dengue, malaria and chikungunya is expected with summer-like weather conditions already. High temperature and presence of clear water in desert coolers, flower pots, coconut shells, etc, act as excellent breeding sites for the menacing insects. We have asked municipalities to even use the fourth generation of pesticides pirimiphos-methyl and diflubenzuron in a mix with the previous generation pesticides to delay mosquitoes developing tolerance towards this in the future, the scientist explained.

He said, over the years, the pesticides must be rotated in use so that their effectiveness on hardy mosquitoes does not go down.

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Dr Himmat Singh, senior scientist at the National Institute of Malaria Research NIMR , Dwarka, said, The benefit with these two latest pesticides is that they are only hormone-inhibitors, not poisons, and specific to mosquitoes. So they wouldnt have any effect on other insects, birds, mammals, fishes, etc. They are categorised as non-hazardous by WHO. However, their cost has been prohibitive so far, he said. However, we will be able to ascertain its degree of effectiveness only after two to three months.

Delhi's civic agencies asked to use fourth generation pesticides to kill chemical-resistant insects Delhi municipalities have begun their use after a meeting of scientists and bureaucrats of NVBDCP, NIMR, ministry of health and family welfare and the Central Insecticide Board CIB authorised their application in January, sources said.

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  4. Experiments are still going on with genetically modified mosquitoes. Get real-time alerts and all the news on your phone with the all-new India Today app.