Guide Raunchy Revisions (Rough Draft Book 2)

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Other Avon Camelot Books by Nancy McArthur The Plant That Ate Dirty Socks The Return of the Plant That Ate Dirty Socks The Escape of the Plant She starts writing a book with "a very messy rough draft. Then I revise two or three times.
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Lead noun. A type of metal used in pipes and batteries. Led verb.

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Lessen verb. To reduce in number, size, or degree. Lesson noun. A reading or exercise to be studied by a student. Passed verb. To go away or move. Past noun. Having existed or taken place in a period before the present. Patience noun. The capacity of being patient waiting for a period of time or enduring pains and trials calmly.

Patients plural noun. Individuals under medical care. Peace noun. A state of tranquility or quiet. Piece noun. A part of a whole. Principle noun. A fundamental concept that is accepted as true. Principal noun. The original amount of debt on which interest is calculated.

With Nikki Moore, Author

A person who is the main authority of a school. Sees verb. To perceive with the eye. Seas plural noun. The plural of sea, a great body of salt water. Seize verb.

To possess or take by force. Threw verb. Through preposition. A word that indicates movement. Where adverb. The place in which something happens. Wear verb. To carry or have on the body. Ware noun. Articles of merchandise or manufacture usually, wares. Which pronoun.

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Replaces one out of a group. Witch noun. A person who practises sorcery or who has supernatural powers. Table 2. You probably use these words every day in either speaking or writing. Each word has a segment in bold type that indicates the problem area of the word that is often spelled incorrectly. Refer to this list as needed before, during, and after you write.

Identify and correct the 10 commonly misspelled words in the following pa ssage. Brooklyn is one of the five boroughs that make up New York City. It is located on the eastern shore of Long Island directly accross the East River from the island of Manhattan. When European settlers first arrived, Brooklyn was largely inhabited by the Lenapi, a collective name for several organized bands of Native American people who settled a large area of land that extended from upstate New York through the entire state of New Jersey.

They are sometimes referred to as the Delaware Indians. Over time, the Lenapi succumbed to European diseases or conflicts between European settlers or other Native American enemies.

Writing Tip #10 – The Dirty Draft

Finalley, they were pushed out of Brooklyn completely by the British. In , Brooklyn was the site of the first importent battle of the American Revolution known as the Battle of Brooklyn. The colonists lost this battle, which was led by George Washington, but over the next two years they would win the war, kicking the British out of the colonies once and for all.

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By the end of the 19th century, Brooklyn grew to be a city in its own right. The completion of the Brooklyn Bridge was an ocasion for celebration; transportation and commerce between Brooklyn and Manhattan now became much easier. Eventually, in , Brooklyn lost its seperate identity as an independent city and became one of five boroughs of New York City. Emails to prospective employers require thoughtful word choice, accurate spelling, and perfect punctuation. The best thing to do after you proofread an email to an employer and run the spell checker is to have an additional set of eyes go over it with you; one of your teachers may be able to read the email and give you suggestions for improvement.

Most colleges and universities have writing centres, which may also be able to assist you. Studying the list of commonly misspelled words in this chapter, or studying a list of your own, is one way to improve your spelling skills.

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What is your definition of a successful person? Perhaps success means a combination of both. In one paragraph, describe in detail what you think makes a person successful. When you are finished, proofread your work for spelling errors. See if you catch any spelling errors that your partner missed.

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Effective writing involves making conscious word choices. When you prepare to sit down to write your first draft, you likely have already completed some freewriting exercises, chosen your topic, developed your thesis statement, written an outline, and even selected your sources. When it is time to write your first draft, start to consider which words to use to best convey your ideas to the reader. Some writers are picky about word choice as they start drafting. Once you understand these tricks of the trade, you can move ahead confidently in writing your assignment.

Remember, the skill and accuracy of your word choice is a major factor in developing your writing style. Precise selection of your words will help you be more clearly understood—in both writing and speaking. Even professional writers need help with the meanings, spellings, pronunciations, and uses of particular words.