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Men of Character book. Read 3 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. One in a series of twelve books by Gene Getz examining role models.
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Its vision was to provide three vital experiences that Christians need in order to grow spiritually: Bible teaching, fellowship, and outreach.

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The concept caught on quickly. The church grew rapidly and within four years had planted four new churches in the Dallas area. As a result of this growing ministry Gene shifted to Adjunct Professor of Pastoral Ministries in He continued his part time teaching at Dallas Theological Seminary for almost thirty years. Though his current primary focus involves his pastoral responsibilities, he teaches periodically at various theological schools doing special courses in church renewal.

Either by planting or adopting the philosophy, the Fellowship Bible Church model has birthed over churches. Gene has authored over 50 books, most of which have come from his pastoral experience, study and philosophy. Many of these titles have been printed and distributed in over 33 languages. The books have centered around what the New Testament teaches on a wide range of topics such as the way the Church should function, manhood, womanhood, marriage, Christian character and the responsibilities of church members towards one another.

In , Getz was one of the first non-Southern Baptists invited to do a series for Broadman and Holman. A continuing theme in his works is that of developing local church leadership. In what may well be recognition of his international influence, Gene was given an honorary doctorate from the Institut Theologique de Nimes, Uchaud, France in In Gene and the elders initiated a seven-year leadership succession plan. This important transition was completed three and a half years early.

On January 11, Gene officially became Pastor-at-Large. He devotes much time and energies to the Center for Church Renewal CCR , an organization designed to minister to pastors, missionaries and other church leaders. The format consists of dynamic interviews and biblical reflections.

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Renewal was one of the first Christian programs produced exclusively by utilizing Digital Audio Editing and Mastering. His ministry career has involved a variety of experiences including Christian education, college and seminary teaching. Gene Getz is noted as a spokesperson for the renewal movement in evangelical Christian education. But he has provided more to the field of CE. He has contributed and reinforced at least five prime concepts to evangelical Christian education.

Jishua: Living As A Consistent Role Model (Men of character)

Sharpening the Focus of the Church was written at a time when people were questioning the viability and nature of the church. Three lenses — the lens of Scripture the eternal , the lens of history the past , and the lens of culture the present — form the linkpins for the book.

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These were needed to avoid ecclesiastical myopia and to develop a strategy for impactful contemporary ministry. The Lens of Scripture was treated first for a purpose.

Not everyone will always agree with his assessment on what is pattern and what is principle. His scriptural presentation of the New Testament churches is practical ecclesiology made alive and is well documented from the Bible. Such an underpinning with scripture remains consistent throughout all of his writings.

This way of thinking is the most subtle of all in leading the church into institutionalism. That which is meant to be a means to an end, becomes an end in itself. He attempts to build a solid biblical foundation for the local church and lays a foundation for a serious reader to inductively work out answers related to the specific church situation. Gene Getz stands solidly with the thinking of other evangelicals, and that of Dr.

Lois Lebar, one of his mentors at Wheaton College. He affirms basic truths on the basis of written revelation from God. When speaking of this he says,. It is to this Book we must turn as our authoritative base. Throughout his writings he constantly reminds readers to begin with the perspective of the Word of God.

Getz posits that the Ministry of Teaching is one of the primary elements for an effective church. It is central, not secondary. The answer to this question is clear-cut in the New Testament. Over a decade later Robert Mulholland would write remarkably similar words.

Gene A. Getz

We must seek to utilize our cognitive, intellectual, rational dynamics to the best of our ability. But Getz, like Mulholland, is not content to stop there. He believes that teaching in the New Testament goes further. He recognizes that simple mental agreement to the abstract conceptualizations of scripture will not achieve the goal of becoming like Christ.

He states,. Experience has demonstrated beyond doubt that knowing does not automatically lead to doing. A Christian can know many things about God without sensing His greatness, His power, His riches, and His grace, without being moved by the marvel of the wonder of it all. It is possible to know every jot and title in the Scriptures and still to lack the conviction and motivation to live out one iota of its truth. Getz understands that content separated from life example produces sterile orthodoxy.


These activities include true worship of God, ministry to one another and opportunity to win others to Christ. Without all three types of experiences, believers will not get beyond the knowledge level. Steve is a patient, committed father and husband. He has given up what he has wanted for himself for the needs of others.

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He spends most of his time caring for me, never forgetting about the needs of the rest of the family. His heart and wallet have been shared with many. He is a good man and a good example of how men should behave. Scott Murphy always puts others before himself.

He gently pushes those around him to be the best that they can be. This true character can be described by: coach, mentor, father-figure, compassionate, giving, and wise. I am just lucky enough to call him dad. My husband, Gerald Rose, is an amazing man! His determination has become more evident each day as he is struggling with some health issues.

His unwavering character remains filled with patriotic loyalty, strong faith and exemplary ethics. His strong influence in the lives of our children provided a strong foundation upon which their lives have been shaped. His family gives thanks for his love. Though Chuck has no natural children, he has touched the lives of so many young men.

Our employees, our customers,our friends and young men he has taught that honesty, hard work, empathy,and goodness are the keys to success in business and in life. I am very proud of him as he celebrates 40 years in business on June 16th of this year. He is such a good example of a Family man and a wonderful role model for all young people. He is a loving, caring and generous father and husband who always puts others above himself, whether it be his family or patients.

He is the best. Very dedicated to his family, his Marion school community, his St. He never stops. He is busy all the time. Each collection has its own Web portal with multilingual interfaces in English, Portuguese and Spanish. The interfaces include a bibliometric module that provides usage statistics based on article downloads and impact indicators based on citations. This allows for the following up of the performance of the collections and the individual journals, and contributes to the enhancement of the evaluation of scientific production.