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Goodbye, Mr. I commend you for work well done. Howard Hughes cranked his bed up a notch. Hush-Hush is a weekly now, which increases the need for interesting gossip incrementally. We need a new dirt digger. Hughes flinched and turned the TV on. Pete strolled out to the parking lot. Six years older and still too handsome to live. That dark gray suit had to run four hundred clams easy. Boyd folded his arms over his chest.

That cheap fuck Hoffa makes his business calls from public booths and uses slugs. Two, you bought a round-trip L. Three, you rented a car at a Teamster-owned rent-a-car outlet and were maybe seen waiting for a man named Anton Gretzler. He can live with you and Jimmy on the loose, and so can I. Sitemap

Boyd smiled. I know Mr.

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Hughes appreciates cheap help, but I still think you should fire him immediately. And you tell Mr. Boyd waltzed off-no nod, no wink, suspect dismissed. He walked two car rows over and bagged a blue Ford with a Hertz bumper sticker. Pete ran to the hotel phone bank and called information. An operator shot him the main Hertz number. I need a current customer listing on one of your cars.

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The invoice says the charge is to be billed to the U. Senate Select Committee on Investigations. Does that help? Strange: Boyd in a Committee-rented car. Strange because: Hoover and Bobby Kennedy were rivals. Boyd as FBI man and Committee cop? The pad reeked of cigarettes and cat litter. Manila folders dripped off every stick of furniture; a wooden cabinet blocked the one window.

Pete grabbed his neck. Hughes to shoot you some severance pay.

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Pete kneed him in the balls. Maltzman hit the floor gasping. Pete tore his shirt off and stuffed a wad of fabric in his mouth. Pete tamed it on full blast. A car huckster hit the screen, screaming shit about the new Buick line. Pete pulled his piece and shot the padlock off the cabinet-wood chips sprayed out craaaazy. He had three files and a bad case of the post-strongarm hungries.

Pete took a back booth and noshed a T-bone and hash browns. He laid the folders out for easy perusal. The first file featured document photos and typed notes. No Hollywood gossip; no Hush-Hush feature ammo. The pix detailed bankbook tallies and an income tax return. They also confirm that the tax identification number that he gave was false. He withdrew the entire amount in cash, along with six thousand odd dollars in interest, closing out the account before the bank sent out its standard notification of interest income to the Federal tax authorities.

File 2 featured blow-job pix galore. The suckee: a teenage pansy. My souldebilitating work for Hush-Hush finally paid off in the form of a tip proffered by a bouncer at a male brothel in Hermosa Beach. He took the photos and assured me that the boy is a minor. He will be supplying additional documentation photos in the near future. It was some kind of fucked-up penance: Sol wrote right-wing-slanted smears and stashed this shit for belated payback. File 3 packed more photos: of canceled checks, deposit slips and bank notes. Pete shoved his food aside- this was smear bait supreme. This is a clear-cut case of an immensely wealthy industrialist buying political influence.

It can be circumstantially supported by serving up many verifiable examples of Nixon-initiated policy directly beneficial to Hughes. Pete drove to the Miramar Hotel and staked out the parking lot.

August 30, 2009

Lots of women in swimsuits were out sunning-surveillance conditions could be worse. Memory Lane: those Feds and him shared a history. Pete eased into traffic behind them. They did a two-car rollout: east on Wilshire, Barrington north to Sunset. Pete dawdled back and leapfrogged lanes-mobile bird-dog jobs jazzed him.

Much more than documents.

Boyd turned north on Alta Vista and parked-midway down a block of small stucco houses. They put on gloves. They grabbed flashlights. Littell unlocked the trunk and picked up a tool box. Bug jobs took about an hour-he could run her through R amp;I. He saw a phone booth back at the corner-he could call and watch the house simultaneous. He walked down and buzzed the County line. Karen Hiltscher picked up-he recognized her voice immediately. Karen came back on. No wants, no warrants, no criminal record. She was soliciting for acts of prostitution at the bar. Sol Maltzman was working up his own scheme, unknown to the Feds.

Boyd knew he clipped Gretzler-a McClellan Committee witness. Boyd told Hoover he clipped Gretzler. Hoover: wellknown Bobby Kennedy hater and subterfuge king. Boyd, smooth and educated: probably a good infiltration man. Question 1: Did the infiltration tie in to the wire job? Question 2: If this turns into money, who signs my paycheck? Fred Turentine could piggyback the Fed wiring and pick up every word the Feds did. He drove home to the watchdog pad. Gail was on the portico- her cigarette tip bobbed and dipped, like she was pacing.

He parked and walked up. He kicked an overflowing ashtray and spilled butts on some prize rosebushes. Sol was calling every ten minutes, begging for his files. He said you stole some files of his and pushed him around. I called him back to try to calm him down, and a policeman answered the phone. He said Sol shot himself. Gail ran to her car.