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Take the first steps. The toughest part of the morning is simply getting out of bed. Cultivate a mental environment. Here are a few ideas to wake your brain up (and keep it alert all day long): Develop a “get to” attitude. Create some accountability. Sleep well. Never snooze. Stick to your wake time. Build momentum.
Table of contents

This is why reading is such an invaluable skill. Personally, I like waking up and going for a 60 minute walk, listening to audiobooks on 1. While brisk walking miles and while listening to empowering content, I begin getting lots of powerful ideas about my future. Of course, before my walk, I do a short meditation, prayer, and journal session to direct my mind. This session takes less than 10 minutes, but it allows me to be intentional. This cannot be overemphasized. Depression—or neurosis—need not have a positive cause childhood traumas, etc.

It is the natural outcome of negative passivity. The peak experience is the outcome of an intentional attitude. The higher the standards you will have. Peak experiences can become a normal and expected part of your day. Those moments you feel completely absorbed by the brilliance and abundance. Your day will be guided. Moral authority is integrity and confidence. A father is angry because his child eats too much sugar. He goes to a great teacher to have the teacher tell his child to stop eating sugar.

Wake Up Easily—No Alarm Clock Required | leondumoulin.nl

Surprised, the father obeys the instruction, goes home, and comes back in two weeks. Once they return to the leader, that leader looks at the child and says:. The boy nodded and promised he would not continue this habit any longer. The father then asked the leader:.

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The point of this parable is simple: in order for your words to have power, they must have integrity. And when such is the case, your words come-off as shallow. Waking up earlier and getting things done allows you to have moral authority as a person.

You have a greater zest and spirit about you. People want what you have. Your words have emotion and testimony, not just information. The more confident you become, the more you can see yourself as your future self. The less attached you are to the past. Confidence is fundamental to making huge leaps in your life. You build confidence, every single day, by what you do.

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If you wake up and hit the snooze button first thing in the morning, then you have started your day with negative momentum. This is really bad for confidence, and creates negative ripples throughout your day.

Confidence is built through small and consistent wins. When you start your day with small wins, this leads to other wins, and eventually, bigger wins. The more confident you become, the faster you make decisions. The less fear you have about decision-making. Clarity comes from making decisions and commitments. The more simplified your focus on specific goals, the more motivated you will be. The more simple, definitive, and actionable your goals and focus, the more motivated you will be. As your motivation increases, you will start to feel pulled forward by your dreams and goals. The pull of your future self becomes intensified as you get clearer on it and more committed to it.

Eventually, the pull can be as intense as a black hole, which sucks everything into it with unbelievable force. In the book, Black Hole Focus , Dr. Isaiah Hankel stated:. But this is no longer a popular view point. Current research shows that instead of destroying objects, black holes transform them. Imagine if your purpose in life was as powerful as a blackhole.

  1. Every morning is a privilege, so let’s start treating it like one.
  2. 9 Tips for Waking Up in the Morning Without a Struggle.
  3. Everyone has moments of pure meaning and fulfillment..
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  5. Health Library.
  6. Sensitive to Caffeine? 10 Ways to Wake up Without Coffee?

With a force this strong, absolutely everything in your life would be pulled towards it. Nothing would escape. Every thought. Every action. Your entire identity would be sucked into it. And as a result, who you are, what you have, and how you live would be completely transformed. Therefore, when you begin waking up at 5AM, you will find that every other area of your life will improve. You should sleep at least 7 hours per night. If you avoid the high stimulant and dopamine boosting inputs, like sugar, caffeine, and junk media around bed.

Turn your phone on airplane mode. Be in touch and present with those you love. You stop making excuses. You become more flexible to your emotions, rather than rigid. To quote Dan Sullivan,. But your primary motivation with your money is to do more good in the world. I had the opportunity recently to buy a car for a family in my church. They are an amazing family who have been down on hard times lately.

I love that I have the freedom and ability to just buy them a used car.

Sleep Cycle Calculator

Americans sleep, on average, less than seven hours a night , which means that many of us get less sleep than the American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends. Sign up here! Kirsch, a neurologist and the president of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. What he left out of the picture is he was a pretty prolific napper as well. Kirsch said that this early-rising trend propagated by entertainers and entrepreneurs is deeply troubling. In a study , researchers at the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard Medical School found that reaction times and performance on cognitive tasks plummet for those getting four hours of sleep and those getting six hours of sleep.

In the study, 48 healthy adults, aged 21 to 38, had their sleep chronically restricted. In , researchers at the University of Chicago monitored a group who slept only four hours a night — a common amount for those who wake up very early — for six days in a row. That group quickly developed higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol, higher blood pressure and produced half the usual amount of antibodies to a flu vaccine. Charles A. Robert Stickgold , a Harvard professor and the director of the Center for Sleep and Cognition at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, said missing just one night of sleep impairs memory.

In March, researchers at the University of South Florida and Pennsylvania State University reported that losing out on as little as 16 minutes a night could have serious negative impacts on job performance. When we delay or speed up our internal body clock, it can have the same consequences as not getting enough sleep, a phenomenon known as advanced sleep-wake phase disorder. Medalie said. Missing even two hours here, an hour there, then having a wildly different sleep pattern over the weekend, is the gateway drug to chronic sleep deprivation.