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Honey Bunny and Barry Horse's "Magical Easter". by Linda Glant. Kindle Edition · ₹₹ Go back to filtering menu.
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John has gone to Oxford to be taught how to preach and pray. Barry Lyndon. We were very fond of Sir Charles Lyndon. And how is Lady Lyndon? MAN: Mr.

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Lyndon has raised a company of troops and sent them to America to fight the rebels against Your Majesty's Crown. Raise another company and go with them, too. Bottom left of the bill is the date Dec or It could be a 7 but rationally it should be a 9 as the bill is for I can't read what day. For the qualities and energies which lead a man to achieve the first are often the very cause of his ruin in the latter case.

And his life of this period The book gives Lady Lyndon as just as interested in procuring a peerage, for benefit of their son, Bryan, for whom Barry admits she had an intense affection, which confused him as she had little for Bullingdon. Wendover's story of his being asked whether he is alive or dead, not apparently being recognized as Wendover, and angrily responding that Wendover is dead is one of the more curious ones, especially considering the underworld journey and this section occurring after the scene in the Stourhead gardens where the journey to the underworld is expressly understood.

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It is a humorous scene, Bullingdon abjectly, furiously seated on the grass behind Bryan. That this happens right before the scene with the Ludovico painting may be significant. An description of Stourhead reads:. In A Clockwork Orange the Ludovico experiment is described as feeling like death. In effect, Alex dies and becomes a new man. So it's important, in our underworld journey, that Wendover has just told the story in which the stranger asked him if Wendover was dead or alive and he responded that Wendover was dead.

Hallam is Barry's guide at this point in Barry Lyndon , the one who introduced Barry to Wendover, the one who ushers Barry into the devastation of the Lyndon fortune. All for a peerage. Which is to be a new man, all that one has done in the past divorced from one. Hallam is played by the individual who was the Minister of Interior in A Clockwork Orange , who chose Alex to take part in the Ludovico experiment. In the chapel was destroyed by fire, and in Richard Colt Hoare acquired it, the painting then kept at Stourhead. In a section below I write on the problem with dates in the film.

This should occur, according to remarks in the reception line, before , or about according to the book, but according to the bills in the film this would be about And, speaking of Hallam as being Alex's guide into the Ludovico experiment, and Barry's guide as well as he attempts to gain a new name and become a new man, the reception line with His Majesty recalls the scene in A Clockwork Orange in which Alex is chosen.

The bill is dated and in the lower left corner is the date 6 Dec , yet when King George is introduced to Barry, Barry is given as having raised a troop to send it over to fight against the rebels in America, which would place the action between and Also, the Seven Years War lasted from about In the book, Barry did send troops over to America in According to the book, Bryan's 10th birthday would be in if he was born in In the film, we have celebrated Bryan's 8th birthday.

Though it seems reasonable that it should be , according to the meeting with the king, if we are going by the book Bryan's 8th birthday would be in Or is it , which is the right time frame for the war, Barry having sent troops, and the King's suggestion he join them? Yet the date is on the bill, and so it will be also on the last bill we see in the film, the one that Lady Lyndon signs for Barry's guineas.

We may have an answer for this at the film's end. Pan left as he speaks to Bullingdon and Byran at their desks and exits.

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You may carry on with your work. Now, please be quiet, Bryan, and let me get on with my own work. It's my pencil! I've had this all morning. Bullingdon pulls his hair. Bryan slaps him. Bullingdon rises and grabs him up to spank him. Redmond Barry? From this moment, I will submit to no further chastisement from you. I will kill you, if you lay hands on me ever again. Is that entirely clear to you, sir?

There is no such incident as this in the book. In the novel, when he is sixteen, Bullingdon, upon facing another caning, tells Barry he'll shoot him if he lays hands on him again, "and I gave up that necessary part of his education". Thus the education tie in. Thackeray, in the book, relates that Bullingdon quotes extensively to her from Hamlet , which is hilarious. Of course, the story has Prince Hamlet visited by the ghost of his dead father, his Uncle Claudius having married Gertrude, King Hamlet's widow, after his death.

The ghost tells the Prince that Caludius murdered him and taxes him with exacting revenge. Hamlet does, killing Claudius at the end of the play, but he dies as well, by a poisoned blade, and his mother dies as well, accidentally drinking poisoned wine that Claudius had intended for Hamlet. No happy ending. However, Claudius, in the play, at one point despairs of the guilt he feels for having killed King Hamlet, praying over it.

Prince Hamlet overhears and ponders how he could then kill Claudius, this is an opportunity, but determines it would be better to do so at another time when Claudius is not praying and penitent. Barry is to be compared with Claudius in that he married Lyndon's widow, and the movie shows him as being in some part responsible for Sir Charles Lyndon's death. Not so in the book, he wasn't responsible there, but he is in the film. Bullingdon pursues Barry and his mother as though they are like Gertrude and Claudius.

In respect to Barry Lyndon , it's interesting to me when Hamlet says, "Up, sword, and know thou a more horrid hent. My mother stays This physic but prolongs thy sickly days. Shakespeare has Hamlet saying he'll trip Claudius so his heels may kick at heaven when he's perhaps in the incestuous pleasure of his bed.


Here, Thackeray has Bullingdon trip Barry up by his heels then carry Lady Lyndon to his own bedroom where he swears he'll never leave her as long as she's with Barry. Is Thackeray, with this story, referring back to Hamlet? There seems a connection, only instead we have Bullingdon carrying Lady Lyndon to his room. One could say we have some kind of Oedipal I hate to call it that content here through the jealousy of Bullingdon over Lady Lyndon having married Barry.

Is it just Barry? Or would he be disconcerted over her marrying anyone? Kubrick brings some charge to this with having the grown Bullingdon played by an actor who is the same age as Lady Lyndon. Somehow Kubrick manages, for now, to make them seem like mother and son, Leon Vitali doing a magnificent job at playing the petulant, dramatic adolescent. He contorts, he cries, he shrivels. He is detestable, even though he has every reason to loathe Barry and every reason to protest, no, you will not abuse me again.

We should empathize with him wholly. Yet we don't, though we should.

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We should be as sympathetic with him as people are with Hamlet. If we aren't it's partly because Bullingdon's father was horrible, at least in the movie, and we don't much care that he died and that Barry helped bring on that death by simply existing in his presence. The old man was grotesque. We wanted him gone as much as Lady Lyndon did.

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So we don't much care that Bullingdon is upset that Barry took his father's place. Still, we really should sympathize with Bullingdon, because Barry has dreadfully treated his mother in the past, and Bullingdon has long-lasting resentments over this and all else Barry has done. This scene, not being in the book, is etymologically peculiar and I don't know if it's pure coincidence. The disappearing pencil ties back in with the magic show, the drawer which was shown to be empty, and then it produced a white rabbit. Etymologically, a rabbit was once the "young of the coney". Here, Bryan, unable to find his pencil, looks in his drawer, but it's not there.

He tries to claim Bullingdon's and thus begins this fight. Of course, it's perfectly natural for Bryan to look in his drawer for his pencil, but it still connects back to the magic scene through virtue of these drawers and things which disappear and appear via them. The word rabbit became favored over coney "after British slang picked up coney as a punning synonym for cunny 'cunt' compare connyfogle 'to deceive in order to win a woman's sexual favors'. The word was in the King James Bible [Prov. In the Old Testament, the word translates Hebrew shaphan 'rock-badger.

And what of the pencil? Which is why it is sexually peculiar? Because pencil comes from penis from the idea of "little tail". Previous to the rabbit appearing in the empty magic drawer on the stage, a wand had been shown to be sticking out of the open drawer.

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A wand can symbolize the phallus, a rod of power. To complicate matters, "shaphan", as the rock-rabbit, comes from the word saphan, which means to conceal as a valuable treasure. Also, we need to pay attention to the colors here. The rabbit was white, the product of a lesson on the additive colors of the rainbow being white. But that is with light. Pigments, all added together, are black. When Bryan begins looking for his disappearing pencil, before turning to his drawer, he drops his black chalkboard slate onto the floor from his desk.