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John Glasgow, gave me better heart, and inspired me with a longing to get to was sent after the key, and “why I didn't cry,” beat me with it till that was worn out.
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I believed them and didn't cry for the first 2 weeks. In the last weej my mental state has deteriorated very quickly and unexpectedly.

Crying in the Chapel - Wikipedia

I can't stop crying and literally everything hurts my broken heart. Im lucky in that for some reason I've forgotten how thin and frail etc she had gotten before she left.

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I now remember her only the way age was when she was well and the enormity of my loss has hit me like a fright train. I wish i had been told this could happen. Can anyone relate to me and my situation? I can't believe she's gone, i just can't.. Like you, my faith tells me I will meet mum again but now I just feel such loss and the sadness just comes over me like a wave. It is hard to believe our mums are no longer here. I'm hanging onto the fact that my mum wanted to and was ready to go; with the Mylefibrosis, and Alzheimers , all too much for her and quality of life was poor; she always said she didnt want the transfusions and endless tablets.

I am like her, so I kind of understand. That said, it doesnt make it any easier or less of a shock and seeing the loss felt by my dad breaks me. From this site, it seems that people say, you will never get over the loss but there will be a time when it will become easier and less painful, for some it will be quicker than others, no set rules, we all walk the same path in grief but the steps along the way and how we feel will be different.

Your not alone and I feel your pain.

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My wonderful mum has just past in August. I feel lost right now my mum was my world my best friend and soul mate.

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I am dreading Christmas as she loved Christmas time. I feel my mum around 2me all the time but I will always want her back. She did say to me it comes to us all in the end. I cannot wait to see her again and if I didn't have children I would have glady gone sooner.

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Cancer is hell and I wish someone could fine a cure. My mum was full of life and loved life more than me. My Christmas will be sad but for every decoration and candle I light it will be for her and her inspiration and strength she showed us all. Im mums daughter and I will try my hardest to match up to the woman she was and will always be.

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Hi you have been through one of the most painfull things in your life its only a month you just cant prepair yourself for this it sounds like you were a great comfort to your mum and did every thing you could at the begining we are dazed for sometime then it hits i beleive your mums mums still at your side i think they stay for a while before they move to a better place it happend to me so try and take a bit of comfort in that. This rotten feel your having does go how long it varies you will not feel that at the moment it happens so slowly.

She must have been so proud of you for being there with her. I lost my husband suddenly after only 7 weeks of being diagnosed. He died when he became neutropenic so it was very unexpected. I write a diary to my husband every night telling him how I feel and how much I miss him. Be kind to yourself. Your grief is a sign of how much you love someone. When my mum died of cancer at 58 I had 2 yr old triplets and she like you was my rock, my best friend and our family's everything.

I cried in private everyday but my big HIT came while o was paying for my shopping in Tesco 6 months after. My feet literally fell away beneath me. Please get help from your Dr and keep friends near, company is scary but can also be a distraction for your heart to have a rest. I'm sorry you lost your mum. It really is the worst pain when we lose someone we are so close to.

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You are only a month in, and this is the worst time. I won't lie and say that it just goes away. I believe that this is going to be a life long re-adjustment to life without our mums. How can life ever be the same? We just lost the person who brought us into the world, the person who loved us unconditionally no one else in the world can or will ever love us like that , the person who knew and understood us completely because they watched us take our first breath, first steps, first words - they learned all about what made us tick from day one.

No one else can ever know or understand us on that level. To say it is a huge loss simply doesn't even come close to expresing just how deep that loss is. To be honest, five months in I still can't fully process the loss. I'm gaining a bit more clarity in that I'm not in shock anymore. But at the same time, there are still a few concepts that are too painful to fully accept yet, like the fact that I'll never see or talk to her again.

But do stay strong. I cried every day - several times a day for two months. I'd wake up in the middle of the night in shock and pain. I decided to go out for Christmas Eve. I was applying my eye makeup when I hear three raps at my foyer door. I thought it may be my friend, but then opened the door to see Kenneth. He told me he had nowhere else to go and that I was the only person he could turn to—and the only person he could trust. He vowed to take accountability for the hit-and-run. I wanted to believe him. I let him in. I woke up early on Christmas morning and bought fresh Dungeness crab to make eggs Benedict for brunch.

He was back to being the man I fell in love with. Out of the blue, Kenny proposed to me on Jan. I had a sinister feeling in my gut, and yet felt as if I could not say no. A few days later, as I was clearing the table, he began furiously kissing me. I let him have his way with me, silently hoping it would calm him down. Afterward, I told him I was going out to see my friends. I was putting on makeup in the bathroom when I heard rustling in the bedroom. I went to see what was happening just as Kenny flung Raja, my cat, against the wall. I went to get him a glass of water and as I walked back into the room, I saw him loading his Kimber.

His eyes were vacant and far away. I was overcome with chills. Shots rang out and the kitchen door window shattered as I crouched and covered my ears. I turned to shield my face and felt one bullet pierce my right arm. The second one tore through my jaw. I went into the living room to find my phone and saw a gaping hole in my forearm. Then I saw the trail of blood reaching from the kitchen to the couch.

When I screamed for help, and along with my cries, blood, teeth, and tissue came out of my mouth.

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Getting shot was the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to me. An intimate relationship is private. Suddenly, mine was open to public scrutiny.

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I still wrestle with that. I also blamed myself for the shooting and for not being able to subdue Kenny. Society and the system blame me too. I was financially responsible for cleaning up the crime scene. They thought I was trouble. I started to believe them. Maybe I was trouble? He is scheduled to be released from prison in Being a parent is a hard job. Find a way to compromise. My husband is the same way, and always has been a very deep sleeper- we have a 3. My husband was and is the same way. He sleeps through every waking and in the morning asks me how the baby slept.