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Her Name Is Hope - Life Force [Nick Armbrister] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This is Nick Armbrister's third collection of poems and his.
Table of contents

Throughout the movie we've seen Rey's ongoing conflict with Kylo Ren and the First Order tease out the duality within her -- on Pasaana, we see her use the Force to both heal a wounded creature and zap a First Order transport with the same lightning ability Palpatine is known for. She feels love for her friends but also hatred towards Palpatine for killing her parents. Like Luke before her, Rey begins to stray towards the dark side as she gets closer to the Emperor, who wants to corrupt her the same way he did Ben.

Now, as the final battle between the Resistance and the Final Order rages on above her, Rey is faced with the same choice Anakin and Luke had to make: join the Emperor or watch all the people you love die. To refuse to strike down her grandfather and take his place as the new Sith Lord means that the Final Order will completely annihilate what remains of the Resistance. To rise to the throne of the Sith means taking control of the Final Order, saving her friends, but ultimately going down a path she likely can't return from.

With Finn, Poe, and the rest of the Resistance's lives in her hands, Rey makes a difficult choice: she agrees to perform "the ritual" that will guarantee her place on the throne and the safety of her friends. In her long search for a family, Rey has finally found one but it's not the one she expected or particularly wants. She's forced to live up to her true name and join the Palpatine legacy, securing her grandfather's in the process. But just as she's about to strike true and fulfill her destiny as a Sith, an unlikely ally arrives to help Rey defeat the Emperor once and for all.

While Rey is ultimately the "Skywalker" who rises in the culmination of the Sequel Trilogy, The Rise of Skywalker also gives us the return of Ben Solo, who is brought back to life through Leia's final message of love, Rey's mercy, and Han's memory.

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Finally, the light side gets through to Ben right at the moment of Kylo Ren's death. Leia tells him to let go of his hatred, Rey saves his life even though she has no reason to nor does he deserve it , and Han forgives him for his past sins. With both spiritual and physical wounds healed after his climactic duel with Rey, Ben sheds his Kylo Ren guise -- lightsaber, tunic, and cloak -- and dons a questionable sweater to go help the young Jedi on Exegol.

When he arrives in the Emperor's temple, Ben discovers that he's not as welcome on the Sith planet as he once was. The Emperor is aware that Ben has switched sides, leaving behind the First Order, which is now fully at Palpatine's command. Now, at the end of all things, it's the Knights of Ren, Ben's former dark side allies, who stand between him and helping Rey fight the Emperor. Ben proves he's still adept at the Force, even without the dark side on his side, but without his lightsaber, which now lies underwater, abandoned on a moon of Endor, he's no match for these elite warriors.

Here again, Rey saves Ben through their Force connection, sending him Luke's lightsaber right in the nick of time. Have you felt it?

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From the very beginning, the Sequel Trilogy has teased a balance between the light and dark sides, a sort of symbiotic relationship where one can't exist without the other. Every time the Sith, and by extension the dark side, are vanquished, something terrible happens to the Jedi down the line to bring back that balance. When the ancient Sith were defeated before the start of the Skywalker saga, the Republic began to decay and the Jedi were blind to the rise of a new Sith threat, setting off a chain of events that led to the galaxy electing a populist leader that would eventually take over the government and exterminate the Jedi Order.

But as the light of the Jedi diminished, a new hope arose to balance out that darkness. Luke Skywalker, along with the Rebellion, fought back against the Empire and the Sith, defeating the Emperor and bringing peace. Yet, if you believe in this pattern, in this balance in the Force which demands both light and dark sides, then you won't be surprised by what happened next.

Ben Solo turned on Luke's new Jedi Order and destroyed it. The Jedi and the Republic were all but defeated It's the Force's need for balance that brings Rey and Kylo together.

Say Her Name. Say His Name. Say Their Name.

Even though Snoke says he's the one who's facilitated the connection between hero and villain, there's really a higher power at work here. The Rise of Skywalker appropriately introduces the concept of a "Force dyad," a new term in the Star Wars universe that seems to describe this balance between the light and dark sides.

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The real-world definition of the word "dyad" -- "two individuals maintaining a sociologically significant relationship" -- offers a clue as to how the Force dyad works. You should also consider the genetics term "dyad symmetry" which refers to two DNA strands that reverse complement each other. As Ben says in the movie, he and Rey are a dyad -- two sides of the Force connected as one, and we'll soon find out exactly what shape their relationship takes.

For now, accepting this connection and the balance that comes with it is key to bringing down the Emperor. Just as Rey is about to make the decision to join the dark side and become the Empress, Ben shows up to remind her that the light side, and the power of friendship and love, is her strongest ally. The Emperor is the ultimate evil across all three trilogies. He stands between Anakin and Obi-Wan which you could argue is its own dyad -- student and teacher in the prequels and Luke and Darth Vader father and son in the Original Trilogy.

Hope Cooper is a former Air Force medic staff sergeant, but around the National Disabled Veterans Winter Sports Clinic in Snowmass, Colorado, the paraplegic is part camp counselor, part celebrity and all teddy bear.

Rey's Choice

She was a champ! Cooper, of San Antonio, Texas, credits the week-long clinic as helping her redefine her life mission, which is triumph through adversity. The Winter Sports Clinic has been a major catalyst in her spiritual and emotional growth since she first attended in as a shy, withdrawn and depressed Veteran. Cooper returned this year to provide encouragement to newbies and to connect with old friends. During the movie's final celebration, after the victory at Exegol, Jannah goes to Lando.

My Name is Hope Quotes by John Mark Comer

Now, there were rumours that the pair were related Jannah perhaps being Lando's daughter , and this could still be the case. It's left ambiguous, but could Jannah be Lando's daughter? This moment rights that wrong, with Chewie finally recognised for his services across many Star Wars movies We're glad to see the Wookie won this one. This really may be a question for another day — or another spin-off comic-book. Towards the beginning of the movie, Finn says — just as himself, Poe, Rey, C-3PO, Chewbacca, and BB-8 slowly fall through quicksand-like ground — that he has something he needs to tell Rey before they die.

She brings this up after they survive, but Finn decides not to say as Poe is there. Unfortunately, we never find out for sure. Was Finn madly in love with Rey, despite showing interest in both Rose and Jannah? This seems slightly unlikely, despite their obvious chemistry. Instead, we later learn that Finn is Force-sensitive, and can feel when Rey is in danger. Did Finn actually want to reveal that they are connected through the Force? When the Emperor dies, the ships appear to fall with him.

Grant getting blown up — it seems safe to say the Final Order died with them. However, as we know, just because the Emperor is dead does not mean his followers are gone for good. After all, the Empire lived on as the First Order — and we know there are still First Order soldiers in other regions of the galaxy. Perhaps this time, though, hope will prevail.

After all, the Emperor really is dead this time Not only has Palpatine amassed an army on Exegol, but the Sith Lord has gathered up a group of followers to watch him being killed by Rey. The question is, who are they? The simplest answer is that they are just followers — officially called Sith Cultists — who have been keeping Palpatine alive all these years.

In short, yes! As first demonstrated by Rey on both a serpent and Kylo Ren, the Jedi can now use the Force to heal others, giving some of their life-force away in the process.

Hope Sayings and Quotes

This is also how the Emperor returns to full strength — by sucking the life-force from both Rey and Kylo. Kylo — or Ben — also uses up the last of his life-force to bring Rey back to life. Well, you could argue that Force healing is a Sith power, as the Emperor once foretold of being able to cheat death using the Dark Side. Yet, Force healing certainly seems like a Jedi trick to be used for good. Minor The Mandalorian spoiler! Fancy rewatching the Star Wars movies? Image credit: Disney Still here? What does the yellow lightsaber mean? How did the Emperor return? Image credit: Lucasfilm Palpatine's return is only vaguely alluded to by the Sith Lord — he teases he cheated death without ever going into the specifics — but the film lays out a couple of clues.

Why did Rey killing Palpatine not transfer his soul into her?