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Gollywood, Here I Come! By: Terry John Barto Illustrated by: Mattia Cerato Publisher: AuthorHouse. Publication Date: August ISBN:
Table of contents

Honest, Thoughtful Reviews

While a six mile hike is fine and dandy if you know what you're getting into, a lot of the folks who wind up lost in the hills of Griffith Park are tourists, often with very young and very old family members in tow. In the spirit of public interest journalism, here is how you get to the Hollywood Sign:.

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You'll pass by a small market on the way up. Hook a left on Ledgewood Drive, and then keep snaking up the side of the hill. As you're driving up Ledgewood, be on the look out for a sharp right turn basically a U-turn onto Rockcliff Drive. Proceed all the way to the end of Rockcliff before turning left onto Deronda Drive.

REVIEW AND GIVEAWAY – Gollywood, Here I Come! Children’s Book

The public entrance to Griffith Park that's closest to the Hollywood Sign sits at the end of Deronda. Here's a Google Maps link that you can plug right in to your cell-phone. Now, as you may or may not be aware, not all of the folks who chose to live immediately beneath the Hollywood Sign are happy with the likely endless train of people trekking up the mountain. Aside from convincing the city and Google to redirect people to the Griffith Observatory, the good neighbors of Beachwood Canyon also have the habit of placing "Locals Only" signs on various roads throughout the area.

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You may absolutely ignore these signs, and drive on by. The only signs you need to pay attention to are the ones governing parking. Once you've parked, making sure you're not on the side of the street where parking isn't allowed, head up to the top of Deronda, pass under the white arch and start your hike up. Be sure to go to the bathroom and stock up on water before you head up, as there is no development in this part of Griffith Park.

Nickerbacher, The Funniest Dragon By Terry John Barto

I personally recommend walking up the paved road Mt. Lee Drive all the way to the top of Mt. Aside from a degree view of Los Angeles and The Valley, you'll get the unique vantage point of looking down on the back of the Hollywood sign. If you're just there for some quick pictures, saunter your way up the dirt path that branches to the left once you're at the foot of Mt. Lee Drive.

There are other ways to get to the Hollywood Sign as well, some that involve more or less hiking. Just keep what you've learned above the signs! Haplessly lost tourists in Griffith Park, and climbing the side of a hill that doesn't lead to the Hollywood sign.

You can totally ignore this. You cannot ignore these signs.

Reviewed by Jeannine Chartier Hanscom June 17, Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The author of this book provided free copies of the book and paid a small fee to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer.


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