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Hearts is an "evasion-type" trick-taking playing card game for four players, although variations can accommodate between three and six players. The game is also known as Black Lady, Black Maria, Black Widow, and Slippery Bitch, though any of these.
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There is not any imperfect time when it is inappropriate to play Hearts card game. This means that you can play the Hearts card game whenever you have some time to chill. Some prefer to do that late in the evening after a busy day. Others choose to play the Hearts card game during the day while having a break from work or studying. Feel free to make your own choice, having in mind your agenda for the day.

Just remember that every time is the perfect time to play the Hearts card game! Having said that there is no imperfect time for playing the Hearts card game, a frequently asked question arises. What if I am in a hurry and just do not have any free time? Well, arranging your day and having a plan is strongly necessary if you are living a busy life. Consequently, you will have at least a few minutes for a break during the day. If you like to play the Hearts card game, we are sure that you will see the fast-loading speed as a benefit. The lack of registration needed will shorten the process even more.

You only need to register with a nickname and email address if you want to compete with other online players. Hearts is a user-friendly trick-taking game. This is what makes it interesting on a long-term basis. Keeping you active, making decisions and taking risks are the key which makes you want to play the Hearts card game over and over again. The game itself does not take a long time and the more you play, the better player you become. Maybe you can start playing the Hearts card game without registering on the website. However, once you develop your own winning strategy, you will be ready to compete with the other online players.

The stakes are higher when you have the chance to become number one out of top players in the whole world! The deck includes 13 cards of each suit. So you have the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King and Ace, in all four suits - spades, clubs, diamonds, and hearts. The Jokers are excluded from the deck.

HEARTS! | Play Online, Free

The goal of the game is to win by collecting the fewest point cards. Each hearts card is worth one point. The Queen of Spades is special in being worth 13 points, so you really want to avoid collecting it. The player who has the 2 of clubs must start by placing it face-up in the middle of the four players. The person to their left must "follow suit" by playing any one of their club cards. If they do not have a club card, they can play any card except for a point card that is, they cannot play a hearts card or the Queen of Spades.

How to spice it up

More details about this are in the next section. Then the next person to the left follows suit, and finally the last person does. This sequence of 4 cards being played is called a "trick". The person who played the highest-ranking card of the suit that was led clubs, in this case takes the four cards. The person who takes the trick leads the next trick by placing any card from their hand, except a point card, in the middle. You cannot lead with a point card until hearts are broken, as discussed in a following section.

Above, I said that each player must "follow suit" on the first trick by playing a club card. But what if the second player does not have a club card?

Then they can play any card that is not a point card. That means they cannot play the Queen of Spades, nor can they play a hearts card on the first trick unless they have no choice at all because they don't hold any non-point cards in their hand - that would be most unusual!

Card Game Hearts - Rules, Strategy, Examples

They are allowed to play a diamond card, or a spades card, as long as it is not the Queen of Spades. This is only true for the first trick!

If you cannot follow suit after the first trick has been played, then you can play any card from your hand that you want. The last person to play a card didn't have any clubs, so they dumped their diamond Ace on the trick. There is an exception to the rule about not playing point cards on the first trick. Deal and play are clockwise. Each player is dealt a card until everyone has 13 cards in his hand. The players see only their own cards. After all the cards are dealt, the Passing phase begins.

Each player picks three cards from his hand and puts them face down to pass to an opponent. The player who posses the 2 of Clubs is obliged to play it first.

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All players must follow suit if possible. If not, they can play a card from another suit, if certain conditions are met. Whoever plays the highest ranking card that follows the suit wins the trick and leads in the next one.

  • Hearts | card game | Britannica?
  • How to play the Hearts card game?;
  • Card Games/Hearts/Rules.
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However, there are certain restrictions when it comes to playing the Queen of Spades or the Hearts:. Scoring depends on how many penalty cards each player has in the tricks he won.