Guide Funny Picture Stories v1 #4

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Jun 16, - This book has 70 pages and was uploaded by rangerhouse / josemas on June 16, The file size is mb. Publisher is Centaur.
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A single sprite picture needs 12 cells with the sprite - four rows high the four directions and three columns wide for a 3-frame-animation. The regular sprite file is assumed to have eight sprites in it - two lines of four sprites each. You can also see that this sprite contains four different monsters instead of a single monster from four sides - if you use such a sprite in an event, make sure to check "directional fix" to prevent the graphic from changing depending on which direction the event turns.

You can also see some sprites that have a! That doesn't effect the spritesize, but the display of the sprite. Regular sprites are moved 4 pixels up to appear to be walking in the middle of a tile. This is disabled by the!

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Placing move route commands in the content of a parallel process page of an event should only be done in special cases where it's absolutely neccessary to combine the move with other commands, as this will increase the lag of the map. This area contains option for random movement as well as custom move routes, and they're automatically on a form of parallel process that is a lot more effective than a move route on parallel process. However that is only a tiny part of this really powerfull command.

It's also the randomizer of RM control variable : random : number-range and can be used to read data from all parts of the engine control variable : script , or it can be used to access a lot of different game data. To use any of the more advanced options, you usually have to make it a two-step-conditional branch. The first step would be control variable to the data you want to check - for example Control Variable : Game Data : Actor : Level The second step would be a conditional branch on that variable - for example Conditional Branch : Variable : Greater than : Value The example used together would be a way to check that the player can only pass if the actor's level is beyond a minimum number to make sure that he doesn't fails on the first random encounter beyond that door.

It could also be used to check for current HP and trigger healing or how many pieces of a specific item are in inventory without the variable, the conditional branch can only check for 1 or more. The naming and sorting of those slots is NOT random or for random use - if you put a tileset picture into the wrong slot, then the results will be less than satisfactory In the first group, the A stands for Autotile.

There are five different forms of autotile pictures, and each picture can only be used in the correct slot type.

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You might also see pictures for Autotile-slots that are missing some of those tiles - that is because even within a slot, the exact position of the tile changes its function. The entire file definition can be found in the help file.

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The second group with the slots B to E is intended for regular tiles. These slots are interchangable, it doesn't matter if a regular tile picture is placed in slot B or in slot D. The reason for this is a special passability programmed in to allow the game to simulate a two-level-dungeon within a single map - misunderstanding that is one of the possible reasons for "my player walks on walls" - the other reason is described in tip 1 star passability on B1.

When you map any area with the top wall tiles of A4, then the directional passability is set in a way that the player can move on those tiles - but not leave them to get to regular ground floor tiles from A1 or A2. To move between those levels, the developer needs to override the A4-passability - usually by placing one of the "ladder"-Tiles from B on top of a sidewall-tile. That's what those tiles are intended for in the default, interior and dungeon tilesets have them at top, next to the stair tiles : to provide the player with a hint where he can "climb" to the top of those walls.

However, no program is perfect - and the editor can't know if you're placing an overriding tile to intentionally allow the player to move on the topwall, or if you accidentially place it without knowing that the player can use it to move on top of the walls. So if you suddenly find out that the player can move on a wall he isn't intended to be able, then you have to look where on the map such a movement override was placed usually B-tiles to be placed on walls should be set to non-passable, only B-Tiles to be placed on the floor need passability.

An override is either a passable B-Tile on the sidewall like a latter or a passable tile on the edge of the top-wall overriding the directional non-passability with a general passability, like a flower at the edge of a cliff But if you know how to use that levelpassability, you can not only use it for better mazes but also to create places for NPCs where the player can't get to and those NPCs can't leave even when set to random movement - or a few other special uses depending on your game's story.

Some of that passability is described in the resource standard in the help file, but unfortunately not everything. Basically Boat and Ship can only move on some of the tiles in the A1 Tilesheet, but not on everyone - the animated obstacles like the waterfalls or water cliffs are impassable to boats and ships.

Additionally, the deep water tile tile 2 is only passable to the ship, not for the boat. Just think of it this way: if the water is shallow enough to let the player walk through it, then it is too shallow to allow a ship or boat to travel through it. To help solving those problems some users have written so-called antilag scripts to speed up game processing. However, using them without knowing what they do often causes more bugs than are solved. Second, most antilag scripts reduce processing time by stopping events from being processed. This will create problems if that specific event is needed for the map to function puzzle events for example , or if the player increased the screen size without increasing the stop distance.

But that is why the better antilag-scripts allow for exceptions by comments or configuration. Please make sure that you understand how to configure the antilag and how to set exceptions for vital events, and only use antilag scripts AFTER you detect lag, not as an unnecessary precaution. This list not only shows the numbers of the switches and variables those are used internally for identification , but it also has a name field where you can place a name for any variable or switch.

These names are NOT used anywhere in the game, but they are displayed in the editor wherever a switch or variable is used. As soon as you use a variable or a switch, name them there — and give them a name that will tell you exactly what you plan to use that for. The reason for this is that nothing is as difficult to find as a bug as something that is caused by a double used variable — and that can happen faster than you think, because the control commands are not the only parts where switches and variables are used.

If yes, change the default numbers to variables and switches that are still unused in your game, and name them at once to prevent later use of those variables and switches in other game parts. Regularly check the common events if you defined a switch for activating a parallel process or autorun event. By default these special events are triggered by switch 1, which is why you might keep that switch unused through your game. Last edited by a moderator: Jun 19, Silent Darkness Robomage. Andar The link to Chrysalis seems to be throwing a Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, Silent Darkness said:.

Is there anyway to change the overall battle system type? HappyJamz said:. Sorry I am new to these forums so I didn't know. I'll make sure to post questions in a topic. But thank you for replying. Secretplot45 Warper. Thanks for this info. CrypticCuddler Free Hugs.

Jet-Poop -

This information is just what the doctor ordered! Thank you very much for taking the time to compose and post this information for us floundering newbies.

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  5. Since I was a little bored while waiting for work to finish, I decided to read it up Dandydan Veteran. Thanks for this post because as a newbie I dislike jumping into any project. Rather, I need to see the big picture first. Your post helps me in some respects I am attracted to the idea of saving one's best ideas for down the road but does not in other respects. First, I find myself overwhelmed with jargon. Sometimes Google is useful and sometimes it is not. For example, I keep reading about "parallax" gaming but even after Googling the term I still don't understand how it applies to RPG Maker.

    So one thing I sorely need is a good dictionary so I can comprehend the lingo. The second issue I am having is one of integration. So much of what is presented in this forum is disconnected blobs to me. Most of the tutorials are designed for the inexperienced to get a feel for RPG Ace as a tool.

    So they are mostly step-by-step guides. I feel, however, that they are guides leading me down a road that goes nowhere. There is little effort made to discuss how all the parts fit together abstractly. So I find myself wandering from detail to detail without any understanding on the bigger picture.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, Dandydan said:. When will the part 10 tutorial be posted? I am really enjoying them. Caustic Hopped Up on Goofballs. Been stuck in my head for well over a year now All the better to develop rather than rush. Maybe I'll try my hand at the smaller-scale ideas I have. For those who haven't checked this lately: in the last few weeks I continued adding several more explanations and tips, today the tip how to make a two-layer-dungeon on a single map by default. You might want to check this again if you haven't done so in the last few weeks Cadh Veteran.

    It is not just for new users, it also helps those who haven't worked with RM in a while and need a refresher! Has there been any word or indication as to when or if they will finish the VX Ace official tutorial set? I have recently found the Beginner's guide to VX Ace by Vesper, and that looks very thorough, but also very long. I was hoping for a shorter tutorial set that walks through making a simple sample game for my students. The current VX Ace set is unusable - the format is hard for them to follow, and it references many things that you are not shown how to do - so it's useless as is.

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    I am thinking of using the old set of tutorials for VX, but I am not sure if they will be missing out on any great new features in VX Ace if I do so. Any thoughts? You must log in or register to reply here. Latest Threads. About the Trailer? General Discussion. YEP Battle Engine - 'targets. Game Ideas and Prototypes. Latest Posts. Product Discussion and Support.