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Answer: The story of Daniel in the lions' den, recorded in Daniel 6, is one of the most beloved in all Scripture. Briefly, the story involves Daniel, a prophet of the.
Table of contents

Nations rise, nations fall. They come and go. And what happens to the nations is all in the predetermined plan of God for history. Now what is especially thrilling is that the coming and the going of nations has very little to do with the ongoing of the people of God. Babylon has fallen. At the height of its glory, supposedly, the head of gold, the greatest Empire that humanity had ever known, the Medes and the Persians entered the city and without firing a shot, as it were, the whole Empire fell.

But what is amazing about it is that it had little or no impact on what God did with His people, for Daniel rides through the ebb and the flow of nations. And as we come to chapter 6, we enter the second in the great four empire scene in the image of Daniel chapter 2, the Medo-Persian Empire, the breast and the arms of silver. He was a prime minister of Babylon, and he will equally be the prime minister of Medo-Persia. And it excites me to think about that. Because I see today, across America and even around the world, a preoccupation among many Christian peoples with the preservation of certain nations, even our own.

Daniel and the Lion’s Den – 10 Must Know Bible Stories

Nations are like one drop that spills out of a bucket. When God sets about to weigh out the history of humanity, the nations are not the issue. And when God pours out the floods of the flow of His redemptive plan, one drop is inconsequential. The nations are drops. They are dust. God rules in history. And nations may come and nations may go, even our own.

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The people of God go through the rise and the fall of nations. They transcend. And we see that in Daniel. Babylon is fallen. The head of gold is crushed. The times of the Gentiles is moved into phase two, but Daniel is right where God wants him, and God is unencumbered by the decisions of men. Nebuchadnezzar, of course, had a habit of putting his name on every brick that he put into the buildings of Babylon.

So we see Daniel surviving, and in chapter 6, we find him in the midst of the Medo-Persian Empire. Now, I want some key words to take us through this text. We want to get to the climax and then draw some practical implications. The first one is promotion, promotion. And that deals with verses He set over these hundred and twenty satraps, or territorial leaders, three chiefs to whom they reported. Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm.

Now, there we find the promotion. Notice, first of all, that we meet Darius. Now, Darius is a very elusive person because we have no extra-biblical data in existence to tell us anything about Darius.

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We find nobody at that particular point in history who is named Darius. Now, some scholars feel that Darius is another name for a king by the name of Gubaru, Gubaru, who was not really a king, but was really someone appointed under Cyrus as kind of a ruler of the territory of Babylon. Cyrus, being the great monarch of the whole Empire of Medo-Persia, appointed this Gubaru as the one to rule in Babylon. And some say that this word Darius is just another name for Gubaru. But an explanation that I prefer is that Darius is just another name for Cyrus, just another name for Cyrus.

Because the word Darius is a title. It is a title. We find the word Darius, for example, used on inscriptions in archeology for at least five different Persian rulers. And so, we could assume, then, that it is just a title given to Cyrus. And if you look at , you might get some little help on that. Now, if you back up into chapter 6, you find that Darius sets over the kingdom princes, and it seems to me that if he were doing that he would have to be bigger than some localized ruler in Babylon.

I believe he is seen then as the Medo-Persian monarch Cyrus, just by another official title. The very fact that he had to set up princes would indicate that he had to have a broader dimension of rule than just Babylon itself, just the city-state of Babylon. So, we meet, then, this man Cyrus, perhaps best seen behind the name Darius. He is a capable man. He is an intelligent man.

He is an effective man in terms of organization and structure. Or, we could see it as the word first, and meaning that he was the first one chosen, or he was the first in rank. And, of course, attitude pervades everything we do. This is a commendable thing, a right attitude. But Daniel had more than that going for him. He had experience. I mean, he had lived through the last regime as the prime minister. He had wisdom, wisdom like nobody else had.

Daniel and the Lions’ Den

He had a sense of history. He had apparently dramatic leadership ability, if what he was able to do in the lives of the three young men earlier in the book is any indication of the model that he set. He had administrative ability and was given responsibility on a wide and far-reaching basis. What a man.


God put him right where He wanted him. God allowed Darius to recognize the capability of Daniel, and to put him in a very strategic place, a place of influence. The decree of Cyrus, the 70 years of Babylonian captivity was up, and Cyrus gave that decree that he go back - rather that the Jews go back. And I really believe that Daniel was the one who was the great influence on him to that extent. So, we see again Daniel.

But this time, rather than looking at him as a young man, as we have been in the past, we see him as a very old man. And he was still the choice of the king to be the prime minister.

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You know, the power of a virtuous life extends into old age. Lee who was a great preacher in the south. And Robert G. Lee added some fortifying statistics, by the way, that ought to bless and encourage any of you who are pushing 90 or This is what he said. Twenty-five percent continued beyond 70, twenty-two and a half percent beyond 80, and six percent beyond Consider what has been done by men beyond Michelangelo, at 89, executed his Last Judgment, perhaps the most famous single picture in the world.

John Wesley preached with almost undiminished eloquence at 88, closing at that remarkable age, the most remarkable career of his time, having traveled a quarter of a million miles in an age that knew neither electricity nor steam, and he had delivered, someone estimated, 4, sermons, and written volumes and volumes of books. Wright, at 90, was considered a creative architect. Shaw was writing plays at Grandma Moses was painting at Penny, the great Christian, was working strenuously at his desk at And God put him right where He wanted him and the politics of Medo-Persia had little to do to withstand it.

Second word - the first is promotion; the second is plot, verses Whenever a man is lifted up by the Lord to a place of prominence, he falls into certain difficulty. The man who succeeds is a man who works, the man who slaves, who labors. He is chained. If he is a musician, he is fastened to his piano. If he is an artist, he is fastened to his canvas. If he is a preacher, he is fastened to his books and his prayers. If he is an author, it is his manuscript.