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American Haiku: This is Roger Madon and this is what I think. [Roger Madon] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This book is a transliteration.
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Wisconsin voters however were undeterred in their belief that since private sector unions already had the right to collectively bargain with their employers since under the National Labor Relations Act the time was ripe to provide the same rights to public sector unions. Now we have come full circle. Yesterday, after nearly half a century of collective bargaining in the public sector, the state Senate in Wisconsin repealed this right by a vote of 18 to 1.

Union protesters have converged upon the capital angry and frustrated unwilling to accept the inevitable.

American Haiku: This is Roger Madon and this is what I think.

Those who expressed caution in have now been proved correct. The wolf has been eating the hens and the hen house is nearly empty. Today the bill goes to the Assembly and then to Governor Scott Walker for his signature. So what does all this mean to the great American experiment? Unlike China or Russia which have autocratic governments, or even seemingly democratic countries such as France or Germany the American system of democracy has the American people providing the first word and the last word.

Today, in Madison, Wisconsin, notwithstanding the anger and anguish of the public sector employee protesters, the American people will have the last word.

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If the American people are asking this question in November of President Obama will serve only one term. Then, after the United States obtained UN approval to engage our armed forces, he makes no attempt to come before the American people and explain the basis of his action. Just to give some clarity to this the United States has not been militarily involved in any other country or region during the same period. It is obvious therefore that those countries or regions that adhere to the Islamic faith, and especially located near or in the Middle East, have become a cauldron of revolution and rebellion.

Tomorrow night, finally, the President of the United States will be addressing the American people about why we are now fighting in Libya.

American Haiku by Roger Madon - Book - Read Online

The American people sense that this president lacks a vision when it comes to our role on the world stage. Will he actually come to the American people tomorrow and explain that the Libyan campaign is nothing more than a one-off? But does he have the courage, or better yet the insight, to come before the American people and explain what as a candidate he denied: America is at war with a resolute enemy which promotes a theocratic, virulent Islamic vision for world governance. Yesterday the New York Times ran a front page op-ed article in its Sunday Review section, written no less by a committed Democrat, holding forth that Barack Obama deserves to be a one term president.

In politics nothing happens by accident. Drew Weston, professor of psychology at Emory University, author of the op-ed article states that President Obama is simply not up to the task by virtue of his lack of experience and a character defect that might not have been so debilitating at some other time history. Was this written by Shawn Hannity or Professor Weston? Did I read this right? This is a full professor at an established American university committed to socialist policies excoriating in an esteemed, notwithstanding socialist, American newspaper a sitting socialist president of the United States.

Can it be that the Democratic Party, knowing they have a loser in Barack Obama has a sent a signal, a frantic, desperate flash into the sky, a message, if you will, printed in the most revered Democratic organ, that the Party is in search of a different leader to run for president in ?

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But there seems to be no doubt that he is a committed socialist. The mid-term campaign is finally over and the American electorate, in its infinite wisdom, cauterized the bleeding of the body politic by placing control of the House of Representatives into the hands of the much maligned Republican Party. But the victory was so overwhelming that the election bean counters attribute it to the utter unqualified dissatisfaction with the President. If there is anything that has characterized the first 2 years of the Obama administration it is the promotion and passage of Federal legislation that has placed the government at the center of economic activity in America.

In commenting on this government takeover Republican Senator Mitch McConnell, minority leader of the Senate, characterized the results of the last election as a restraining order. Already there is talk of a government shutdown when the issue of expanding the debt ceiling soon comes before this Congressional session.

The last time this threat of a government shutdown occurred was in But then the American people abandoned the Republicans and blamed them for being unnecessarily obstinate and churlish.

Meaning of "birther" in the English dictionary

President Clinton at the time was thought to be a one term president, especially after a similar Republican takeover of Congress. But the American people blinked, Republicans failed to meet the budget challenge and President Clinton was re-elected in Will this time be any different? I think it will. In the American people thought they were voting against the unwillingness of the ruling party, the Republicans, to address some very serious issues facing the country: health care, social security and an ever mounting overpowering debt.

To top it off the American people were furious with a government mortgage policy, which they blamed on the incumbent party that literally brought our economy to a standstill. The policies and legislation of the th Congress, totally controlled by the Socialist wing of the Democratic Party along and a Socialist and inexperienced president expanded the countries debt trillions of dollars and with no plan to reduce it.

Deficits are now predicted as far as the eye can see. As many of you know who have listened to me over these many months I have disagreed with President Obama on numerous issues. However, on one point I vehemently agree with his position and the strategies he has adopted to implement them. However there is one area of government policy developed while President Bush was in office which President Barack Obama has not only adopted but enlarged upon and strengthened, and that is his policy of national security.

Oh I know you are going to remind me of the fact that immediately after his inauguration President Obama signed an Executive Order to shut down Gitmo. And he decided to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in Federal court rather than in a military tribunal. He has been undaunted in his policy toward Afghanistan and even created his own surge of troops leaving his supporters on the Left angry and confused.

Moreover he has expanded the use of drones and has been killing al Qaeda and Taliban notwithstanding international criticism.

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He refuses to give up the option of keeping captured terrorists in jail indefinitely. Holy Kamoly! Upload Sign In Join. Home Books Politics. Save For Later. Create a List. Summary This book is a transliteration of a audio presentations which were prepared for radio and were heard by millions of listeners througout the country. Read on the Scribd mobile app Download the free Scribd mobile app to read anytime, anywhere.

A country at war It is one thing for a rich country to share a border with a poor country. This is Roger Madon and this is what I think.

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A dollar short Last night, at George Washington University, Barack Obama gave the best speech he ever gave during his entire term as president. A dose of reality For the first time in decades, observing our politicians in Washington dealing with the recent raising of the debt ceiling, Americans received a solid dose of reality. These are times when a grown man, even in his sixties, would like to talk to his mother. A new day for public sector unions There is something exciting and enticingly different about our beloved country.

A president of the U. Habit of spending. He died on my birth day. High priests defrocked. Holder and Arizona law.

See a Problem?

How do Republicans win in I have never met a poor Socialist. If His Surname Werent Bush. Immigration Arizona. Immigration II. Irans atomic bomb. Israel and Obama II. Israels Borders.

It is a tale of two countries. It is in our vital national interest to reduce conflicts. It is unseemly to hit a man when he is down. Jews in wonderland. John Kerry on the hunt.