Microsoft FrontPage Interview Questions, Answers and Explanations: Web Development with Microsoft Fr

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How much importance they place in optimizing web applications Understanding of tools they can use to analyze website speed Evidence they have successfully reduced load time Example: My go-to tool for evaluating site speed is Google PageSpeed Insights. In one instance, I successfully reduced page load time from 2. A web developer can appreciate how it makes applications simpler and faster by reducing load times and improving communication between browsers and servers.

In what programming languages are you proficient? Familiarity with coding languages Level of interest in specific languages Fit with the role and company Example: I would love to expand my web developer skills to include Python and am currently researching the right Python course to take in my free time. What steps do you take to balance demanding client requirements? Performance under pressure Communication skills Commitment to releasing high-quality products Example: Keeping a client pleased is a high priority, although I am not interested in producing buggy code and taking ineffective shortcuts to damage the final product.

I keep the client informed of my progress and work efficiently to complete the task. Ready for an interview? These controls work similar to other Web server controls. Aggregate dependency allows multiple dependencies to be aggregated for content that depends on more than one resource. In such type of dependency, you need to depend on the sum of all the defined dependencies to remove a data item from the cache. User controls can be dynamically loaded by adding a Web User Control page in the application and adding the control on this page.

What type of code, client-side or server-side, is found in a code-behind file of a Web page? A code-behind file contains the server-side code, which means that the code contained in a code-behind file is executed at the server. In the Role-based security, you can assign a role to every user and grant the privilege according to that role. Therefore, all the organization and applications use role-based security model to determine whether a user has enough privileges to perform a requested task.

The PlaceHolder control acts as a container for those controls that are dynamically generated at runtime. We cannot see it at runtime because it does not produce any visible output. It used only as a container. To enable impersonation in the web. Which method has beenintroduced in ASP. The following code snippet is an example of the RedirectPermanent method:. NET Web page to store the value of a page and its controls just before posting the page.

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Once the page is posted, the first task by the page processing is to restore the ViewState to get the values of the controls. It stores the files, such as classes, typed data set, text files, and reports. If this folder is not available in the application, you can add this folder. MVC pattern concerns on separating the content from presentation and data-processing from content.

Razor was designed specifically for view engine syntax. Main focus of this would be to simplify and code-focused templating for HTML generation. Below is the sample of using Razor:. Instead of using events like onclick and onsubmit, the unobtrusive JavaScript attaches to elements by their ID or class based on the HTML5 data- attributes. ViewModel is a plain class with properties, which is used to bind it to strongly typed view. ViewModel can have the validation rules defined for its properties using data annotations. Routing is a pattern matching mechanism of incoming requests to the URL patterns which are registered in route table.

Actions are the methods in Controller class which is responsible for returning the view or json data. This is introduced in MVC5. In this type of routing, attributes are being used to define the routes. This type of routing gives more control over classic URI Routing. Attribute Routing can be defined at controller level or at Action level like —.

This is useful in Ajax scenarios like client templates and data binding that need to post data back to the server. Dependency Resolver again has been introduced in MVC3 and it is greatly simplified the use of dependency injection in your applications. This turn to be easier and useful for decoupling the application components and making them easier to test and more configurable. Many bundles are added by default including jQuery libraries like — jquery. In action method we are setting the value for viewdata and in view the value will be fetched by typecasting.

ViewBag is a wrapper around ViewData, which allows to create dynamic properties. Advantage of viewbag over viewdata will be —. TempData is again a key, value pair as ViewData. TempData is used when the data is to be used in two consecutive requests, this could be between the actions or between the controllers. This requires typecasting in view. HTML Helpers are like controls in traditional web forms. But HTML helpers are more lightweight compared to web controls as it does not hold viewstate and events.

Confirm — This is used to specify the message which is to be displayed in confirm box.

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Layout pages are similar to master pages in traditional web forms. This is used to set the common look across multiple pages. Section are the part of HTML which is to be rendered in layout page.

Top 100 Microsoft Dot Net Interview Questions

If any child page does not have this section defined then error will be thrown so to avoid that we can render the HTML like this —. RenderBody is like ContentPlaceHolder in web forms. Layout page will have only one RenderBody method. This page is used to make sure common layout page will be used for multiple views. Code written in this file will be executed first when application is being loaded.

RedirectToAction — To Redirect to different action which can be in same controller or in different controller. ActionResult is used to represent the action method result. Below are the subtypes of ActionResult —. In MVC all public methods have been treated as Actions. Below is the sample code snippet to demonstrate more —. Unlike code expressions that are evaluated and sent to the response, it is the blocks of code that are executed.

This is useful for declaring variables which we may be required to be used later. IsAjax property gets a value that indicates whether Ajax is being used during the request of the Web page. SelectedProduct, new SelectList Model. These attributes will be used for server-side validation and client-side validation is also supported. Four attributes — Required, String Length, Regular Expression and Range are used to cover the common validation scenarios. This method is used to render the specified partial view as an HTML string.

This method does not depend on any action methods. We can use this like below —. This method does not return anything void. This method also does not depend on action methods. The scaffolding will be knowing the naming conventions used for models and controllers and views.

Can a view be shared across multiple controllers? If Yes, How we can do that? Yes, we can share a view across multiple controllers. When we create a new MVC Project we can see the Layout page will be added in the shared folder, which is because it is used by multiple child pages.

Microsoft Dot Net Interview questions

Defaults — When loading the application which controller, action to be loaded along with the parameter. PartialView is similar to UserControls in traditional web forms. For re-usability purpose partial views are used. Partial Views can be rendered in following ways.

Frontend job interview - Questions

Microsoft, after all, found it expedient to acquire FrontPage rather than assign a team of programmers to reinvent it. An open source standard is even harder to dislodge or control: Bill Gates originally hoped that Microsoft could make its Word document format displace the HTML format as the standard for web-based publishing, but soon had to admit that HTML was not going to go away.

Thus Vermeer and its software designers had a big problem. They had to create a version 1. They also had to have plans for versions 2. Without upgrades and revenue from upgrades you do not have a future revenue stream. And they had to--somehow--lock consumers into FrontPage, so that when they did wish upgrade they would find it very expensive to upgrade to anything other than the latest version of FrontPage.

Ferguson is acid about Netscape's failure to appreciate the need to lock-in--or even identify--its customers, and attributes much of their difficulties to this. Perhaps Ferguson's most successful long-run contribution from the standpoint of Microsoft's bottom line was to manage to create a software architecture that did achieve a substantial amount of lock-in.

The server-side extensions of Microsoft FrontPage do indeed make it very expensive for users who have utilized these advanced features to shift to any other program. Moreover, it appears to be difficult to install the server-side features on any machine that is not running Microsoft's Internet Information Server--there appears to be lock-in not only over time, but between different Microsoft programs as well. But this lock-in makes users' lives more difficult: It is, Ferguson thinks, definitely not in users' or in America's interest for Microsoft to take its two current effective monopolies--in operating systems and office productivity suites--and add to them three more monopolies, in browser software, in web development tools, and in server software.

Yet when Ferguson looks back on the impact of Vermeer, he sees it as having accomplished three things: And this third worries policy-analyst Ferguson very much, for he thinks that the world is ill-served by a Microsoft dominant across many different software markets. Ferguson sees Microsoft's business model as based on two principles: The first is accomplished through embrace-and-extend. Microsoft initially embraces a standard proposed by others. Then it cuts its price to or beyond the bone in order to gain a significant market position. Then it extends the standard in proprietary ways that its competitors cannot easily match.

And it winds up with an effective monopoly. The second is accomplished by Microsoft--in cooperation with Intel, and usually some PC manufacturers--making sure that new hardware functions are standardized in an open, non-proprietary way. This produces a hardware industry with a high degree of interoperability that is ruthlessly competitive.

And because competition means that users spend less on hardware, they have more to spend on Microsoft. Hence his policy recommendation: If this is not accomplished, Ferguson fears, progress and innovation will slow as Microsoft ossifies, and we all will be the poorer for it. Ferguson's fear of Microsoft is built on the insight that "the key prize in high technology is proprietary control of an industry standard" [24], an insight that he arrived at in It was this insight that led him to place so much stress on protecting intellectual property and creating lock-in while he was running Vermeer.

It worked, and made him rich. Call this the "Microsoft Vision," for it was the proprietary-standard lock-in possibility created by Vermeer's server side extensions that made Vermeer worth so much to Microsoft. Moreover, there was the possibility that perhaps the server side extensions could be made to work more easily and effectively with Microsoft's Internet Information Server and other Microsoft software than with competing products.

Thus Ferguson's current fear of Microsoft is the product of much the same mindset that made Microsoft think that Ferguson's company was a valuable acquisition, for Microsoft certainly believes in the Microsoft Vision. Yet perhaps this insight has outlived its usefulness. Perhaps what worked--gloriously, for Ferguson--in the s will not work ten years from now. As we at least look at Microsoft today, other than the possibility of action by the Justice Department, its principal competitive threat and restraint--in the operating system business at least--is not Apple or Sun but is the open source Movement and its freeware operating system, Linux.

That open source vision may or may not come to provide serious long-run competition for the Microsoft Vision. It may or may not provide long-run constraints on Microsoft's profitability and market power. But it seems fair to ask that any discussion of market structure and competition policy in the software industry address the issue of competition from Open Source software. The Open Source movement has interesting properties that suggest to us it is worth taking seriously.

Essentially volunteer software development would seem particularly vulnerable to the tragedy of the commons, but open source has evolved a number of strategies that at least ameliorate and may even overcome this problem. One is the now-familiar ways in which open source authors gain status and participate in a sort of online gift-exchange. As Microsoft's failed attempt to replace html with Word's. Similarly, from the user perspective, open source provides at worst a mixed blessing.

The absence of the prospect of an enormous payout may retard the development of new features, and also reduce the richness of the feature set. However, since most people apparently use a fairly small subset of the features provided by major packages open source may make proprietary designer add-ons both technically feasible and economically rational.

Open source may also revise slower, arguably a blessing these days, but it tends to be very stable e. Customer support may be no worse under open source, as provided by a combination of dedicated, even obsessed, volunteers sometimes the designers themselves and value-added aftermarket commercial opportunists. Indeed, one of the great strengths of the open source movements, albeit one not always endorsed by its hard-core devotees, is the extent to which it creates opportunities for market-driven complementary products and services that are much more difficult to provide for proprietary solutions.

Thus, for example, Red Hat can make a successful business providing easy to install Unix and technical support in a way that is all but inconceivable for a supplier of Windows 98 assistance. Ultimately, Open Source stands a good chance to provide a counterpoint to the Microsoft Vision because it offers a different and apparently viable solution to the "problems" of high fixed costs, of non-transparency, and even "non-excludibility".

The fixed cost problem is solved by spreading the cost to all the participants in Open Source development. Since no one can control the standard, and the point of the exercise is to allow competing products to bloom, there is no need for secrecy, and the paranoia level can go down. All providers in the software market are assured that their access to it will remain. The non-transparency problem is not eliminated, since predicting the future is as hard as ever, but users can be reassured that the openness of the source means that if they desperately need a feature they can pay someone to code it for them.

Open source even alleviates what economists call the non-excludiblity problem. In normal software markets the manufacturer has a very difficult time making sure that only those with valid licenses are running programs. Sophisticated copy protection systems go haywire enough and cause enough hassles for legitimate users that they have all but vanished in the course of the past two decades. And in the absence of such copy protection schemes manufacturers are reduced to relying on users' respect for manufacturers' intellectual property rights to produce a consistent revenue stream.

In open source, the revenues cannot come from traditional intellectual property rights alone. One must provide some sort of other value, be it help desk, easy installation, or extra features in order to be paid. The danger that one may not be paid at all is the Achilles heel of the Open Source vision, and the reason why we are not prepared to say it will necessarily predominate.

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Ferguson's blind spot about Open Source software is surprising since his entire business--his entire business model--depended on Open Source software several times over. As he notes, critical to the development of the Internet was the adoption of servers based on the UNIX operating system [53]. It may be telling that Ferguson found Berners-Lee "unrealistic" when he first met him, and slams the W3C consortium that Berners-Lee joined as a "rather useless, nonprofit Web standards group.

There is a sense in which the characteristics that made Ferguson a successful entrepreneur both strengthen and weaken this book. They strengthen the book by providing street credibility and consistency checking. Ferguson-the-business-analyst gives Ferguson-the-entrepreneur a much more intelligible voice than enterpreneurs possess by providing both a framework to organize the narrative and clear well-written prose. They weaken the book because they lead Ferguson to be so d sure of everything, to see sharp lines between black and white. An intolerance for ambiguity, a refusal to recognize uncertainty both beforehand and in retrospect--these are characteristics that made Ferguson an excellent and decisive entrepreneur.

But they also make readers of the book unsure as to just how strongly they should hold the conclusions Ferguson reaches, and unsure just how strong the evidence for those conclusions is. Does he really want us to believe that in Janet Reno had no one working for her who understood high-tech and Microsoft? Ferguson reports that his track record as a consultant and policy analyst has been uneven. He thought at the time that IBM's hire of Lou Gerstner was a disaster, he greatly underestimated the value of the Silicon Valley system, and he overplayed the Japanese threat to America's comparative advantage in high-tech industries.

Will his next book, in a decade or so, begin with an admission that he failed to recognize that Open Source had achieved a state of maturity that vastly undermined the value of "proprietary control of industry standards"? We are not sure. But we find our confidence in his analytical judgment is somewhat reduced by the fact that he doesn't find Open Source worth thinking about. And we also find ourselves somewhat disappointed: Just read your draft review of my book. You're certainly right that I'm opinionated. I have, however, thought about open source software, and I believe that I discuss it in the book; I am pretty sure that I discuss Linux at least briefly.

I'd be happy to talk with you about that, or anything else. Many thanks, though, for taking the time to think about the book carefully. I would welcome a chance to chat; I live half time in Berkeley. To view the entire article, go to http: To the surprise of nobody--except, apparently, the stock market--Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson has ruled that Microsoft violated the antitrust laws. The Justice Department and states must now recommend remedies; Jackson must decide; and then his decision, if sustained upon appeal, must be implemented. I'm not a lawyer; I pass on the strictly legal issues.

But for the good of both consumers and industry, a major structural solution is called for. But if such major surgery is to be undertaken, it is important to do it correctly. Microsoft should be split into its technologically natural components--operating systems, applications and possibly a third company for Internet services. For the record, most of my wealth consists of Microsoft stock. This review is from: I've been tempted by each new version of FrontPage because it makes many tedious and complex Web site development tasks very easy to do.

All that power to crank out high quality, high function Web sites has lured me to try again and again. For example, FrontPage generates very attractive Web pages. It comes with a large set of esthetically pleasing style templates, artwork, and fonts. If you change your mind, it is easy to switch templates and experiment.

The FrontPage page editor is better than ever, and supports all kinds of drag-and-drop items that greatly simplify creating and using Web forms and updating databases. But FrontPage is not focused on creating individual Web pages; its purpose is to help you build and run Web sites. For simple Web sites, that is good news. It means that someone without much training can quickly design, develop, and publish an attractive Web site.

FrontPage provides many ready-made solutions; you just pick the one closest to your needs, customize it to look the way you want, and plant your flag on the Internet. Although the template and wizard approach can get you up and running quickly, the FrontPage developers I've talked with say that the more complex a Web site is, the harder it is to use templates. Unfortunately, the templates are not customizable and do not scale well.

My own experience is that templates make for a great demo, but are not usable for many Web applications. So if you are going to have to get down and dirty to use FrontPage for non-trivial Web projects, just how good is FrontPage as a Web site programming tool? FrontPage does not want to be a tool; it wants to be the solution. That is the source of my continuing frustration with FrontPage, and it's why I've tried and quit using previous versions. To use FrontPage effectively, you must understand and agree to use the framework of the Web site it generates. If that framework is a good fit for the Web site you want to build, FrontPage is the right product for the job at hand.

Just remember that FrontPage is not a tool, it is an architecture and a methodology. In fairness, I must say that FrontPage is more flexible, adaptable, and powerful than any previous version. The Microsoft online support is better, and there are some very good free online tutorials. Provided that you have a high-speed Internet connection, you should be quite pleased with all the extra FrontPage documentation and goodies available from the support site. I found one quirk in FrontPage that caught me by surprise. Microsoft classifies FrontPage as a member of the Office product family, so to download FrontPage security patches and program fixes, you have to go to the office.

The quirk is this: The Office update wizard kept prompting me to load the original CDs for the old versions. I found this very annoying, especially since I was not interested in getting updates for the other programs in the Office suite. In my opinion, there should be a way to get FrontPage updates without going through the Office update wizard. It has excellent chapters on how FrontPage really works, best development practices, lots of good tips and techniques, and it will help you avoid common problems. I have worked with FrontPage since version 97, which was, overall, a real stinker.

I have also worked with Dreamweaver since its earliest versions. In times past, FrontPage has largely been the site management and application development leader of the two, while Dreamweaver was much better at templating and all of the eye candy, like mouseover images, that we have become so fond of using in our sites. Having said that, FrontPage is a great step in the right direction. Here are my feelings, broken down:. Site Management has improved in FrontPage , although the most bang for the buck will be Enterprise users who have decided to use SharePoint Portal Server in their organization.

Much of the new data functionality relies on SharePoint. What this means is FrontPage gives a lot more power for those in the Microsoft world. Note that it is still backwards compatible with frontPage extensions, for those without SharePoint. Much of the work in this area is like Dreamweaver and it is a mixed bag. On the positive side, behaviors are more flexible in FrontPage; on the negative, there are still many missing from FrontPage. The major behaviors are there, however, so I would give FrontPage a plus here.

Microsoft has always lead the charge in this area and FrontPage is no exception. For developers interested in altering the code created, everything is accessible. The death of FrontPage extensions are the reason, so those with backward compatible sites will have to deprecate some features if they use webbots. The small price is well worth the gain. FrontPage has much greater support for CSS than previous versions, and is especially useful for those who like to work with graphical tools or those who like to work with code.

The tag explorer, in Dreamweaver, wins for those who sit in the middle, however. The ability to go back and forth from code to design and retain positioning is a real godsend. This feature exists in Dreamweaver, as well, so it is not as stellar as some of the other tools. One of the nicest tools is the tag explorer, that allows you to see the nesting of your currently selected tag and easily navigate up and down the tree.

In addition, there is a code editor that lets you isolate on a specific tag and use Intellisense to code its attributes. There is also a tool that allows you to quickly find a closing tag, which is a godsend for any developer working with nested HTML tables. Themes are much more easily edited in FrontPage , which allows designers to alter templated sites to make nice looking custom built sites very quickly. FrontPage also has the ability to create "master page" style templates which are, possibly a surprise, fully compatible with Dreamweaver MX.

That pretty much covers the major features. Overall, I like the FrontPage methodology of using a side pane that focuses on the task at hand over Dreamweavers sliding tool palette, although I know people that are more fond of the Dreamweaver IDE. As this does not apply to as many users, it is not reason enough to shy away from Dreamweaver. As I use both, I do not want to shy away from either, but here is how I would stack it up. FrontPage wins with its table designer, Intellisense, coding aids esp. NET and flexibility in behaviors.

Dreamweaver still wins with the number of eye candy features, strength of its added CSS tools and its flexibility in coding models nice for developers who work in more than one language - Java, ColdFusion, ASP and ASP. Randy will share with us the heady story of how he and Charles H. Ferguson founded Vermeer Technologies, Inc. The Internet was starting to be adopted by businesses, and a new infrastructure called the World Wide Web was being formed.

The big missing piece was a powerful, visual authoring tool for creating, maintaining, and administering whole web sites, and their individual pages. It was a great success, winning many industry awards, and praises from customers. Two weeks before product release, and just 18 months since founding, Vermeer was approached separately on the same day by Netscape and Microsoft, both of whom wished to acquire the company.

It was an agonizing decision.

The start-up veterans at Vermeer had longed to go it alone with an IPO, but the two largest software companies in the Internet were intent on entering the same product space by acquiring FrontPage or creating similar products themselves. Vermeer agreed to be purchased by Microsoft, and it was unquestionably the right call. This was the first big Internet acquisition, and the story made the cover of the Wall Street Journal and the other major newsweeklies, with about 50 million people seeing the story on network TV news. It was an exhilarating and intimidating high-speed roller coaster ride.

The early history of the company was instructional and exciting. Microsoft FrontPage is the Web site creation and editing component of the Office system we review in this issue "Microsoft Office But unlike all previous versions, which were sold either separately or with the rest of the suite, the newest version can only be bought as a separate package. Many advanced features, like Web logs and data-driven news pages, require Microsoft's SharePoint services.

Sleek new features make the highly automated, business-oriented FrontPage worth the upgrade. A more efficient interface eliminates the vertical Views bar and replaces it with a tabbed interface on the editing screen, giving you quick access to site management and editing features. A remote-site view has been added to the site management tabs, so you don't have to open a separate Publish dialog. New accessibility checking finds code that may cause problems for vision-impaired visitors, but on our tests, this generated some annoying false positives.

And some long-term frustrations remain, such as keyboard shortcuts that are inconsistent with older Office applications. A new Button Builder adds mouse-over actions to navigation bars. Complex page layouts are built with the new Layout Table feature, which positions text and graphics in a table-like framework visible in the editing screen but not in a browser. Sites being built by a collaborative group can use layout templates in which all but specified regions are uneditable, like locked cells in a spreadsheet.

A Tracing Image feature lets you take a mockup image of your site and view it as a semi-transparent layer behind the editing screen, allowing you to position page elements manually to match their locations on the mockup. Macromedia Dreamweaver MX may offer more powerful CSS features and easier access to controls over graphic-intensive sites, but FrontPage remains first choice for small-business and school-based site building. Microsoft FrontPage lacks a manual, and some sites may not display properly in browsers other than Internet Explorer.

ISPs must have FrontPage extensions to enable some features. If you need a midlevel Web site design app, Microsoft FrontPage is a good choice, but professionals should use Macromedia Dreamweaver instead. Microsoft FrontPage is a Web site design and management application that ships with some versions of the Microsoft Office suite and is also available as a stand-alone program.

As part of the Microsoft Office family, FrontPage has an interface that will look familiar to users of other Microsoft products. FrontPage's excellent hooks to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Photo Editor will allow you to painlessly integrate snippets from other programs. But bear in mind that some of the features, such as form processing, themes, hit counters, database features, bulletin boards, security, search forms, and subwebs, will work only if your host ISP offers FrontPage extensions.

And if you want the latest in cutting-edge Web technology, Macromedia Dreamweaver MX is a better but pricier choice. The working area of FrontPage is a central display braced by panels on either side. A folder list on the left lets you choose the pages you wish to edit. The multifunctional panel on the right presents themes, help, clip art, behaviors, table design, and other items that you can insert onto a page. The central area features a Split view that simultaneously displays windows for design and code.

Changes made in one window are automatically reflected in the other, providing an excellent way to check the effects of design tweaks and coding. Tabs at the top of the display allow you to navigate through the entire site or individual pages. Crafting tabbed pages is easy with FrontPage. Two panels help with this task: The popularity of FrontPage brings the total number of users of FrontPage to more than 3 million, highlighting the growing demand for commercial and personal Web sites and reinforcing the widespread popularity of FrontPage among a broad set of customers, including Web professionals, small-business users and people creating personal Web sites.

In addition to its early success as a standalone product, FrontPage has been a key driver in the success of Office Premium, the newest member of the Microsoft Office suite family. Office Premium, which includes FrontPage and PhotoDraw TM business graphics software in addition to the applications found in Office Professional, has achieved nearly 25 percent of retail Office suite sales in its first four months. Microsoft's channel partners are also highlighting the success of FrontPage and Office Premium. One of the key factors driving the success of FrontPage is its increasing popularity in large organizations and small businesses.

As businesses rush to use the Internet and intranets to sell products, improve customer satisfaction and share information more effectively, they are looking for versatile authoring tools. Another key to the success of FrontPage is its increasing popularity and support among Internet service providers ISPs. Within four months of its release, FrontPage has won top awards from independent industry reviewers. Honors for FrontPage include the following:. FrontPage and Office Premium are widely available in retail outlets as well as through direct market resellers and volume licensing programs.

Computer users worldwide can obtain information about Microsoft FrontPage at http: Information about other Microsoft products can be found at http: The company offers a wide range of products and services designed to empower people through great software - any time, any place and on any device. If you are interested in viewing additional information on Microsoft, please visit the Microsoft Web page at http: FrontPage delivers on the original vision of enabling Web site creation and management for both novice users and Web professionals by offering unprecedented ease of use while continuing to lead the category in support for the latest Web technologies.

Now in its fifth iteration, the FrontPage Web site creation and management tool lets users create exactly the site they want through features such as customizable Themes and HTML preservation. Individual users as well as teams can quickly and flexibly manage Internet or intranet Web sites using new Site Reports, check in and check out, and flexible access control over any portion of a Web.

These features along with a new integrated Editor and Explorer and a seamless integration with Microsoft Office make Web site creation and management accessible to a broader set of users than ever before. FrontPage gives users control of their Web sites like never before.

Customers can position elements exactly where they want them on the page, direct FrontPage to target specific browsers, and use the latest in Web technologies, all without programming. FrontPage makes it easier than ever for individuals or teams to keep their Web site up-to-date and running smoothly. And because Web sites can grow to thousands of pages with multiple content contributors, FrontPage also delivers new collaboration features that build on the remote, multiuser authoring capabilities featured in version 1.

Fourteen new reports let users quickly diagnose and fix problems across their entire Web site. Support for check-in and check-out, flexible access control over any portion of a Web and new workflow reports allow users to reserve files to edit, roll back to one previous version and assign responsibility for a page to a team member as well as establish approval levels or stages in their own publishing process. Hyperlinks are automatically created and updated for documents belonging to a specific category using the new Category Component. Third parties and corporate developers can easily extend the power of FrontPage with custom solutions and add-ons.

FrontPage reaches out to new users and makes existing users more productive by delivering greater integration with Microsoft Office. Works like Microsoft Office. Shared Office menus and toolbars make FrontPage easier than ever for Office users. Users of Microsoft Office applications can save their documents directly to a FrontPage-based Web. Integrated Editor and Explorer. The FrontPage Web page creation and site management tools have been integrated into one easy to use application.

Users can now create Web sites in a folder on their hard drive without installing a personal Web server. This makes getting started with FrontPage as simple as getting started with Microsoft Office. FrontPage , designed for worldwide use, provides a single worldwide executable, a global user interface and multilingual editing, roaming user support and availability in 15 languages: Microsoft FrontPage will be available in early for the same approximate promotional price as the previous version: A beta version is planned for availability with the Office beta release this fall with a standalone FrontPage beta release expected early next year.

For more information, check out the FrontPage Web site at http: Also, Schulert talks about the making of FrontPage and what this latest version means for users on Microsoft's PressPass Web site located at http: The company offers a wide range of products and services for business and personal use, each designed with the mission of making it easier and more enjoyable for people to take advantage of the full power of personal computing every day.

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  8. In a letter to customers, Andy Schulert, general manager of Microsoft's FrontPage Product Unit, describes the newest version of the world's best-selling Web site creation and management tool and the principles behind it. He has been there from the beginning. Schulert was Vermeer's third employee, joining the company in July , and he wrote the original architectural specification for FrontPage.

    He has been a key contributor to all five releases of FrontPage. As Microsoft was preparing to unveil the final feature set and direction of Microsoft FrontPage , the latest version of the world's best-selling Web site creation and management tool, PressPass asked Schulert to share his thoughts with our readers. This letter to customers is his response. As we prepare to release FrontPage , the fifth version of our product since its introduction in , I can't resist taking a moment to reflect on how far we've come in just the last three years.

    As one of the first employees on the FrontPage team, I've had the satisfaction of working on this product since the very beginning. When we started, back in , the general public had never heard of URLs, and the only people creating Web sites were technically savvy Webmasters who painstakingly hand-coded HTML. We knew there had to be a way to include mainstream computer users in the Web revolution.

    As we thought about our product, we came up with four key goals -- and they remain our guiding principles to this day. First, we decided that Web site creation should be accessible to anyone, like desktop publishing. To help make that possible, we used the popular Microsoft Office applications as models for designing features that would be familiar to the broadest set of users.

    We also saw that the Web's real power -- as indicated by the very word "web" -- is not in individual pages, but in collections of pages that form Web sites. Finally, we wanted to provide our users the ability to add advanced Web technologies to their site without programming. So we incorporated features -- such as the ability to save form results -- that enabled interactivity right out of the box with just a few mouse clicks.

    But even more important than these principles has been the role that you, our FrontPage customers, have played in guiding the evolution of this product.

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