Clean and Organize your Home (Smart Style)

Linen closet - Gather all your cleaning and interior home upkeep supplies into . using smart ways to keep mail, schedules, keys, and documents organized.
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  • Clean Organize Your Smart Style – actfordiversity.
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  • Home Hacks: Part Two.
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If possible, store bags on shelves. You can also hang handbags from clothing hangers or use shower hooks. Fold everything in your clothing drawers neatly. Arranging shirts and pants horizontally instead of vertically makes them easier to sort through check out this nifty video tutorial on how to fold in this manner. Use a drawer divider for smaller items like socks, lingerie, and belts.

Home Hacks: 19 Tips to Organize Your Bedroom

Customize your shoe storage to make the best use of your particular space. Shoes can be put on shelves, on the floor, or in cubbies. Custom shelving is the ultimate luxury in shoe storage, but a footwear cabinet is another ingenious solution. The area around your bed should be both tidy and inviting.

Keep essentials visible and close at hand while maximizing hidden storage space.

24 Smart Organizing Ideas for Your Kitchen

You could use cubbies, baskets, or bags to stash bed linens and other non-essentials, but drawers are perhaps the quickest and easiest way to access this space and keep it tidy. Some beds come with built-in storage, or you could make your own from repurposed dresser drawers.

Take advantage of headboard storage space by incorporating shelving for everything from books and lamps to favorite framed photos. You can buy shelved headboards, or make your own out of old drawers or pallets.

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Depending on how much stuff you have, opt for shelves, drawers, or just a simple table. Utilize the space at the foot of your bed for additional storage. Cubbies and baskets are a charming option. A chest or ottoman are chic and ideal for storing blankets, linens, and out-of-season wardrobe items. All those little details, from wall shelves to jewelry storage, make a huge impact on the efficiency and attractiveness of your space. Depending on the contents of your jewelry collection, there are many great DIY jewelry displays to chose from. You could make a prettily patterned shelf for hanging necklaces and placing rings in elegant dishes.

Wire mesh allows you to easily create earrings organizers for both dangles and studs. Try stacking bangles on a bracelet tower or cone, or hanging them horizontally from rods. You can make your own bedroom vanity from a vintage desk, or even an armoire. Keep it organized using everyday items like cake stands for displaying perfume, trays for makeup, and small dishes for other accessories. If you need work space in your bedroom, your nightstand can do double duty as a desk.

Look for a minimalist model and pair it with a small chair. Wall cubbies are a modern way to display knick knacks. Save space with a hanging laundry hamper that fits discreetly over the back of a door. If you need additional hanging space, or just want to keep jackets and heavier winter wear in the bedroom, an industrial coat rack is a chic and practical piece of bedroom decor.

You can use hooks for everything from hats to scarves and bags, and even small framed artworks. A r etractable book stand keeps a recipe at eye level while you're working, then folds back under a cabinet when you're done. Close View all gallery.

Home Hacks: 19 Tips to Organize Your Bedroom - thegoodstuff

Close Share options Pinterest. As these photos show, what makes a kitchen great is how you organize it. Each product we feature has been independently selected and reviewed by our editorial team. If you make a purchase using the links included, we may earn commission.


Turn to a Lazy Susan Contain messes by housing sticky or spillable food items on an easy-to-clean lazy Susan. Give Cookbooks Space Cookbooks are fine on open shelves, so long as they're not exposed to humidity and grease from the fridge or stove. Start Hanging Hang aprons, pot holders, and dish towels on pegs mount them at least two feet away from the stove.

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Store Items by Use Arrange your kitchenware by frequency of use, with everyday dishes on an easy-to-reach lower shelf and special-occasion pieces up above. Group Similar Objects Group objects by purpose and assign them to specific cabinets, as with the bakeware centralized here.

Designate a Cooking Zone Create a cooking zone around the stove, storing pots and pans as close to the range as possible. Stash Like Items Together Keep plastic bags, wrapping together, and kitchen utensils in a drawer near the refrigerator to make quick work of storing away leftovers. Stow Tools Efficiently Stow essential tools together within easy reach of your cooking area for efficient food prep. Contain Lids Lid racks neatly collect the tops to various pots and pans. Sports bottles are the worst, right? They come in so many different sizes, and you never really know where to put them — not to mention they fall over all the time.

Have a snack stack! Place a tiered basket on your counter and toss healthy snacks in it for easy access. Dedicate one of the drawers as a charging drawer to keep phone, laptop and tablet chargers tucked away and out of sight. They'll give cabinets twice as much space. Add a bonus pantry. Hit up the dollar store and buy containers to keep rice, cereal, flour, sugar, etc.