The Physics of Kabbalah

The Physics of Kabbalah [Pinchas Winston, Jennifer Hall] on * FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Physics is the science concerned with the.
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This is such a huge number that we cannot even perceive it. Thus, we are talking about building computers of such fantastic power that could literally work magic. How did the assumption arise that two different states could exist simultaneously?

The Physics Of Kabbalah

Here we should mention an experiment conducted by Richard Feynman some fifty years ago. Assume that there is a full water tank containing a device that moves up and down. This action creates waves from two different sources, causing the waves to cross paths. This pattern is a collection of the path-crossing of the waves. It is a very well known phenomenon and we can easily calculate where these crossing points will be. Now let us picture a similar experiment, but with particles instead of ripples. Picture a gun shooting discrete bullet-like particles at a screen.

If we put a partition between the particle gun and the screen with a tiny crevice in it, and shoot particles toward the screen, only a thin ray of particles will penetrate the screen through the crevice. Consequently, the particles will always appear at a certain predictable point Figure 9.

If we changed the experiment a little and made two slits in the partition instead of one, we would expect particles to reach two distinct points on the screen, just as we had one distinct point on the screen when there was only one slit. However, if we built the experiment correctly, at a certain ratio between the size of the particles and the size of the slits, the result would be quite different: We would find that the particles appeared all along the screen, not just in the two anticipated points. As a result, particles would appear in even spaces along the whole screen and in both directions, indefinitely.

The quantity of particles at each point would differ, being more profuse at the center and gradually decreasing as we move away from the center. The proportion between the number of particles appearing at each point would create a wave pattern Figure As a result, one could say that quantum particles are both waves and particles simultaneously.

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A wave is a division of probabilities to find a particle at a certain point along the screen. Now let me correct myself: When we measure the numbers that describe the amount of particles that appeared at each point on the screen, we get a mathematical result that does not perfectly match a moving wave of probabilities. Instead, it is the square root of the probability. In fact, some of the square roots are negative. The probability that something will happen in the real world can be anywhere between 0 and 1, but it cannot be negative.

Even if we were to fire one particle per week, the probability distribution would remain identical to the interference pattern of the two waves we mentioned above. Actually, even if we fired a single particle, dismantled the equipment, put it back together a year later, and fired another single particle, we would still receive exactly the same result Figure This probability pattern is built with absolute mechanical precision.

It is so astounding that it seems to reach beyond time and space. The structure of this phenomenon is prearranged in perfect mechanism, its mathematics are known with utter precision, and today this phenomenon assists us in building amazingly accurate computation devices.

If we were to fire a single particle, we would be able to predict with utter mathematical precision the probability of that particle hitting a certain spot on the screen. However, quantum mechanics says, and this is my main point, that nothing in the physical universe can determine exactly where that particle will hit.

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Jul 28, Michael Weaver added it. Rabbi Winston gives great insight on the understanding of the fundamentals of the pure abstract energy as the defining thread that unites both the physical and spiritual in a plural 'oneness' echad.

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  • The Physics Of Kabbalah by Pinchas Winston!
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No trivia or quizzes yet. After all, what you seem to be engaged in is precisely what I like to refer to as the "New Kabbalah. It made me think of how Vital in his Sefer Ez Chayyim speaks of "thousands upon thousands and myriads upon myriads" of worlds, an idea which the Kabbalist's linked to the midrashic myth of the innumerable worlds that were created and destroyed because they did not possess the proper balance of characteristics that could sustain them.

Quantum Theory

The Zohar speaks of these worlds as "sparks of blackness" which like the sparks from a blacksmiths hammer striking the anvil "flared, shone, and then went out. By the way while Rees seems to think that ours is the highest of worlds, most hospitable to life, the Kabbalists leave open the possibility of higher worlds, in which the Sefirot are arranged somewhat differently, but which permit a higher, more developed form of consciousness. What are your thoughts on this? The connection between science and mysticism has been made in far too many books for me to mention them all, but I'll start:.

Pondering the reality behind the illusion of the world we live in is the job of the physicist.

Kabbalah and Physics: Dialogue

In just the same way as pondering a koan, or an obscure verse of scripture leads the mystic to an experience with God, so focusing on a question about nature leads the scientist to a mystical encounter with the mind of God. The is no difference between Buddha sitting under the Bodhi tree and Newton sitting under the apple tree. Both sat in the presence of God. I just bought "Just Six Numbers", I'll get back to you with commentary.