Strausss DIE FLEDERMAUS Opera Journeys Mini Guide (Opera Journeys Mini Guide Series)

Strauss's waltzes, songs and dance music were the output of an astute and than not provides lighter lyrical theater than its opera counterpart; most of operetta's Yet when operettas are saturated Opera Journeys Mini Guide Series Page
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Opera Journeys Libretto Series 29 Sep Libretto 1 Nov Only 1 left in stock - order soon. The Girl of the Golden West 14 Mar Read this and over 1 million books with Kindle Unlimited. Borrow for free from your Kindle device. Previous Page 1 2 Provide feedback about this page. Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations. What is your name? I've never met you either. So you know my good and loving mother? If you are the daughter of the Queen of the Night, yes!

Let me see if it's true. Die Augen schwarz - richtig, schwarz. Die Lippen rot - richtig rot. Blonde Haare - blonde Haare. Alles trifft ein, bis auf Hande und FuBe. Wie kam es in deine Hande? Mutter Palast mit meiner Liefemng. Ja, und ebon, als ich im BcgrifFe war, meine Vogel abzugebcn, da seh ich einen Menschen vor mir, der sich Prinz nennen laBt, und dieser '. Er liebt mich also? O sage mir das noch einmal, ich hore das Wort Liebe gar zu Blue eyes - very blue.

Everything matches, except the hands and feet. But how did you get it? I must tell you the details of what happened. As usual, I went this morning to your mother's palace to make my delivery. Yes, foryears I've been delivering all the You know, just as I was delivering the birds, I saw someone who identified himself as a Prince.

The Prince so impressed your mother, that she gave him your portrait and ordered him to rescue He fell in love with you, and immediately resolved to rescue you. Then he loves me? Please repeat that to me again, because I love to hear the sound of that word. Das glaubc ich dir. Bist ja auch ein Frauleinbild. Kurz also, diese groBe Licbc zu dir war der Peitschenstreich, um unsre. So wiirde mir mcinc Riickrcisc crsparl blicbcn - das kann ich mir denken.

Dcin martcrvollcr Tod wiirde olinc Grenzen sein. Wir haben keine Minute zu versaumen. Aber wenn dies ein Fallstrick ware - wenn dieser nun ein boser Geist von Sarastros Gefolge ware? Ich ein boser Geist? Wo denkst du hin? Ich bin der beste Geist von der Welt. Vergib, vergib, wenn ich dich beleidigte! Du hast ein gefuhlvolles Herz.

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I believe you because you're a young girl, and therefore the idea of love strikes you like a thunderbolt that urges you to seduce men to cater to you, and shower you with sweet words. If Sarastro would see you here, my friend, then You would suffer an agonizing death. We can't waste aminute. Let's go, you won't believe your eyes when you see this handsome young man. But what if this is a trick, and you're a villain employed by Sarastro? What are you thinking?

I'm sony, forgive me if I have offended you! You're a very sensitive person. Ja, freilich habe ich ein gefiihlvollcs Hcrz! Abcr was nutzt mir denn das allcs? Undunsereinerhateben auch so seine lustigen Stunden, wo man so richtig so gesellschaftliche Untcrhaltung haben mocht'. Yes, I am very sensitive, but what good is it?

I sometimes want to pluck out all my feathers when I think about the fact that there still is no Mrs. So you don't have a wife yet? Not even a girlfriend, let alone a wife. Wenn er's nurbald schickte! Bei Mannern, welche Liebe fuhlen, fehlt auch ein gutes Herze nicht. Men who experience love also possess ; good heart. And it's a wife's priority to share those sensibilities. Wir wollen uns der Liebe freun, wir leben durch die Lieb' allein.

It's love alone that makes us happy, and it's love alone that makes life worthwhile. Die Lieb' versiiBetjede Plage, ihropfert jede Kreatur. Whatever will happen, it is love that will heal every sorrow. Sie wiirzet unsre Lebenstage, sie wirkt in KreisederNatur. Ihr hohcr Zwcck zcigt dcutlich an, nichts Edler's sei, als Weib und Mann.

Mann und Weib, und Weib und Mann rcichcn an die Gotthcit an. Love perfumes life with it grance, and it's human nal BOTH: For husband and wife, the highest goal in life is the nobility of love. For husband and wife, and for wife and husband, love becomes a divine union. Pamina and Papageno e: Act I - Scene 3 A sacred grove in which there are three temples: They accompany Tamino whose flute hangs at his side.

Zum Ziele fuhrt dich diese Bahn, doch horc unsrc Lchre an: Sei standhaft, duldsam und v crsc h w i cgc n! Ihr holden Kleinen, sagt mir an, ob ich Pamina retten kann? This path will lead you to your goal, young man, but you must be courageous! Listen to our advice and be firm, patient, and discreet. Dies kundzutun, stent uns nicht an: We don't know, but just be steadfast, be a man, and you, young man, will succeed like a man. The Three Youths depart, leaving Tamino alone.

Die Wcishcitslchrc dicscr Knabcn Sei ewig mir ins Herz gegraben. Wo bin ich nun? Was wird mit mir? I will never forget the wisdom that these boys taught me. Where am I now? What will happen to me? Is this perhaps where the gods reside? The portals and columns show that intelligence and art exist here, and that it is a place where industry dominates and Ich wage mich mutig zur Pforte hinein, die Absicht ist edel und lauter und rein. Pamina ret ten ist mir Pflicht. I'll boldly enter through the temple door. My purpose is noble, good, and pure.

To rescue Pamina's is my duty. Then I'll try my luck over there! He goes to the temple at the left. Auch hier ruft man: Here too they call go back! He goes to the middle Temple of Wisdom. Maybe I'll be The middle door opens and an old Priest emerges. Wo willst du, kiihner Fremdling, hin? Where do you want to go, daring stranger?

Stare Into The Lights My Pretties

What are you looking for in this sanctuary? Der Lieb' und Tugcnd Eigcntum. Die Wortc sind von hohem Sinn! Allcin wic willst du diese finden? Nur Rache fur den Bosewicht. Den wirst du wohl bei uns nicht finden. Sarastro herrscht in diescn Grtindcn? Doch in dem Weisheitstcmpcl nicht? Er herrscht im Weisheitstcmpcl hier! Willst du schon wieder gehn? Ja, ich will gehen, frohund frei, nie euren Tempel seh'n!

Sarastro wohnet hier, das ist mir schon genug! Aplace of virtue and of love. Your words are certainly noble! But how do you expect to find these? You're not guided by love and courage, but by death and vengeance. I'm guided by vengeance on the villain. You surely will not find him here. Doesn't Sarastro rule here? In the Temple of Wisdom? Yes, in the Temple of Wisdom!

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  • So then all of this is hypocrisy! You want to leave already? Yes, I want to leave, happy and free, and I never want to see your temple again. Explain yourself to me! You are deluded by deceit. Wcnn du dcin Lcben licbst, so rede, bleibe da! Nun gib mir deine Griinde an. Er ist ein Unmensch, ein Tyrann!

    Ist das, was du gesagt, erwiesen? Durch ein ungliicklich Weib bewiesen, Das Gram und Jammer niedcrdriickt. Ein Weib hat also dich beriickt? Ein Weib tut wenig, plaudert viel. O legte doch Sarastro dir die Absicht seiner Handlung fur! Die Absicht ist nur allzu klar! Ja, Jiingling, was du sagst, ist wahr. Wo ist sie, die eruns geraubt? Man opfertc vielleicht sie schon? Erklar dies Ratsel, tausch' mich nicht! If you value your life, speak and stay here! Do you hate Sarastro? I hate him intensely, and I always will! Give me your reasons for that! He is a brute and a tyrant!

    Do you have proof of what you just said? It was proven to me by an unhappy woman, oppressed by great sorrow. So a woman tricked you? You believe this nonsense? His motive is all too clear! Didn't the kidnapper tear Pamina unmerci- fully from her mother's arms? Yes, young man, what you say is true. Has she been sacrificed already? That my dear boy, I am not allowed to tell you yet.

    Die Zungc bindct Eid und Pflicht. Warm also wird die Decke schwinden? Oath and duty forbid me to talk.

    When will you be able to talk? As soon as the hand of friendship leads you The Elderly Priest departs. Wann wird das Licht mein Augc finden? Ich danke euch dafur. Soon, you say, or never? Tell me, invisible ones, is Pamina still alive? Pamina is still alive! Thank you so much.

    Burton D. Fisher

    Tamino takes his flute in his hand. Oh, almighty ones, if only I had the opportunity to honor you and express my thanks with each tone of my flute. Tamino plays the flute, and wild animals and birds of every kind appear to listen. When he stops playing, they flee. Wic stark ist nicht dcin Zaubcrton, weil, holde Flote, durch dcin Spiclcn sclbst wildc Ticrc Frcudc fuhlcn.

    Doch Pamina, nur Pamina bleibt davon! The sweet melodious tones of your magic flute have the power to even delight wild animals. But only Pamina doesn't come! Ach, wo find' ich dich? Listen tc It's hopeless! Oh, where can I find you? Tamino replays his flute, and Papageno Papageno s flute is heard Aha, that's the sound of Papageno's flute! Vielleicht eilt sie mit ihm zu mir! Maybe she's coining with him. Fanden wir Tamino doch, sonst crwischcn sie uns noch. Stille, stille, ich kann's besser! Quick steps and dauntless courage may save us from the foe's dreadful rage.

    If only we could find Tamino, otherwise we'll surely be captured! Quiet, I can do it better. Freund Tamino hort uns schon. Hierher kam der Flotenton. Welch ein Gliick, wenn ich ihn finde. Oh, how wonderful if I would find him! Ha, hab' ich cuch noch crwischt? Wart', ich will euch Mores weisen.

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    Nur herbei mit Band und Stricken, he, ihr Sklaven, kommt herbei! Ach, nun ist's mit uns vorbei! Dasklinget so hcrrlich, das klinget so schon! Larala la la larala la la larala! Nie hab' ich so etwas gehortund geseh'n! Seine Feinde wiirden dann ohne Miihe schwinden, und er lebtc ohne sic in dcr bcstcn Harmonie! Ha, ha, I've caught you? Slaves, come over here and chain them! Subdued by the sound, Monostatos and the Slaves sing and dance. It sounds so delightful.

    Its sound is so beautiful! Oh, I've never heard anything like it! If only everyone could own such magic bells! Then all enemies would easily disappear, and without them, everyone would live in great harmony! Only the harmony of friendship softens every misfortune. Was soil das bedeuten? O Freund, nun ist's um uns getan, dies kundigt den Sarastro an!

    O war ich eine Maus, wie wollt' ich mich vcrstcckcn! War ich so klein wie Schnecken, so kroch' ich inmeinHaus! Mcin Kind, was werden wir nun sprechen? Er ist es, dem wir uns mit Frcudcn ergeben! Dcnn ohnc erst in dich zu dringen, weiB ich von deinem Herzen mehr: Zur Liebe will ich dich nicht zwingen, doch geb ' ich dir die Freiheit nicht. What's all this about? Oh my friend, we're finished!

    It announces that Sarastro is coming! Oh, if only I were a mouse, then I could hide! If I were as small as a snail, I'd crawl in my My dear child, what are we going to say? The truth, no matter what! We are all devoted to him! As a wise man, may he enjoy life forever. He is our idol whom we worship and love!

    But it's not my fault. I escaped because the wicked Moor desired my love. He is the guilty one! Get up, my love, and be happy! I need not question you further, for I know what is in your heart: Du wurdest um dein Gliick gebracht, wenn ich dich ihren Handen lieBe. Ein Mann muB cure Hcrzcn lcitcn, aus ihrem Wirkungskreis zu schreiten. Hier ist Sarastro, unser Herr.

    Es ist kein Traum! Es schling' mein Arm sich um ihn her! Achild's duty calls me, because my mother Your happiness would be ended if I would return you to her. The mention of the word mother sounds so sweet to me. It is she who is This is Sarastro, our dear lord. I can hardly believe it! It's not a dream! I would embrace him! Es schling' mein Arm sich um sie her! Und worm cs auch mein Ende war! Was soil das heiBen? He steps between Pamina Gleich auseinander! Das geht zu weit! Bedenk, wie frech der Knabe ist: Verdient, daB man ihr Lorbcer strcut! He, gebt dem Ehrenmann sogleich. Schon deine Gnade macht mich reich.

    Ach Herr, den Lohn verhofft' ich nicht! Nicht Dank, es ist ja meine Pfticht! I would embrace her! Even if it would kill me! Pamina and Tamino ALL: What does that mean? Tamino, and separates them. This is going too far! Monostatos kneels before Sarastro. Your slave kneels before you. Think how impudent this boy is. Using the trickwf this rare Bird, he wanted to rob you of Pamina.

    But I could track him down. You know me and my vigilance. He deserves the laurel wreath! Here, give him his reward. Your favor alone enriches me. Ah, sir, I don't merit such a reward! Save your thanks, it's only my duty. Es lebe Sarastro, der gottliche Weise! Er lohiiet und strafet in ahnlichem Krcisc. Fiihrt diese beiden Fremdlinge in unsern dann, sie miissen erst gereinigt sein. Long live Sarastro, the divine sage!

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    Lead these two strangers to our temple of probation, and cover their heads for they must first be purified. Monostatos is led away by slaves. When virtue and justice are humanity's and mortal men are like gods! Veils are placed over the heads ofTamino and Papageno. Sarastro takes Pamina 's hand and goes with her through the middle door.

    Tamino and Papageno exit with two Priests. Sarastro and Priests enter. Diener der groBen Gotter Osiris und Isis! Mitreiner Seele erklar' ich cuch, daB unsre unsrerZeitist. Tamino, cin Konigssohn, will ins Heiligtum dcs groBten Lichtes blicken. Diesen Tugendhaften zu bewachten, ihm freundschaftlich die Hand zu bieten, sei heute eine unsrer wichtigsten Pflichten. Haltet ihr ihn fur wiirdig, so folgt meinem Beispiele. Jedoch, das bose Vorurteil soil schwinden; und es wird schwinden, sobald Tamino sclbst die GroBe unserer schwercn Kunst besitzen wird. You, who are ordained in the Temple of Wisdom, are servants of the great gods: With a pure heart I advise you, that our meeting today is the most important in our history.

    Tamino, a king's son, will gaze into the sublime light of the sanctuary. Our most important duty today is to protect this virtuous youth, and to welcome him warmly. Can he maintain his silence? If you believe he is worthy, then follow my example. Sarastro is moved by the unanimity in your hearts, and thanks you in the name of all mankind.

    May Tamino never judge the deeds of the ordained! Any of his prejudices will disappear as soon as he becomes part of our brotherhood. Pase 74 Pamina habcn die Gotter dem holden Jiingling bcstimmt; dies ist der Grand, warum ich sie der stolzen Mutter entriB. Das Weib diinkt sich groB zu sein; hofft durch Blendwerk und Aberglauben das Volk zu bcrucken und unsern festen Tempelblau zu zcrstoren.

    Pamina has been designated by the gods for this noble young man. That is why I kidnapped her from her haughty mother. That woman considers herself great, and hopes to beguile the populace through delusion and superstition, and to destroy the firm foundations of our temples. Allein, das soil sie nicht. Tamino, der holde Jiingling, soil ihn mil uns bcfcstigcn und als Eingeweihter der Tugend Lohn, dem Laster aber Strafe sein. However, she shall not succeed. Tamino himself shall become one of us, and aid us to strengthen the power of virtue and wisdom.

    Three blasts on the horns are repeated. GroBcr Sarastro, wird Tamino auch die hartcn Prufungcn. Verzeih, daB ich so frei 'Mil iHi: Wenn es nur aber in seiner friihen Jugend lebloserblaBte? Great Sarastro, will Tamino be able to overcome the difficult ordeals that await him? I apologize for being so forthright by expressing my doubts to you! I am worried for this young man. He is a prince! But more important than that, he is a man!

    But what if he would die so young? Then he will be given to Osiris and Isis and will experience their celestial joys sooner Three blasts on the horns are repeated. Und du, Freund, vollziehe dein heiliges Amt und lehre sie die Macht der Gotter Let Tamino and his companion be led into the court of the temple. Starkt mit Geduld sie in Gefahr.

    Starkt mit Geduld sie in Gefahr! Nehmt sie in euren Wohnsitz auf. Fortify them with patience when they are in danger. Grant that they bear the trial bravely, and have fated them to fail, please take them, and grant them life beyond the tomb. Grant them life beyond the tomb. Act II - Scene 2 The courtyard of the temple. Tamino and Papageno are led in by the Speaker and the Second Priests. Before departing, they remove the veils from Tamino and Papageno.

    What a horrible night! Papageno ai still with me? Wo denkst du, dass wir uns nun befinden? Where do you think we are now? Ja, wenn's nicht so fmster war, wollt' ich dir das schon sagen, aberso Mir wird nicht wohl bei der Sache! Ich glaube, ich bekomme ein kleines Fieber.

    Well if it were not so dark, I might be able to tell you, but this way Thunder is heard Help! I don't feel comfortable in this situation! Shame on you Papageno, be a man! Aber ich wollt', ich war ein Madchen!

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