Eidolons Wager

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The lesson from antiquity is that gambling can threaten the community at large, and that regulation does not have to involve saving souls or enforcing orthodoxy. In antiquity, sports betting was fairly common, a specialty more of the Romans than of the Greeks. Then as now, the potential social costs of gambling were seen as a matter of concern, and rules were put in place to regulate the activity. Yet in the sixth century CE, the Emperor Justinian issued strict gambling restrictions rooted in a concern for the health and coherence of the Roman Empire as a whole. In contrast to Roman gambling law, modern American regulations, despite moralizing Christian roots and motives , have traditionally spoken the language of populism and aimed to protect those in danger of ruining themselves and their families.

Yet our desire to bet on everything has eroded our commitment to protecting these people, and since betting is a transaction that can be taxed, the state has an incentive to keep churning. Gambling law is primarily a barrier against newcomers to the industry, and if you want to, you can win or lose a fortune online or in real life. The Greeks appear to have been the first fantasy sports gamblers in history, or at least told the story of an attempted bet.


When the Greek soldiers held athletic contests for the funeral of Patroclus in Book 23 of the Iliad , Idomeneus claimed that Diomedes was leading the chariot race in the final stretch. Ajax insisted that Eumelus was ahead, and Idomeneus suggested a wager Iliad Generally, however, Greek spectators did not bet on athletic contests , and I wonder if the moralizing example of Achilles is not a major reason for this.

With the Romans it was a different story, as gambling in general and sports betting in particular were popular pastimes. Betting on athletic contests, especially chariot racing , was endemic in the Roman world.

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For most of Roman history, sports gambling was left to individuals to work out among themselves. There was no legal remedy for gambling disputes, so if a loser refused to pay up, violence was be the last recourse. Undoubtedly there was a great deal of sports gambling that we will never know about. In the late third or early second century BCE, the lex Alaria or Talaria outlawed the playing of dice, or possibly all gambling.

This law has traditionally been interpreted as part of a series of laws banning the outward expression of wealth in order to impose socioeconomic unity.

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During the later years of the Second Punic War — BCE , Rome was in economic distress, and these laws tried to prevent inequalities in wealth from becoming obvious and divisive. The perceived problem then was not gambling per se or the potential for loss or moral corruption; exchanging real money based on a pair of dice or a horse race, just like wearing a luxurious cloak, could create jealousy, which could create disunity, which could cause weakness and defeat.

Laws of the early first century BCE, however, allowed betting on sports, perhaps because athletic contests required skills and training that were also useful for war. The more intensely spectators were involved, the more likely they were to pursue such training themselves. Perhaps inspiring imitation was indeed the motivation; star athletes can inspire generations of adolescents to play their sport.

But when you can derive pleasure more on this below from watching, why endure the pain of training? The transaction at the heart of professional sports is that the athlete perfects and then destroys his or her bod y while the spectator pays to look on in comfort. When easy gambling lends more pleasure to watching, people are even likelier to choose the couch over the gym. This principle explains why gambling was a problem in Rome: It could even redraw the boundary between aristocrat and ordinary citizen with its capricious redistribution of money.

So the professional gambler is in fine company producing nothing, though recently he usually he has become an entertainment figure in his own right as a kind of performer.

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Now, a word on gambling and pleasure. Juvenal juxtaposes the exhilaration of betting on chariot races with the thrill of attraction: The scene is just what any advertising agency would create for a racetrack: Yet it was not fear of racy encounters like the one Juvenal described but a broad concern for the Empire that led the Emperor Justinian to strengthen legal regulations on gambling in the 6th century CE.

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In a series of edicts from to CE, Justinian created new legal paths for private citizens to recover gambling losses, made it possible to confiscate the houses in which gambling occurred, and subjected the clergy to punishment if they observed but did not report gambling. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy.

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Michael Friedrichs (Author of Eidolon's Wager)

So yeah that sounds about right. Or is everything I have considered sounded preposterous? Please share your thoughts.