Americans Extended Hand: Assessing the Obama Administrations Global Engagement Strategy

There is evidence that the Obama administration is comfortable with this interpretation by Obama administration officials as global public engagement and strategic see Kristin M. Lord and Marc Lynch, America's Extended Hand: Assessing.
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BBC Monitoring Media; Voice of America; A 21st Century Vision for U. From Their Own Correspondent? New Media and the Changes in Disaster Coverage. Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism; The Need for a New Strategic Plan. News Plurality in a Digital World. The Global News Challenge: Center for New American Security; The Changing Scope of U. Council on Foreign Relations; New Media vs Traditional Media.

Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development; Reuters Institute Digital News Report A study of how newspapers and broadcasters in the UK and US are responding to a wave of participatory social media, and a historic shift in control towards individual consumers. Ten Years that Shook the Media World: Lowy Institute for International Policy; Good News from a Far Country? American Security Project; Understanding the Mission of U. McCormick Tribune Foundation; Challenges ahead for U. The Public Evolution of a Broadcast Revolution. CQ Weekly In Focus. Social media and the advancement of America's soft power by public diplomacy.

Digital Diaspora and National Image Building: A 21st Century Model. Success Requires Independence and Consolidation. Al-Jazeera English and global news networks: Media, War and Conflict. Public Diplomacy and Strategic Communication: Cultures, Firewalls, and Imported Norms. Honley, Steven Alan ed. Interweaving of Public Diplomacy and U. Challenges for the BBG. McGregor, Kirsten and Fiona Martin. Channeling the Cold War: The Broadcasting Board of Governors and U.

Public Diplomacy and the Transformation of International Broadcasting. Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania. To Obama, not every global problem has an American solution. More often than not, it requires sharing — of responsibilities, of burdens and of credit.

If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon.

It also requires a willingness to compromise to gain consensus. General Assembly in his first annual address there. That is the bargain that makes this work. That must be the guiding principle of international cooperation. From the outset, he made clear that he sought to engage Tehran to end its nuclear weapons program. Although he did keep the option of force on the table, Obama preferred a negotiated deal, which he believed would be more lasting and less costly. To achieve it, he forged a global coalition--backed by the U.

Security Council and all its permanent members--that imposed punishing sanctions on Iran. Addressing the growing threat of climate change offered another opportunity to display this more inclusive type of leadership. For years, the biggest obstacle to an international agreement cutting greenhouse gas emissions had been the unwillingness of developing countries to commit to such reductions.

That bilateral agreement, announced in November , provided the foundation for the successful conclusion of the Paris negotiations, in which all nations pledged to cut emissions to slow the rise in global temperatures. Even before Russian actions in Ukraine necessitated collective action, strengthening NATO was an important concern of the administration.

Obama indicated early on that the weight of U. And through the negotiation of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement, Obama was able to bring together the most critical U.

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A foreign policy of restraint was inevitable, given the strong disinclination of the American public to pursue more military adventures, and the severe financial crisis undermining the economy. One can argue the extent of such moderation, but not the need for it. Obama surely made his share of mistakes, including misreading the Arab Spring. He believed that support for the ouster of authoritarian regimes put America and his administration on the right side of history.

But calling for the overthrow of dictators while doing little--in some cases, nothing--to help those who sought their downfall was a contradiction that has already had significant, long-term costs. The need to balance power remains a central factor in global politics. Obama played down, and perhaps even underestimated, the geopolitical challenge posed by Russia and China, and the importance of signaling resolve in the face of clear provocations.

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But with all its flaws, the course Obama chose abroad was arguably a realistic one for turbulent times and a new century. More than his predecessors--and his critics--he understood the complexities of our world and of power and leadership. A new American president, crafting an approach to a world in turmoil, could do worse than to take a page out of the Obama playbook. He served as U.

America’s Extended Hand: Assessing the Obama Administration’s Global Engagement Strategy

The American presidency suddenly looked very different, and for a moment America felt different, too. The Obama victory helped fulfill one of the great ambitions of the civil rights struggle by showcasing the ability of extraordinarily talented black Americans to lead and excel in all facets of American life. First lady Michelle Obama, and daughters Sasha and Malia, extended this reimagining of black American life by providing a conspicuous vision of a healthy, loving and thriving African American family that defies still-prevalent racist stereotypes.

For a while, the nation basked in a racially harmonious afterglow. A black president would influence generations of young children to embrace a new vision of American citizenship. Seven years later, such profound optimism seems misplaced. Almost immediately, the Obama presidency unleashed racial furies that have only multiplied over time. Beginning with the shooting death of black teenager Trayvon Martin in Florida, the nation reopened an intense debate on the continued horror of institutional racism evidenced by a string of high-profile deaths of black men, women, boys and girls at the hands of law enforcement.

The organized demonstrations, protests and outrage of a new generation of civil rights activists turned the hashtag BlackLivesMatter into the clarion call for a new social justice movement. Black Lives Matter activists have forcefully argued that the U. In the aftermath of racial unrest in Ferguson, Mo. In , Obama found his voice in a series of stirring speeches in Selma, Ala. Blacks have, critics suggested, traded away substantive policy demands for the largely symbolic psychological and emotional victory of having a black president and first family in the White House for eight years.

History will decide the full measure of the importance, success, failures and shortcomings of the Obama presidency. Martin Luther King Jr. King, for a time, served as the racial justice consciousness for two presidents — John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Many who hoped Obama might be able to serve both roles — as president and racial justice advocate — have been disappointed. Yet there is a revelatory clarity in that disappointment, proving that Obama is not King or Frederick Douglass, but Abraham Lincoln, Kennedy and Johnson. Obama A virtual museum of his presidency.

Continue to gallery of stories. Shear and Howard Schneider Sept.

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  • President Obama shakes hands with troops after delivering remarks at Fort Bragg, N. Although Obama still enjoys wide popular support overseas, his first term in office has left many with a sense of the United States as a somewhat distracted power with less ability to influence world events.