Soul Bond (Soul Bound Book 1)

Start by marking “Soulbound (Lone Star Witch, #1)” as Want to Read: The heroine, Xandra, comes from a powerful witch family but she herself appears to have no powers. Tessa Adams lives in Texas and teaches writing at her local community college.
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Beauty and the Geek. The Road to Garrett. Raining Men and Corpses. The Coven's Grove Chronicles. The Claire Agon Dragon Series. Her Rebel to Kiss. The Book of Never. Wishful Sinful Rock Royalty Book 5. In For A Penny. The Empowered Series Collection, Books The Hidden Secrets Saga: The Plains of Kallanash. A Book to Die For. Lily of the Valley. Shards of a Broken Sword: Iron Wolves MC, Books Urban Mystics Box Set.

The Amplified Books Night of the Purple Moon. The Irish Witch Series: Books 1 - 4. Would it Be Okay to Love You? The Gargoyle and Sorceress Tales: Heart of a Dragon. Fire of a Dragon. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long.

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In this series View all Book 2. Ratings and Reviews 15 star ratings 15 reviews. Yes No Thanks for your feedback! Lists with This Book. Aug 07, Rachael rated it did not like it Shelves: Perhaps I should start with what I liked about this book. Yes, that's definitely a good place to start. What did I like about this book? We have a strong, kick ass looking heroine on the cover.

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All right, on to what I hated about it. I know hate is a strong word, but I was scowling while reading this book. I chuckled maybe once. All the other times I was groaning at how horrible it was. Things that call out to me that drove me batty. There may be some spoilers 1.

Kaya is Perhaps I should start with what I liked about this book. Kaya is a whining little brat.

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I wanted to slap her I don't know how many times. We get it, you hate being there and you want to be a rebel. But there's being a strong female character who is standing up against a tyrannical political system and being the most annoying character in the book. All I did was tell them off in front of the whole school. Kaya finds it weird how boy crazy her best friend Avery is, that is until she gets to her new school and she finds two beautiful boys.

That's right, we've got ourselves a love triangle. By this I mean swearing. I'm totally fine with cussing in books, makes it seem more real. But be original, especially since you're in a fantasy world. This time I mean the writing. All right, so we have this fantasy world that's pretty much medieval. We have a King, people live in villages, the Barrons fight with swords. What does not make sense in this mix? Kids eating in a cafeteria. Dead serious, the word cafeteria is used. I almost ripped my hair out at that point. We never really see any true world building, which is a key part of a book that deigns to call itself fantasy.

Also the government at least I think it's some type of government, it's hard to tell really does not use logical. No of course we're not going to teach them self defense, that'd be crazy talk. Don't worry we'll give the first year healers Barron guards who have not been taught the art of combat.

What's that you say? It makes no sense that when we're losing a war against an immortal King we're not using all of our naturally born fighters and we make the healers stand literally on the sidelines of the battles where they are attacked and killed? Well too bad, we don't use logic here. I swear there were moments when progressively the story did not make sense. Also, highly unbelievable that after a week or two of sparring and push ups that Kaya is able to hold her own against the best Katana teacher.

They aren't twists if we seem them coming miles away, ya know what I mean? Oh and thank goodness character A was able to overhear the enemy's soldiers at a pub spell out the betrayal of character B, so A returned just in time. There's more that I hated about this book, but then I'd just be recounting the entire book here. I wanted to like this book, I really truly did. It had so much potential but it got ruined by so many things. I would NOT recommend this to a reader of fantasy books, I just wouldn't insult them like this. I would only hand this book to a teen that comes in and has to read a fantasy book for English and only reads those mind numbingly annoying YA books about teen girls bickering and backstabbing each other.

Jun 11, Bonnie rated it liked it Shelves: So it's cool , meets another cute boy and the dreaded love triangle is born I must say though, it wasn't JUST that badass looking cover that sold me originally, I actually did read the summary on this one before immediately adding it to 3. I must say though, it wasn't JUST that badass looking cover that sold me originally, I actually did read the summary on this one before immediately adding it to my read pile so I was really truly interested in reading this story.

Despite the immediate evidence that this was like every other book I've read, for some reason I was hooked and I attribute that to a part of me kept hoping that something un-normal would happen or at the very least something badass that lived up to that awesome cover. Seriously, that's one seriously kickass cover. Regardless and despite all my seemingly negative comments down below, there was just something about this story that I really enjoyed.

I was completely hooked on the story line and I really liked Kala even though she had some total dumb moments where I'd slap her upside the head if I could. I had particular issue with the actual world of Tril. Love me some world-building, and once I hit around page and realized I still had no clue where the hell this world was, whether it was an area on Earth, some floating planet like Atlantis, or a completely separate planet There was one brief description where it was describing 'the Outer Rim' which is supposedly the most dangerous area in all of Tril 'running through all three-continents - that is, Kokora, Haruko, and Kaito-in an oval shape.

I found the writing to be appropriate considering the main character is a 17 year old. The only issue I had was her form of cuss words A substitute for 'dick'? Bottom line, I get the reason for not cussing but I would've just preferred it be left out entirely instead of this silly fake cussing business. But bonus points for inventing new words. The explanation behind the Soulbounds was pretty awesome, how the two were born at the exact same moment and were thus paired together.

The couples that were just 'Bound' were a little less interesting. Obviously they couldn't stay alone for the rest of their lives and sure the couples that are Bound don't have as strong a relationship and maybe I'm just complaining because I'm a big sappy romantic and the concept of being Soulbound had me 'awwing' but despite that I did like the whole concept behind Soulbounds.

As far as the actual relationship between Kaya and Trayton Could not have been more perfect. It was kind of disgusting. The first place they go together is his 'favorite place' which just so happens to be this absolutely gorgeous library there was even a chandelier. I mean come on. That shit doesn't happen. And if so, where the hell is my super fantastic dream guy who takes me to beautiful libraries on our first date?! It was a total scene copy from Beauty and the Beast, except I'm going to assume Trayton was less fuzzy.

Bottom Line I did enjoy this but not as much as I had anticipated. This had a lot of elements that reminded me of The Vampire Academy series and I think fans of that will enjoy this also. By the end there were almost too many questions that were left unanswered which left the book feeling a tad incomplete to me. Not to mention the cliffhanger that was easily foreseeable I understand that this is the first installment in a series but some resolution would have been nice.

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I am interested in seeing how this series progresses so I will definitely be picking up the next installment. Nov 28, Elle! Teens who liked Cold Fury and Fantasy. First of all, this book reeked of cliffhanger. It omitted a smell so thick I was surprised when if didn't waft off the pages.

As you all know, if you like to read, it is a terrifying smell that angers the reader. That results in tossing the book to the other side of the room and groaning. Anxiety will be felt for the next few minutes and depending on how delish the series is. Months, thanks JK Rowling. So, how do I know if my book is diagnosed with cliffhanger? The book will leave off in the midd First of all, this book reeked of cliffhanger.

The book will leave off in the middle of action, at the very end. The sharp edge of the paper sliced into my thumb and I sat up with a jerk. At Shadow Academy , Kaya, age 16 is sent to study with other students. She is a Healer. Healer's are not seen as courageous and are forbidden from fighting from Protocol dumb bunny rules.

Barrons are also known to date their Healers because of their close connection. Kaya's original Barron is dead. Not only is her new Barron is handsome but he's "dumb" and a goody two shoes. He thinks Kaya doesn't need to learn how to fight for herself just because they say so. Though she'll be trekking on a battlefield to heal him being chased by Graplars isn't her problem.

There are questionings of war, corrupt rulers who fight for their own gain and protecting ones self. Refreshing as heck, just looking at it. I can't help but notice how Kaya wanted to protect herself and still act like a girl. God, I was so happy. She's an actual strong female not like The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo who survives bullets to the head.

Kaya is blood, flesh and bone. Ever hear of terrible marketing, this is it.

See a Problem?

The flap makes it seem like some slushy kissy romance when it is NOT. Kaya never looses all drive for the need to be smooch. So, in that aspect it it refreshing. Suck on that other authors!!!!!!! This is a post Twilight book. Girls who get saved from dying every second from a big sexy "He - Male" are not invited to the party. Hence using male twice, he is "double the man. Usually found in Paranormal books or down in Venice Bench not Italy. The terms are easy to remember if you enjoy the writing style but some may get confused. Narration Chunky first person. I thought the book would have been sleeker as third person.

Sort of Suzanne Collins-y but edited. And be prepared to here a spin off of that word that makes mothers die. Seems slow and drawn out at the beginning. Kaya's uninteresting journey through the woods, after the big event yadda yadda. She even slips into total "Mary Sue" girl mode describing some guy in huge detail, cupid bow lips, black hair. Which seemed out of character. During school attendance the school the book drags out.

The classes get tedious. Though this should go into the back story of the teacher because some things needs do some "splaining" like Ricky Ricardo used to say. The end was so explosive and I laughed. It was like being smacked in the face with a hand after a good nights sleep. Ummm that didn't sound as appraising as I wanted. I did enjoy the twist at the end. Not as strong as it could have been but still "trucking". Though it isn't an "intellectual read" , yes SF livers who wear their Banana Republic peacoats and clutch briefcases while scowling at trolleys with cups of exotic teas.

This book is pure fun. Four stars for pure enjoyability! Let's get back to Legacy Tril. So read this book! Why was this suggested with Dystopia? This is not evening close! Legacy Tril is a fantasy world with nothing to do with the future, so when it was recommended with books like Level 2 , Insignia favorite book of all time. Many people might have looked over it. Shame ,baby, such a shame. Sep 25, Elyssa rated it did not like it. I didn't finish this book. I got to page out of before deciding I really couldn't stomach any more. If I had with this book, I would have se Disclaimer: If I had with this book, I would have seen that it was lacking world-building, that the characters are flat and uninteresting, and that the writing, frankly, needs a whole boatload of edits.

Perhaps I could have saved the five hours of my life I spent reading the first two-thirds of this book. To end, I guess I'll just tell you not to read this unless you're into bad prose, haphazard plotting and cliched storylines. Apr 25, Jaime rated it it was ok. That word probably best describes how I feel about this book.

It was an interesting idea, but it was poorly executed. I have so many issues with this book, I don't know where to start. The world-building just isn't there. People seem to walk everywhere -- not that they get out much -- but yet they talk like present-day teens?

The war itself isn't explained, which made me not care about it. Plus, Kaya's parents love her, but apparently not enough to prepare her for the academy. She's not afraid to break rules and question authority figures, yet she doesn't bother to find out everything she can before leaving home. This makes me seriously question her intelligence. Darius is billed as "Unskilled," yet no one questions why he's at the academy, how he knows about Barrons and Healers, and how he's so good he's teaching Barrons how to fight. That makes no sense, IMO. The whole "Soulbound" deal doesn't make sense.

What happens if more than two babies -- an odd number -- are born at the same time? Would you have three people "soulbound" together? Couldn't you bind one Healer to multiple Barrons after her "Soulbound" Barron dies? That would help solve the Healer shortage. Healers are treated as second-class citizens. Treat the people who can save your life as subservient children.

I think I'd go on strike. What's with the chain mail on the book cover? That's not going to help in a fight. It's also like Clark Kent's glasses: Kaya uses her face mask to sneak out every morning to train, but I don't see how a chain mail eye cover hides her identity. Thankfully, I borrowed this one from the library. However, if I'm remembering correctly, the inside flap had Kaya's age wrong. It also called the bad guy the "King of Graplars," but I don't think the book ever refers to him that way. I think his name is King Derrick, or something, but we don't actually see him in this novel.

There's not much of a plot. I was sure he was angry with her because he was bound to her but had to pretend he wasn't. Why else would he have such a chip on his shoulder? I'm guessing someone he cares about is being threatened if he doesn't comply. However, I don't understand the whole crazy teacher part of the plot. Was the woman's daughter just "Bound" to Darius? I guess that will be revealed in the second book.

I've seen her other books, but I'm not sure I'd bother after reading this one. Jul 01, Tonya F rated it liked it. I wasn't entirely impressed with the story. The writing wasn't very good, and it didn't seem like much happened in the story. Kaya is forced to go to a school to learn to become a healer, and most of the book consists of her daily chores and training. I also found the story to be extremely predictable. I suppose the ending was supposed to be a plot twist, but it was quite obvious at the beginning to me.

I also found it hard to empathize with Kaya. I liked her character, and I liked how she was to I wasn't entirely impressed with the story. I liked her character, and I liked how she was tough and wanted to learn how to fight, but I could not relate to her emotionally. She meets a guy and immediately falls for him, she probably mentions that she misses her parents only twice, and even her angry outbursts about feeling like a 2nd class citizen I couldn't relate with.

Another thing that bothered me was the consistency of the story. Kaya has an obviously Japanese name, and the Zettai council sounds Japanese, and they fight with katanas, and yet everyone else had names like, "Trayton", "Darius", and "Maddox. It was like reading about white people with asian names that swung katanas around. That said, I did enjoy it enough that I will be reading the sequel. Apr 16, Avery rated it it was amazing. Admittedly when I first got this book to read and review I was a bit hesitant to do so namely because of the cover- what can I say? I am a bono fide cover whore and this cover?

Well, it didn't do anything for me, therefore resulting in me projecting those "meh" feelings onto the book. However, as I began to delve deeper and deeper into the book I began to realize that my initial reaction of the book was a silly assumption at best- and we all know what happens when you assume. Oh, and that cover? The only weak point about this book IMO, I can literally not think of a single complaint about the characters, plot, setting, essentially all of the important parts of this book. What made this book so successful was three things: As many have come to know since I almost ALWAYS complain about it heroines don't often do anything for me, I feel that they are too underdeveloped especially when compared to their male counterparts , that they are too reliant upon the males in their lives, etc.

As mentioned, she is without a doubt the strongest female character I have ever read before- mentally, physically, and emotionally. I think that compared to a lot of female characters I have read of over the years that she gave the most thought to everything that she did, she made informed decisions that benefited all of those around her in some way, shape or form, as opposed to jumping into something with seemingly little thought.

She always strove to be better and not once complained when things didn't go her way. Furthermore, she didn't allow herself to be guided only by her heart, she also used her brain- she didn't turn into a gigantic puddle of mush as soon as one of the boys so much as showed her an ounce of attention. As for Darius and Trayton, the two main males of the book? But what is perhaps the best about them is the love triangle they present- perchance one of the best I have ever read of. Why I enjoyed this love triangle is that there is ACTUAL competition as opposed to what I consider to be an unsuccessful love triangle, where it is evident from the get-go who the lead is going to be with, as in the case of Simon, Jace, and Clary - whenever I thought I was being swayed in one boys direction the other would do something to sweep me off of my feet.

At this point in time I don't know who I would prefer to see Kaya end up with. Each of them truly brings out a bigger and better side of Kaya. All in all, a strong heroine, amazing male characters, strong love triangle, coupled with a fast paced plot and interesting storyline makes this a MUST read and without a doubt the best epic fantasy I have read this year. Or you will regret it. Heather has easily soared to the top of my "authors to keep an eye out for" list- I CANNOT wait to see what she has up her sleeve next! Brewer put a whole new spin on an already present genre and put it on high octane!

The main character, Kaya grew up knowing what her duty in life would be that of a healer to her Soulbound SB Barron or Warrior. The each bear a mark somewhere on their body to let them know they've been born to be a healer or a Barren. Not everyone is born with a mark, it's a special tribute from the gods that come with powers. There is a unique flow of energy between a healer and her SB and they to her.

The war is vicious, the evil king has trained Graplers, huge beasts that will kill a human in seconds and love to chomp on their flesh. It was vicious and brutal. Using her own natural healing along with herbal remedies is part of her studies but so is the history of the year war. I loved Maddox, she absolutely rocks and her story is so sad yet hopeful, too. When Kaya meets her Barron, swoon worthy Trayton, things start to look up for Kaya. What if her Barron is dead? Brewer did a most excellent job on the plot! It was amazing to watch it all unfold so perfectly with so much complexity.

What a joy to read! Jan 28, Melissa rated it it was amazing Shelves: I am IN love and I think I have my new favorite book! Seriously this book will blow your mind and leave you reeling!!!! This book was absolutely amazing and I loved every single page, as soon as I got the book I read the synopsis and I was like this is going to be an amazing book and was I ever right!!!

I will start with Kaya. What a character, you fall in love with her right in the beginning. She is a brave, outspoken, stubborn girl with a whole lot of kick ass in her bag and she is h Wow. She is a brave, outspoken, stubborn girl with a whole lot of kick ass in her bag and she is hilarious. Some of the comments she says and somethings she does will have you on the floor. She was "blackmailed" from her family to go to Shadow Academy , and she did NOT want to go and she had a HUGE chip on her shoulder, then to top it off her guard never came and one to not wait went looking for the school herself.

As she is walking she is cursing the school the guard and everything else in her way, when she comes face to face with a beast that took someone she loved dearly she is scared and has no idea what to do. Add in a stanger with silver hair and who is absolutely gorgeous, and him barking orders at you and you have no idea who he is , and as she trusts him and takes off he saves her life.

Then he blows her off and she is surprised by his attitude. As soon as she gets inside safely she is brought to the headmaster, what a joke and she is surprised by his appearance. As she finds out she will be bound in the next few days her head is reeling and she is not happy she won't have a choice to who she will get to have this bond with and she speaks her mind about it all through the book and you just have to love the way she is. There is sweet, gentle Trayton who is a by the book protocol following boy and she feels a connection with him but she wants the freedom to choose him, then there is reckless not so by the book Darius who you can't help fall in love with as a reader.

He is the bad boy who is a not by the book rule follower. Soulbound (The Return of the Elves Book 1) eBook: Bethany Adams: Kindle Store

Throughout the book Kaya is breaking rules, talking back and speaking her mind about how she wants to fight, how healers should be able to protect themselves and of course they don't listen. As the book goes on you are just falling more and more in love with this crazy stubborn girl, who is not shy to speak her mind like I said before , fights for what she wants but what does she want?

On this crazy journey through this book you have some questions answered, and a bunch left unasked and unanswered but by the end you are like where is the next book, it can NOT end like that and then you want to pull out your hair because hello how long until the next book, am I going to make it. I don't think I will I am already chewing my nails down for book 2 and to see what happens. This is a book for all you looking for something different in the YA category and I think you will fall in love with these characters as I have: View all 4 comments.

Mar 31, Molster rated it it was amazing Shelves: A very well rounded and fabulous book. I loved the concept of the world the author has created. The idea of Barrons and Healers being soulbound and their hearts beating as one was sooo touching! When the book started off, I enjoyed it immensely. The character of Kaya wasn't overpowering and she was funny. The setting was quite cool and the parents seemed mysterious and slightly badass, they reminded of the parents off Spy Kids When she got to school and met Maddox I thought "H Spoilers alert!!!

When she got to school and met Maddox I thought "Hello, this character is going to be very black an white" but she wasn't! The story line was romantic and eventful, not much action except at the end which I love because very few authors I find can actually write decent, intriguing action scenes.

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  5. There were a tad little things that annoyed me. Kaya was nice at the start, but then she got into class and I can understand that she hated it and it was a bit of a culture shock, but there was no reason for her to say "Fak off" to one of her teachers. Nobody likes that kind of kid.

    Then there was the end. Damn I hate fighting! Her duelling with Darius, fine. A million pages of running around the school, chopping off peoples arms, battling rogue Graplars and trying to get a dumb pendent. There was also the fact she was immediately wonderful at duelling confused me. I understand the 'natural ability' from her parents, or some smeg. But it was a bit inconsistent with her being wonderful and then her being down right poor at some points. Plus how did Trayton recognise her when she was out of the school?

    I didn't get that bit Oh and I hated the front cover, main reason why I didn't want to read the book. It looked dumb, and then when I read about the duelling masks and how apparently 'no one could recognise you' I looked at the cover and thought " wow, you would never know it was her Unless you're Trayton of course Heather Brewer's writing style is so easy to read and so charismatic.

    Soulbound review

    I loved the humour, laughing a lot through the book and the characters were perfect! Can't wait till the second comes out! Jul 08, Louisa rated it it was amazing. Such a great book, compelling story line, and great characters! So good, I just devoured this book! Can't wait for the second one!!!! Sep 15, A. Supinger rated it it was amazing Shelves: This book did exactly what it was intended to do: Although there are some cliche things in this book love triangle, boarding school, snarky girl who keeps stumbling into trouble , there is also some really creative world-building.

    If a reader is looking to sit down and read a book start-to-finish without wanting to stop, I'd suggest Soulbound. The main character Kaya is a strong female character, even though she's young and has a lot to learn. She doesn't just follow orders, nor This book did exactly what it was intended to do: She doesn't just follow orders, nor does she let a good-looking boy keep her from following her heart and doing what's right. I noticed that some of the other comments here on goodreads said that Kaya was annoying and whiny, but I didn't see that at all. Heather Brewer writes young adult fantasy Kaya is a teenager who is being forced to bond with a stranger, help in the war against an unknown enemy, and bow to protocol she doesn't agree with.

    Yeah, she got a little cranky and acted out on occasion--I would've too! I think that stays true to the genre and age group. I don't want to summarize the whole book there are plenty of other posts that do that , but I do want to say that ending surprised me. At one point in the middle of the book I was like, "Well, crap. Her soulbound barron isn't dead at all! I was SO disappointed. And then the ending rolled around Overall, Soulbound did it's job. I stayed up waaaay past my bedtime because I couldn't wouldn't?

    I'm definitely going to buy the sequel book when it comes out. But I didn't really have high expectations for this book. To my shock - and horror, I was appalled at how nonsensical and flimsy the plot was. And then the writing. I felt like I was reading a middle-school creative writing paper. It was just god-awful, with predictable, and cliched "character development" and plot twists, if you could even call it that. I liked the premise; the idea behind the lazy, sloppily put together writing, but nothing made logical sense, and everything just confused the hell out of me.

    The big "event" that happened toward the end? At least I got a laugh or two out of reading this. But I wasn't laughing because it was funny. Jan 26, Rene Kirkpatrick rated it it was amazing. Is this all there is for this book? I have to wait how long for the next one?

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    I should have looked at the last page before I even decided to start it! I loved this book, it was so much fun, great adventure, great romance, a little magic, sassy girls, a love triangle. When is the next one coming? Tril is the world and the protectors, great warriors, are the Barrons. The people who keep the Barrons alive when they are damaged are the Healers.

    The Barrons and the Healers are b What!??!! The Barrons and the Healers are bound to each other, the Barrons fight and the Healers make sure they don't die. Kaya has just found out that she is a Healer and to keep her Barron parents safe Barrons aren't supposed to be together , she has to go to the Academy for training. Kaya is not a shrinking anything. She's smart, she's sarcastic, she's not going to sit back and wait for some Barron to protect her from the nasty monsters who've decided they want to eat up the whole school.

    She decides she needs more training so that she can take care of herself and that gets her into some serious trouble. Not only is she in trouble for breaking protocol for wanting to train, she may be in love with the wrong guy! Can't wait for more! Jan 24, Melissa Posten rated it really liked it Shelves: Heather's done it again--in Soulbound she's taken the high fantasy genre and made it incredibly accessible, opening up a doorway between her Minions and a realm of stories they might not have explored yet.

    In the butt-kicking Kaya she has given us the anti-Bella--a girl who not only can take care of herself, but who defies tradition and her teachers to do so. Creepy monsters, a hot love triangle and a maddening cliffhanger ending make this breathlessly-paced, action-packed story a must-recommend Heather's done it again--in Soulbound she's taken the high fantasy genre and made it incredibly accessible, opening up a doorway between her Minions and a realm of stories they might not have explored yet.

    Creepy monsters, a hot love triangle and a maddening cliffhanger ending make this breathlessly-paced, action-packed story a must-recommend for fantasy-loving teens or those seeking a new genre to explore. Feb 03, Karen rated it it was amazing Shelves: Although it leaves us at a huge cliff hanger, and the sequel has been cancelled one too many times, I am glad this book was written. It's fast paced and keeps you interested all the way through. Hopefully 'soulbroken' will be published. Oct 02, Grumpy Girl rated it did not like it.

    First of all I would like to say that I was really very excited to read this book. I had read the summary of this book a while ago and since then was really looking forward to read it. The description of the book had gotten me intrigued. It's description makes you believe that the book is gonna be really adventurous and fierce. Which certainly it wasn't. Now to be frank, the start of the book was a bit boring. But after a while I got a bit interested when she meets the mysterious guy in the jungl First of all I would like to say that I was really very excited to read this book.

    But after a while I got a bit interested when she meets the mysterious guy in the jungle who saves her life. After that the book JUST went downhill. I mean the plot was obvious. The moment she met the 'mysterious guy' in the jungle, I knew that her soul-bound is not dead and that this guy is her soulbound. It just gets you suspicious. But as the book went on and when I came to know the mysterious guy aka Darius is unskilled, which again was suspicious.

    Then like expected, the truth came forward and we came to know that Darius is indeed a Barron and his tattoo is red meaning his Healer is alive. Which was highly expected and obvious. And now all of a sudden Kara is attracted to him and is thinking about kissing him. The same Kara who till a page ago was very annoyed, scared and had nada feelings for him whatsoever.

    Which I should say indicates a very poor writing skill because her attraction towards him just isn't building up. It's all of a sudden. And of course how can we forget our great Trayton. The guy to whom Kara is Bound since both of their soulbounds are dead. Or i should say at least Trayton's soulbound is dead. And Kara agrees to this with little resistance. And then they are Bound just the next day after she arrives to the academy. To be frank, I found Trayton very annoying from the start.

    I JUST can't understand his personality. One moment he is portrayed as a sweet, kind and very caring guy. Next moment you are portraying him as a very annoying guy. Then again a sweet, carefree guy. The guy really annoys the fuck outta me. He is scolding and lashing out at Kara just because she wants to learn to defend herself.

    Or i should say healerist much? So I would say: Very little thought was given to the surrounding or it's description and terrible world-building. While reading this book, you don't get thrilled or excited. Like reading a newspaper. Expressionless and blank look on your face. This is because the feeling of the main character or the people around them aren't portrayed properly.

    It's like writing 'scared' and expecting us to be scared just because that word is mention. Your emotions aren't building up to feel this was. You JUST have to pretend to feel that way because it's written over there that the character is scared. That got me really frustrated. You JUST don't know how to build up a emotion in a reader. The Story wasn't written with a good strategical mindset, even though it's plot desperately demanded it. The world in which the story was created has soooooo much potential. If this story was written by some other or I should say any better writer, it would be getting a very pleasant review.

    Brewer JUST didn't know how to use her resources smartly in building up her story. Even though the story was poorly written, I really liked the idea or i should say the concept of the story. I liked the new world and it's rules which it introduced us to. Even though I found many rules baseless and stupid and felt they were there JUST because there has to be SOME stupid or dumb rule against which the main character will fight.

    I am a very curious person. Even though i have come across manyyyy books which i JUST couldn't continue to read any further without wanting to strangle myself, i am grateful I didn't reach to that point with this book. Even though I was close enough.