Mao Tse-tung und der Sino-Sowjetische Konflikt (German Edition)

Mao Tse-tung und der Sino-Sowjetische Konflikt (German Edition) eBook: Sebastian Rosche: Kindle Store.
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Outraged, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev then refused to approve the border agreement. In the Russian Empire and the Qing Dynasty had agreed that the border would consist of the ridge of the Sarikol Range , but the exact border remained contentious throughout the 20th century. In the s the Chinese began to insist that the Soviet Union should evacuate the region. From around - after the Treaty of Peking had assigned Outer Manchuria to Russia - the eastern part of the Sino-Soviet border had mainly been demarcated by three rivers, the Argun River from the tripartite junction with Mongolia to the north tip of China, running southwest to northeast, then the Amur River to Khabarovsk from northwest to southeast, where it was joined by Ussuri River running south to north.

The Ussuri River was demarcated in a non-conventional manner: China claimed these islands, as they were located on the Chinese side of the river if demarcated according to international rule using shipping lanes. The USSR wanted and by then, already effectively controlled almost every single island along the rivers. Both sides understood that the People's Liberation Army was militarily inferior to the Soviet Army as far as equipment was concerned. However, the Chinese adopted an asymmetric deterrence strategy that threatened a large-scale conventional " People's War " in response to a Soviet counterforce first-strike.

China's superiority in sheer numbers of troops was the cornerstone of Beijing's strategy to deter a Soviet nuclear attack. While weapons were certainly an important component of warfare, Mao argued that they were "not the decisive factor; it is people, not things, that are decisive. The contest of strength is not only a contest of military and economic power, but also a contest of human power and morale. The Soviets were not confident they could win such a conflict. A large-scale Chinese incursion could threaten key strategic centers in Blagoveshchensk , Vladivostok , and Khabarovsk , as well as crucial nodes of the Trans-Siberian Railroad.

Kim ll Sung and Mao Tse Tung (1975) Video Archive

Despite our overwhelming superiority in weaponry, it would not be easy for the U. Concerns about China's strength in manpower and its "people's war" strategy ran so deep that some bureaucrats in Moscow argued the only way to defend against a massive conventional onslaught was to use nuclear weapons. China had found its strategic angle. While most Soviet military specialists did not fear a Chinese nuclear reprisal, believing that China's arsenal was so small, rudimentary, and vulnerable that it could not survive a first strike and carry out a retaliatory attack, there was great concern about China's massive conventional army.

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Even a limited counterforce strike on China's nuclear facilities was dangerous, Ogarkov argued, because a few nuclear weapons would "hardly annihilate" a country the size of China, and in response China would "fight unrelentingly". The Soviet Border Service started to report intensifying Chinese military activity in the region during the early s. The tensions were rising - first, slowly, then, with the advent of the Cultural Revolution , much faster. The number of troops on both sides of the Sino-Soviet border increased dramatically after Militarily, in , the USSR had , men and aeroplanes at that border; in , there were , men, 1, aeroplanes and medium-range missiles.

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Political rhetorics on both sides was getting increasingly more hostile. To this day, the sides blame each other for the start of the conflict. However, a scholarly consensus emerges that the Sino-Soviet border crisis was a premeditated act of violence orchestrated by the Chinese side. Even most of the Chinese historians now agree that on March 2, , PLA forces planned and executed an ambush, which took the Soviets completely by surprise.

Why the Chinese leadership opted for such an offensive measure against the Soviet Union remains a disputed question, however. On March 2, , Damansky Zhenbao Island was under the Soviet control, regularly patrolled by the Soviet border guards.

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  7. Occasional incursions of the Chinese peasants and fishermen were blocked and repelled without use of deadly force. The Chinese attack on March 2 was led by 3 platoons of specially trained troops, supported by one artillery and two mortar units. It started unprovoked with the illegal crossing of the Sino-Soviet border by a group of 77 PLA soldiers, and took the Soviets by surprise.

    When a squad of 7 men under the command of Sen Lt Ivan Strelnikov approached the Chinese with a verbal demand to leave the island, the Chinese troops opened fire, killing them all. This had started a day of hostilities that engaged Chinese regular army detachments against 2 small groups of survived Soviet border guards of no more than 30 individuals.

    The Chinese believe a different version of the conflict took place. This led to brawls between border patrols, and shooting broke out in March During this skirmish the Chinese deployed two reinforced infantry platoons with artillery support. Chinese sources state the Soviets deployed some 60 soldiers and six BTRs and in a second attack some troops backed up by ten tanks and 14 APCs including artillery. From among the units, the PLA selected soldiers commanded by army staff members with combat experience. They were provided with special training and special equipment.

    Then they were secretly dispatched to take position on Zhenbao Island in advance. On 15 March the Soviets dispatched another 30 soldiers and six combat vehicles to Zhenbao Island. After an hour of fighting the Chinese had destroyed two of the Soviet vehicles.

    A few hours later the Soviets sent a second wave with artillery support. The Chinese would destroy five more Soviet combat vehicles. By the end of the day, with the Chinese in full control of the island, Soviet general O. Losik ordered to deploy then-secret BM "Grad" multiple rocket launchers. The Soviets fired 10, artillery rounds in a nine hour engagement with the Chinese along with 36 sorties. Chinese troops left their positions on the island, following which the Soviets withdrew back to their positions on the Russian bank of the Ussuri river.

    On 17 March , the Soviets tried to recover a disabled T tank from the island, but their effort was repelled by the Chinese artillery. The Chinese opened fire and thwarted the Soviets. The tank was later given to the Chinese Military Museum. Until September 10, , the island remained no one's land, with intermittent exchange of fire between the sides. On September 10, Soviet border guards received an order to cease fire. The PLA troops immediately occupied the island. Five Soviet soldiers were awarded the top honour of the Hero of the Soviet Union for bravery and valor during the Damansky conflict.

    Leonov led the group of four T tanks in a counter-attack on March 15 and was killed by a Chinese sniper when leaving the destroyed vehicle.

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    Ivan Strelnikov tried to negotiate a peaceful withdrawal of the Chinese commandos from the island and was killed for his troubles while talking to the enemy. Vitaly Bubenin led a relief mission of 23 soldiers from the nearby border guards outpost and conducted a BTR raid into the Chinese rear that left attackers dead.

    Junior sergeant Yuri Babansky assumed command in a battle on March 2, when the enemy had a He later led combat search and rescue teams that retrieved bodies of Sen. Lt Strelnikov and Col. Junior sergeant Vladimir Orekhov took part in the March 15 battle. As a machine-gunner he was part of the first attacking line against the Chinese forces encamped on the island, he destroyed the enemy machine gun nest, and was wounded twice but continued fighting until he died of his wounds. Further border clashes occurred in August , this time along the western section of the Sino-Soviet border in Xinjiang.

    Chinese troops suffered 28 losses. Heightened tensions raised the prospect of an all-out nuclear exchange between China and the Soviet Union. As war fever gripped China, Moscow and Beijing took steps to lower the danger of a large-scale conflict. Symbolic of the frosty relations between the two communist countries, the talks were held at Beijing airport. The two premiers agreed to return ambassadors previously recalled and begin border negotiations.

    The view on the reasoning and consequences of the conflict differ. Western historians believe the events at Zhenbao Island and the subsequent border clashes in Xinjiang were mostly caused by Mao's using Chinese local military superiority to satisfy domestic political imperatives in Russian historians point out that the consequences of the conflict stem directly from the desire of the PRC to take a leading role in the world and strengthen ties with the US.

    The killing of Soviet servicemen on the border signalled to the US that China had graduated into high politics and was ready for dialog. After the conflict, America showed interest in strengthening ties with the Chinese government by secretly sending Henry Kissinger to China for a meeting with Prime Minister Zhou Enlai in , during the so-called Ping Pong Diplomacy , paving the way for Richard Nixon to visit China and meet with Mao Zedong in Comics And General Novels.

    Die Beendigung der Konfrontation zwischen dem wirtschaftlichen-militarischen Block des politischen Westens und dem des Ostens zu Beginn der Neunziger Jahre zog gleichzeitig auch den endgultigen Schlussstrich unter eine Reihe von Auseinandersetzungen, die innerhalb der kommunistischen Staatenwelt zwischen der Volksrepublik China und der Sowjetunion in unterschiedlicher Auspragung und Intensitat bis zum politischen Zusammenbruchs eines der beiden Kontrahenten ausgetragen und in ihrer Gesamtheit als Sino-Sowjetischer Konflikt" bekannt wurden.

    Es ist nicht immer einfach, angemessene Worte fur einen Einstieg in historische oder allgemeine Betrachtungen zu finden, die in jeder Hinsicht den Eigenheiten und Richtungen eines zu untersuchenden Problems gerecht werden. Auch die einleitenden Zeilen dieses Aufsatzes schaffen es nicht, den Betrachtungsgegenstandes aus seiner Komplexitat heraus inhaltlich und argumentativ fehlerfrei einzufuhren. Doch obwohl diese Zeilen noch keinen Schwerpunkt festlegen, ermoglichen sie es zumindest, den Themenbereich einzukreisen. Aufgrund seiner differenzierten Struktur liesse sich dieser Konflikt aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln heraus analysieren, die sich zumeist aus der wissenschaftlichen Ausrichtung des an diesem Thema Interessierten ergeben.

    Man konnte diesen Gegenstand vom theoretischen Standpunkt der Internationalen Beziehungen aus betrachten oder aber die Rolle elitarer Personlichkeiten als den Hauptakteuren von Geschichte in den Mittelpunkt der Untersuchungen stellen. It carries the prestige of over 47 years of retail experience.

    Mao Tse-Tung Und Der Sino-Sowjetische Konflikt German - 9783640585939

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