Witch War: The Banned and the Banished Book Three

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Immortal magic and infinite vengeance - the new epic fantasy classic continues. For more information on James Clemens visit the Orbit website at www. The Banned and the Bannished Book Five. The Banned and the Bannished Book Four. The Banned and the Banished Book Two.

Wit'ch War: The Banned and the Banished: Book #3 - James Clemens - Pocket | Bokus

The Banned and the Banished Book One. The World According to Anna. They were so bland, so cookie-cutter, so basic, so Elena started out her adventure as a normal, run-of-the-mill farmer's daughter who nobody would look twice at. Suddenly she's a witch - excuse me, a wit'ch. She develops this wide and overly complicated array of magical powers with not much in the way of a learning curve, and she gets bloody good with them fast. Oh, and she's also apparently the long-lost descendant of a lost elv'in king. And she's really nice but also sort of mature about her choices - speaking of maturity, lucky for Er'ril that spell or whatever it was aged her to optimal 'young woman' age.

What a lucky coincidence. One thing that perhaps could be a redeeming factor is that she seems to be slightly xenophobic, or even borderline racist. It's mentioned more than once I believe that the darker-skinned characters Brother Moris, the zo'ol tended to make her uncomfortable until she got to know them. It is perhaps ironic that I'd consider this to be a 'good' quality, but frankly, she needs a lot more bad points than she has. Whatever good qualities she possesses haven't really made themselves overly obvious to me, as she has no negative ones to balance them out at all.

Joach is more like a slightly dim Labrador than a concerned protector in my eyes. I'm still not entirely sure when his weaving powers really manifested seriously for the first time and were a big deal, to be honest - they just seemed to pop up conveniently though I am probably forgetting a detail or two here, apologies. Brother Moris, Flint's friend. This is perhaps, again, a trivial detail, but it got to me. It really only needs to be mentioned maybe once or twice that a character has dark skin, yet it's pointed out an uncomfortable amount of times 'The dark-skinned Brother rushed away' etc.

We know he's black, that's fine. Pointing it out so often just seems to be making it a defining point of Moris, when it should not be. None of the main crew seems to be bog-standard common-as-muck normal. Everyone is either nobility, magical in nature, or otherwise somehow special.

Elena and Joach are technically royalty, and have magical powers.

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Er'ril has lived for five fricking centuries and is bound to the Blood Diary, and is the brother of a major protagonist. Tol'chuk is half-shapeshifter, half-ogre, the descendant of some ogre traitor and the one destined to save the lost souls of his people. Meric is a nobleman and the son of his people's Queen. Mogweed and Fardale were revered somewhat for being twins. It's only mentioned now in the third book that Mountain Man Guy I really cannot remember his name, apologies is kind of a big deal to his people, needing to exact their revenge on the dwarves in their name and memory or something, I really don't know in order to reclaim their honour or something.

Sy-wen's the daughter of a high-standing council member, and Kast just so happens to be the son of the Highkeel of his people. All this nobility and standing and reverence is too much for me personally. I tend to like my characters with a little bit more dirt and grit to them. It's made quite clear in her introduction that Sy-wen is most likely a teenage girl, yet she is treated by the story and its characters as a woman. I understand that fantasy can take liberties with things, but this and her romance with Kast doesn't sit well with me.

If she is a girl, treat her like one. If she is an adult, treat her like one. The inclusion of her and Kast originally seemed pretty nifty, but now it seems that they were really nothing more than a plot device to make an excuse to develop a massive army to sail into war with. That's fine and all, but neither of them really seem to bring much else to the main storyline apart from that. They're distinctly disconnected from the main crew, even when they're actually spending time with them. Sy-wen is really not so different from Elena at all, when she could've been a great female lead to counter-balance the wit'ch.

Kast himself seems to just be a rehash of Er'ril, a gruff warrior protector who harbours romantic feelings for his charge. Ragnar'k is more interesting than the two of them combined - at least he's arrogant and stubborn, a good example of a positive 'good guy' character being defined by traits mostly seen as negative.

Wit'ch War: Book Three of the Banned and the Banished

Of course, I want to try to end it on a good enough note. My favourite character from all of the books as of yet was nothing more than a plot device throw-away antagonist, and I sincerely feel he was more interesting than the entire main crew mashed into one terrible bland chimera of cardboard: Ulster, Kast's younger brother and Keelchief of the Dragonspur, I believe the ship was called. He was a terrible man - cruel, unfair, dishonest, power-hungry and bloated with delusions of his own grandeur. I couldn't stand the guy and was angry whenever he showed up, and this absolutely delighted me to no end.

Here was a character in the midst of an otherwise lacklustre book making me feel things, making me want to punch his teeth out and kick him while he's down. Of course, he doesn't stay around for long, as his ship's shaman, an old friend of his father's, considers the young man to be hell on legs for his ship and decides to 'cleanse' the Dragonspur of him after Ulster threatens his granddaughter. We end up learning that there was a lot more to this character than just flat-out cruelty and greed, that he was the way he was because his father - who Pinorr the shaman thought was wonderful and could do no wrong - was distressingly violent towards his son behind closed doors, even more so after his older brother pissed off before it could lash towards him, leaving him entirely alone.

He was a boy desperate for somebody to just see everything that was happening, especially the person who could've made the most difference - Pinorr, who was also the most blinded to his friend's actions. Ulster was my favourite character, and probably will be throughout Wit'ch Gate and Wit'ch Star as I don't have the highest of hopes that another character as personally interesting as him will pop up. He made the book much more enjoyable to me, and that also shows that the author is certainly capable of creating personalities with some depth to them - he just missed out on the majority of people who show up in the story.

These aren't particularly recent books, and if he has written anything within the past few years, I'd jump at the chance to read it and see how much he's improved. However, even without reading any other work of his, I feel that the Wit'ch series was not the work that really defined him as an author.

I've enjoyed the series so far from a practical point of view, rather than an imaginative one. Some of the concepts are interesting and should've been fleshed out more like the various races and their relations and some needed to be refined, honed and simplified like the magic systems.

Wit'ch War: The Banned and the Banished: Book #3

On one hand, I'm looking forward to reading the final two books to see how they tie off all the loose ends, but on the other, I'm eager to get through them so I can move onto to other books. Jan 03, Kitty rated it really liked it Shelves: In this third book of the Banned and Banished series, the wit'ch Elena along with her rag-tag band of companions, work their way to the famed isle of A'loa Glen.

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  • Wit'ch War (Banned and the Banished, book 3) by James Clemens.

It is there that the Blood Diary is located, the only tool left which could finally rid the land of the evil Dark Lord. However, the journey isn't simple. The path to A'loa Glen is full of traps set forth by the minions of the Dark Lord. On top of that, the isle itself is under the control of Shorkan, one of the Dark Lord's chief lieute In this third book of the Banned and Banished series, the wit'ch Elena along with her rag-tag band of companions, work their way to the famed isle of A'loa Glen.

On top of that, the isle itself is under the control of Shorkan, one of the Dark Lord's chief lieutenants, and his army.


Elena will not only need the help of friends but the Mer'ai and the Bloodriders if she is to succeed. Once again, Clemens keeps the reader drawn into the story. I really enjoyed this book and am looking forward to the fourth book in the series. Sep 26, Ysabeaux rated it it was amazing Shelves: Jesus fucking christ I love this series so much!

I don't really have much more to say than that. These characters are like my family and I would read about them doing anything forever. I love this series. And it just gets better and better with each book! I might come back to this review later, but right now my brain is on fire from so much reading and I gotta take a break from words. Aug 29, Michele Benson rated it liked it. I am hooked on this series. This one has ghosts and flying Elvish ships that shoot lightning. The Mer girl and her dragon develop an even closer relationship.

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I don't think that is a surprise to anyone so I am not counting it as a spoiler. I have the next two books of this series on my nightstand! Aug 10, Kathi rated it really liked it Shelves: Clemens continues to weave an intriguing story, with characters who are a little predictable and some of whom are just role-players. But the world and the magic are fully developed. Clemens keeps the plot twists and surprises coming, while laying enough groundwork that they are not totally out of the blue.

Two books left in this series and the scope is widening. Jan 28, Thompson rated it it was ok. Reading non-stop "hopeless" battles was like watching a movie with endless car chase scenes. Then there were all the budding romances to reduce the book's rating. But the kicker was the surprise revelation of Lenora and Mer'ai's father! Ceci dit Les personnages que j'aimais sont mis en avant Krak, Sywen, Rag'nark, Joach et les nouveaux venus sont satisfaisant!

Jan 01, Nathan Burgoine rated it really liked it. A young woman born a wit'ch a woman with the abilties of great magicks , she is of a mixed prophecy - either the savior of the world, or its death. That was the beginning of the "Banned and the Banished," series. Since then, Clemens has rounded out the cast of his books with wonderfully drawn characters: In this third book in the series, Elena's group of friends and protectors is mostly scattered, and one of them, as told in book two, "Wit'ch Storm," has been corrupted by the Dark Heart.

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A very worthy read, the new characters complement the old, and we gain much more depth in the entire cast, not just Elena. Particularly, we delve more into Kast, Sy-wen, and Joach. Some of the characters in this book were introduced later in the series and I didn't care about them the way I did the "main" characters; some of the scenes were drawn out too long and I was starting to speed read through it rather than savor it like the other books. I must say though, the ending did have a twist that surprised me which redeemed the book, somewhat.

I will miss some of these characters like lost friends now that I have finished the series. I really enjoy this series. Not only have I bought the books, I had to add them to my kindle library. Originally bought for my daughter for book reports I had to read them too, every few years I read them all again. I finished this series about a week ago.

It feels like a through back to fantasy from the late 80's to 90's.

It has a well rounded grounded group of about 12 main characters. It always has plenty of action but never delves that deeply into characterization, but the world and the story are fully fleshed out. So if you are looking for a fast pace action adventure fantasy with a medieval type background with plenty of monsters and fighting, this is the series for you. More importantly it is a series that is completely finished!

That almost always gives it an half star to me! What a way to finish it! This whole series has been entertaining and capturing, but this end is something amazing. Even the story outside the story ends up becoming a cool look at a world that doesn't exist. I did not see some the story lines ending like they did, but I loved them all the same. Beware, don't be too attached to all the main characters.

The fantasy story of Elena has officially gone full borne crazy, and I love it. Some series can become too predictable, others are too full of twists. This book balances the two perfectly while also going off the deep end. I am looking forward to finishing strong with book five! My daughter and I read this series many years ago. I bought all 4 books from Amazon so we would have them again in our library.

It's a fun story. See all 69 reviews. Most recent customer reviews. Published 1 year ago. Published on May 27, Published on May 14, Published on May 2, Published on December 12, Published on October 19, Published on August 20, Published on August 12, Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers.

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