
Reality show pitting 10 designers of various mediums; Costumes, carpentry, fabricating, upcycling with moving parts in a Steam Punk theme. Guest Judges join.
Table of contents

Edit Cast Series cast summary: Himself - Contestant 8 episodes, Kate Lambert Kato - Herself - Judge 8 episodes, Jeannie Mai Herself - Host 8 episodes, Morgan Olson Herself - Contestant 8 episodes, Ave Rose Herself - Contestant 8 episodes, Edward Thayer Himself - Contestant 8 episodes, Thomas Willeford Himself - Judge 8 episodes, Matthew Yang King Himself - Judge 8 episodes, Charles Mason Himself - Contestant 7 episodes, Karianne Gottschalk Herself - Contestant 6 episodes, Tayliss Forge Edit Storyline Reality show pitting 10 designers of various mediums; Costumes, carpentry, fabricating, upcycling with moving parts in a Steam Punk theme.

Edit Did You Know? Trivia [ All trivia items for this title are spoilers. Add the first question.

The new 'Steampunk'd' design show on GSN is like 'Mad Max' meets 'Project Runway'

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Himself - Contestant 8 episodes, Kato - Herself - Judge 8 episodes, Herself - Host 8 episodes, Herself - Contestant 8 episodes, Episode 1 Team JW. Episode 2 Team Ave.

The new 'Steampunk'd' design show on GSN is like 'Mad Max' meets 'Project Runway'

Episode 3 Team James. Episode 4 Team Karianne.

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Episode 5 Team Charles. Episode 6 Team JW. Episode 7 Team JW.

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This article relating to reality television in the United States is a stub. Really, the problem is that the work they do is not impressive on camera.

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Neither Tim Gunn nor Tom Colicchio would stand for any of this, yet the judges are permissive and offer praise. Tasked with creating Rube Goldberg machines for a kitchen, neither team created any such thing, but only one team was really criticized for their version. The judges were more critical during their deliberation on episode three, spending a lot of time focusing on how important it is to repurpose things—and then gave the win to the room that was basically built from scratch.

Little Big Planet 3 Soundtrack - Steam Punk'd (Docking Area)

As a viewer and a person who cannot do the kind of work the contestants seem capable of doing, based on their bios and photos of their past work, I want to be impressed. I want to be in awe of what they accomplished in so little time. But we often seen them wasting time—and again, other talent competitions have had contestants overcome time obstacles to produce impressive work. If someone on Project Runway can make a dress out of corn husks that still looks impressive even after it shrivels up, well, my expectations are pretty damn high.