The Three Wise Women: A Christmas Reflection

The Three Wise Women: A Christmas Reflection [Christin Ditchfield] on Amazon. com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Mary, Elizabeth, and Anna. Three.
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With her answer Mary became the first person to accept Jesus on His own terms regardless of the cost. A cost that was high from the very beginning. As an unwed mother her reputation was ruined.

She would have endured ridicule, scorn and judgement. A Jewish betrothal was much more binding than an engagement in modern times and could be broken only by divorce.

The Three Wise Women : A Christmas Reflection by Christin Ditchfield (2005, Hardcover)

Joseph had the right to accuse her of adultery, a crime punishable by death. By saying yes to God she was literally risking her life. She saw His back ripped to ribbons, His brow bruised and bloody from the crown of thorns pressed into His flesh.

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She was there when a sword pierced His side — when He was nailed to a cross and condemned to a most brutal and humiliating death. She stood at the foot of the cross in total shock and utter disbelief. She watched Him die.

The 3 Wise Women: A Christmas Reflection by Christin Ditchfield

Mary was also there three days later when the tomb was found empty, the stone rolled away. But as someone who was highly favored by God Mary trusted that God would meet her needs.

The angel Gabriel tells her in Luke 1: For nothing is impossible with God. Scripture tells us that Mary hurried to Elizabeth. The only other person who could understand a miraculous pregnancy and divine intervention. To the one person who filled with the Holy Spirit would proclaim and confirm for Mary that she was pregnant with Jesus.

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One single, one married, one widowed. One just beginning to experience life. One coping with the challenges and changes of midlife. And one coming close to the end of her life.

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But these women had one thing in common. They chose to submit to God's will, even when it didn't seem to make sense. Take a closer look at their words and actions, and see how each woman had a unique purpose in God's great plan to bring His Son to earth.

Kindle Feature Spotlight

The Three Wise Men, though mentioned only briefly in the Gospel of Matthew, are well-known characters in the Christmas story. But we know very little about them-not even their names, or if in fact there were three of them. But the Scriptures do teach us for certain about three wise women-Mary, mother of Jesus; Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist; and Anna, a prophetess who proclaimed the good news of Jesus' birth.