Citizen’s Guide to Office of Community Services (OCS) (Citizens Guide to Federal Agencies)

2 | A Citizen's Guide to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management's of renewable energy sources can provide densely populated coastal communities BOEM is the federal agency responsible for issuing leases, easements, and rights-of-way for renewable energy projects on the OCS. .. y U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Table of contents

Recognizing that the foundation of the scientific research enterprise is built on trust, both NAS and NSF funded a study that was the basis for the third edition of On Being a Scientist: The guide NAS, a aims to ensure that. A continuing feature of this Guide is the inclusion of a number of hypothetical scenarios offering guidance in thinking about and discussing these scenarios. The report offered 11 recommendations urging scientists, institutions, journals, and other players to develop standards and provide proper training Kaiser, ; NAS, b.

The workshop summary was published in NAS, b. NAS also developed the Arthur M. Sackler Colloquia, which addresses scientific topics of broad and current interest that cut across the boundaries of traditional disciplines NAS, a. COS pursues this mission by building communities around open science practices, supporting metascience research, and developing and maintaining free, open-source software tools. COS's efforts aim to inform best practices and serve as platforms to demonstrate reproducible research methods COS, a.

Although it is a relatively new organization, COS has become a major player in advancing scientific integrity and has secured funding from three major foundations see LJAF, Templeton Foundation, and Sloan Foundation, under Foundations. This is a web application that connects and supports research workflow, enabling scientists to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their research OSF, Researchers can use the OSF to collaborate, document, archive, share, and register research projects, materials, and data.

The grant allows COS to build communities around open science values. Scientific integrity can be improved with strategies that make the fundamental but abstract accuracy motive—getting it right—competitive with the more tangible and concrete incentive—getting it published. Representatives came together from across the scientific disciplines, including funders, publishers, editors, and researchers from over 40 leading institutions Christensen, Badges incentivize open research by rewarding authors for three distinct practices: As a visual reward, badges appear directly on publications… 2 Registered Reports offer journals an alternative structure to the current publishing format to promote transparency and reproducibility in scientific research.

In this model, peer review occurs twice. Each study procedure and analysis plan are evaluated prior to data collection for in-principle acceptance; if accepted, the final manuscript is essentially guaranteed publication regardless of the reported outcome, with a second peer review to ensure the accepted methodology was conducted.

This supports the publication of negative or neutral results instead of only positive results into the scientific literature. Projects within the Metascience community include the following COS, b:. The project is a collaborative community effort to replicate published psychology experiments from three journals.

Replication teams follow a standard protocol to maximize consistency and quality across replications, and the accumulated … workflow are to be open for critical review on the OSF. The project is an initiative to conduct direct replications of 50 high-impact cancer biology studies.


The project anticipates learning more about predictors of reproducibility…. The project facilitates student research training through conducting replications. The community-led team composed a list of studies that could be replicated as part of research methods courses… Replication teams are encouraged to submit their results to an information commons for aggregation for potential publication… 4 Crowdsourcing a Dataset: This first crowdsourcing project establishes a protocol for independent simultaneous analysis of a single dataset by multiple teams, and resolution of the variation in analytic strategies and effect estimates among them.

Projects within the Infrastructure community include open-source developers and the OSF. The goal is to promote open collaboration of scientific ideas COS, b. A major product of the Center is a database of retractions generated by the work of Retraction Watch http: COPE was initiated by medical journal editors in the United Kingdom in but has expanded to over 10, editors of academic journals and persons interested in publication ethics worldwide. It also provides a forum for its members to discuss individual cases.

COPE maintains a database of all cases that have been discussed at the COPE Forum since as well as podcasts of the discussion, including the outcome of the cases and the advice given. The database now contains over cases COPE, b. COPE has produced an eLearning course that provides the tools and knowledge to enhance one's skills in publication ethics. The course has 11 modules, including 10 that are currently available to members: CSE is an international membership organization for editorial professionals publishing in the sciences CSE, CSE works with other professional organizations to shape the scientific journal environment so that the integrity of publications is upheld.

The white paper is a living document that is continuously updated through feedback received from members. AAAS is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing science for the benefit of all people. One of the highest priorities for AAAS in the late s and early s focused on the role of scientific societies in promoting research integrity. The report reviewed some of the recent history of the perceived roles and activities of scientific societies in promoting ethical conduct, discusses codes of ethics and support activities, and concluded with some findings and recommendations for research and action related to the societies' roles in promoting research integrity AAAS, The series includes AAAS, b:.

Among the topics addressed in the videos are: FASEB is the nation's largest coalition of biomedical researchers, representing 30 scientific societies and over , researchers from around the world FASEB, b. FASEB believes that maintaining public trust in medical research and preventing the introduction of bias is absolutely critical, and the organization supports efforts to preserve the integrity of science FASEB, c. ASA, founded in , is a nonprofit membership association dedicated to advancing sociology as a scientific discipline and profession serving the public good.

In , ASA issued a statement on maintaining the integrity of U. ASA believes that scientific expertise should play the dominant role implicitly or explicitly in the President's decision about whom to select for these positions. In , ASA issued a statement on academic independence and scientific integrity. The statement includes sections on recommendations for government, scientific processes and procedures, data quality use and review, and scientific access and advice ACS, c.

The speakers discussed the efforts that are being made to combat issues in peer review as well as what could be changed to improve the review process ACS, b. Some of the topics covered in the course include: In addition, CCRE faculty have ongoing research and scholarly projects in a variety of areas, including the understanding and preventing wrongdoing in research and environmental factors predictive of misbehavior. The group is a collaboration coordinated by Stanford University, Rutgers University, University of California—Davis, and many other institutions.

The conference had two primary purposes: Central to BITSS efforts is the identification of useful tools and strategies for increasing transparency and reproducibility in research, including the use of study registries, pre-analysis plans, version control, data sharing platforms, disclosure standards, and replications.

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BITSS seeks to achieve its objectives by identifying practical resources and tools for increasing openness and reproducibility, in close partnership with data scientists and empirical researchers; and promoting the dissemination and adoption of effective approaches through training courses, grant competitions, and coordination with funders, government agencies, professional societies, and academic journals. Beginning in , the Leamer—Rosenthal Prizes for Open Social Science offered prizes for emerging researchers and leaders in education.

Numerals represent the current number of activities on scientific integrity by a sector. The darker shaded spaces represent areas in which a sector is not currently engaged and helps to identify where more attention may be needed. Federal agencies have focused on developing their individual scientific integrity policies in response to the Presidential Memorandum with guidance from the OSTP implementation guide. Within their policies and work, the agencies have concentrated on different aspects of scientific integrity, depending on their unique mission. Some have created officials within these departments, including deputy scientific integrity officials at EPA and scientific integrity officers at USDA.

NIH has focused on creating policies for integrity in the peer review process and establishing guidelines on enhancing reproducibility through rigor and transparency in grant applications. In addition, EPA has a program of work to address the need for a greater statistical presence in scientific research. The development of training modules and educational tools is also an important aspect of addressing scientific integrity for other organizations and institutions.

NAS has published reports on integrity in scientific research and developed a guide on responsible conduct in research to train scientists. COPE has an eLearning course that provides extensive training for journal editors and publishers on publication ethics. AAAS has a video series for scientists and students on ethical issues in scientific research.

ICTS teaches a course on the responsible conduct of research, and CCRE produces a course that is designed to be a remediation course for those who have engaged in misconduct. PubMed Commons and Retraction Watch are public forums for discussion on the integrity of publications and the research they present, whereas the OSF is a scholarly commons to connect the entire research cycle and provides the tools to share protocols, raw data, and analysis.

This commitment to open science is possible in part through the generosity of foundations cited in this paper, who are funding grants to nonprofit organizations and academia to build the necessary infrastructure and communities needed to drive open science. These funds also support the development of tools needed to effectively work within large data sets. Like NIH, other groups have focused on issues of reproducibility.

COS held a workshop on this topic that included 40 leading institutions. BITSS focuses on the identification of tools and strategies for increasing transparency and reproducibility. NAS will examine the issues and remedies for reproducibility of research at a future colloquium that is already scheduled. ACS held a webinar for members that addressed issues of peer review and retractions.

In academia, CASBS hosts the Group on Best Practices in Science for researchers to convene and attempt to increase the validity and credibility of scientific integrity. This includes documenting research on how scientific practices may become compromised, which will be outlined in a memorandum to the White House. BITTS has created two monetary prizes that are awarded to researchers and educators who exemplify aspects of scientific integrity.

Overall, there is tremendous activity in the area of scientific integrity and there are clear linkages among the efforts of the federal agencies, foundations, nonprofit organizations, professional societies, and academia. Yet there continues to be a need to address the issue of scientific integrity despite the work that has already been done. The better the pressures that lead to misconduct are understood, the more effective efforts will be to instill scientific integrity in researchers.

Scientific integrity needs to remain visible in the scientific community and evolve along with new research paradigms. All stakeholders must place high priority in instilling these values. A comprehensive analysis of the details of the individual federal agency scientific integrity policies as well as the work done by foundations, nonprofit organizations, professional societies, and academia was not conducted for this publication.

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A second manuscript will be forthcoming with the goal to synthesize the policies of these federal agencies and organizations into a set of principles or best practices for scientific integrity. Please help keep this document current by pointing out areas that need to be expanded or updated or additional organizations that should be included. Please send comments or suggestions to gro. ILSI North America is a public, nonprofit foundation that provides a forum to advance understanding of scientific issues related to the nutritional quality and safety of the food supply by sponsoring research programs, educational seminars and workshops, and publications.

National Center for Biotechnology Information , U. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. Published online Oct Kretser, MS, RD gro. This is an Open Access article. Noncommercial reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly attributed, cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built upon in any way, is permitted. The moral rights of the named author s have been asserted. This article has been cited by other articles in PMC.

Research integrity, misconduct, transparency, reproducibility, open data, scientific integrity principles. Introduction Scientific integrity is at the forefront of the scientific research enterprise, more so than ever in recent years owing to the apparent increase in misconduct and misuse of research data.

Scientific integrity work by federal agencies. A Guide to Responsible Conduct in Research Graduate students and beginning researchers but applies to all scientists http: Open in a separate window. The report card provided a snapshot of progress that had been made across federal agencies in drafting and adopting scientific integrity policies, and PEER describes the report's aims as follows PEER, a: Attendees reached consensus on a set of principles to facilitate these goals, including the following NIH, b: Since then, several journals have endorsed these principles.

US Food and Drug Administration FDA FDA is responsible for protecting the public health by assuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, medical devices, the nation's food supply, cosmetics, and products that emit radiation FDA, b.

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EPA stated that All of the public comments were considered and, in combination with discussions with other Federal agencies, contributed to an improved final policy which was released in February Scientific integrity work by foundations. Sloan Foundation Digital Information Technology program Researchers, technologists, engineers, academic publishers, and university administrators http: John Templeton Foundation The John Templeton Foundation is a philanthropic organization whose vision includes a commitment to rigorous scientific research and related scholarship.

Sloan Foundation The Alfred P.

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Scientific integrity work by nonprofit organizations. The guide NAS, a aims to ensure that …the scientific community devotes itself to exemplifying and transmitting the values associated with ethical scientific conduct… On Being a Scientist is designed to supplement the informal lessons in ethics provided by research supervisors and mentors… and …describes the ethical foundations of scientific practices and some of the personal and professional issues that researchers encounter in their work… The book is aimed primarily at graduate students and beginning researchers, but its lessons apply to all scientists at all stages of their scientific careers.

Projects within the Metascience community include the following COS, b: Scientific integrity work by professional societies. Presidential Appointments President of the United States http: Committee on Publication Ethics COPE COPE was initiated by medical journal editors in the United Kingdom in but has expanded to over 10, editors of academic journals and persons interested in publication ethics worldwide.

The series includes AAAS, b: Learn how the national heroin and opioid crisis is affecting our community and how City programs and services are responding. Know how to recognize and respond to an overdose and how to help save lives. Chronic stress can have negative side effects on everyone. Psycho-social factors, specifically, pervasive exposure to racism and discrimination, creates an additional daily stressor for people of color.

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