The Best Year of Your Life: Dream It, Plan It, Live It

Editorial Reviews. Review. Debbie Ford's straightforward, heartfelt style makes an old-fashioned idea seem fresh in The Best Year of Your Life.
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The Best Year of Your Life

If you are located outside the U. Many of us spend our days thinking, talking and dreaming about what our lives could be like 'if only We make resolutions, we follow a new diet, we start exercise routines — we begin working on our lifelong goals and then we give up, get too busy and forget about what's truly important to us. Another year passes by and our dreams remain out of reach. But what if today you discovered that the life you've always wanted is right in front of you, well within your grasp? Are you ready to live it?

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Debbie Ford not only answers these questions but offers a proven, practical blueprint for making today — this moment — the beginning of the best year of your life. Thanks for signing up! We've emailed you instructions for claiming your free e-book. Tell us more about what you like to read so we can send you the best offers and opportunities. By submitting your email address, you understand that you will receive email communications from Bookperk and other HarperCollins services.

The video does not play. There is too much buffering. The audio is poor or missing. Video is unrelated to the product. Please fill out the copyright form to register a complaint. Make it happen today. What do you want to achieve in one year? Try the Kindle edition and experience these great reading features: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Read reviews that mention best year year of your life debbie ford dream plan new year self-help books plan live highly recommend self help plan of action many people truly wants great book really want great motivational start living easy read take the time good things better life.

There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. This is just a wonderful little book to read. If you are looking to be happy this will help. If you enjoy being the victim and wallowing in despair and stagnation, then this is not your cup of tea. I actually bought a book for a person just like my description, and while meeting with friends a mutual friend thanked them for giving them such a fine and helpful book. They then said yes isn't it wonderful and looked at me smiling, everyone now knowing they never even opened it, let alone read it. The reason I told that little story is that there are some exercises stemming from examples in this book that require what is called effort, also known as action.

If you are willing to put forth effort or action you will be rewarded with positive results. I saddens me sometimes that so many people put so much effort into their own happiness and well being. Often times these same people are always helping others, many times at their own expense. Be good to yourself. You deserve to be happy, and this book may just be the thing that you are looking for to get started on a better path.

Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. This life-changing book is a must-read for anyone who truly wants to reach for their dreams. It's not magic; you actually have to take inventory of yourself and your life and then take congruent action, but the results are amazing. Since reading this book, I put my house up for sale and I'm moving swiftly toward building the life I really want. I really liked this book. Started reading for the new year with hopes to make this the best year of my life.

I wish I had met Debbie Ford and was so sad to read that she has passed away a few years ago. She is truely an angel. Very easy to read book with practical advice. A great plan for living the best year of your life, but first I have to know what it is that I want. This book had a few good ideas but was too basic to be very helpful.

The book is compiled of pieces of other known books. It is rare that I don't finish a book, this will be one of those times. One person found this helpful.

Your books are amazing. You help shed light on the everyday human experience. I didn't feel there was anything earth-shatteringly new in there, but I did feel it was a good review of many of the goal-setting and "be your best self" things I've heard in the past. I really liked the section where she talks about excuses and "No Cookie Zones," which are behaviors and habits we have that we know aren't getting us anywhere but we keep doing them anyway. I felt that her examples and descriptions were useful in helping me recognize some of my own problem areas. I especially like the point that she made that yes, our excuses are valid--we wouldn't be using them otherwise.

Debbie Ford - The Best Year of Your Life: Dream It, Plan | BookPage

But just because something we've been telling ourselves may be true doesn't mean we have to let it limit us. Overall, it was a good book for me to read, and I think I'll be a better person because I did. Jan 09, Katie rated it really liked it. Some great nuggets of wisdom, as well as good common sense ways to get your house, life, and relationships in order, make this a great read if you are ready to commit the energy it takes to make some changes.

I really liked this book. Started reading for the new year with hopes to make this the best year of my life. I wish I had met Debbie Ford and was so sad to read that she has passed away a few years ago. She is truely an angel.

The Best Year of Your Life: Dream It, Plan It, Live It

Very easy to read book with practical advice. A great plan for living the best year of your life, but first I have to know what it is that I want. Jan 07, Monica rated it liked it.

Some motivational reading before beginning a new semester. An excellent and inspiring book I must admit, I was a little surprised by how positive this book is, after having read Debbie Ford's "good in the dark" books. But this book has a wonderful message. It isn't at all came positivity, but a real inspirational message. Jan 09, Lorin rated it it was amazing. I met her and she was an absolutely amazing woman to speak with. She passed away a few years ago and the world lost a brilliant mind!

For at least ten years I have been carrying around this program that came in a pretty box called The Best Year of Your Life. I've finally decided it's time to put it to use. I found it a great book to inspire us to take care of ourselves and make each year the best of our lives. So glad I decided to finally open up the pretty box and take its advice.

Jan 03, Jessica rated it liked it. The Best Year of Your Life is a fine book for people looking for more meaning and enjoyment in life. While I liked the message and general information determine what your ideal life looks like and take actions to make that a reality, appreciate the present moment, do things that you will remember for years in the future , I don't feel like this book presented the information in very interesting way.

Jan 31, Amy rated it liked it. Begin bringing more conscious awareness to the moments of our day. When you find yourself living a moment that has special significance, stop and breathe it in. Say to yourself, either silently or out loud, "I'm going to claim this moment. Soak the moment in and consciously register it rather than rushing off to the next moment. Jan 24, Rochelle Baldwin rated it it was ok. It had good points, but I felt was very repetitive. Once again Debbi delivers Your books are amazing.

You help shed light on the everyday human experience. Boost my soul to expand and try again. Jun 16, Aimee Jackson rated it it was ok Shelves: Nothing really new here, just more of the 'be your best self' advice. The book provides good advice for setting goals and addressing the excuses, habits, and self-defeating behaviors that can prevent you from achieving them. However, I felt that it relied too heavily on stories and examples rather than providing the necessary tools to achieve the desired results. As an example, 'Become aware of your negative expectations and practice replacing them with positive expectations' is wonderful advice Nothing really new here, just more of the 'be your best self' advice.

As an example, 'Become aware of your negative expectations and practice replacing them with positive expectations' is wonderful advice to avoid undermining your self-esteem and sabotaging your dreams, but how does one actually go about this? Or, 'Make a list of the behaviors, choices, and habits you engage in that are in direct opposition to the fulfillment of becoming the person you desire to be.

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Now consider what new behaviros and choices you can make to have this year be extraordinary' - great advice, but it doesn't seem sufficient to empower me to identify those behaviors and make real, lasting change in my for the future. There are links provided to access the website for online worksheets to assist with the process, but when I visited the website, all I could find were links to register for online courses - no worksheets.

Overall, I didn't think this book was sufficient to help me achieve the best year of my life. May 31, Ana rated it it was ok Shelves: I really had no idea who Debbie Ford is or what kind of books does she write. That's why I really had no expectations from this book. But, after I read it