Small Worlds: A Novel

Small Worlds: A Novel [Allen Hoffman] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Small Worlds, the first volume in Allen Hoffman's critically.
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I may find that I'm unable to get King of Hell done to my satisfaction in a timely enough manner for my tastes, and may decide to release Small Worlds: We'll see how it goes.

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I currently have plans for a Pentology of Trilogies taking place in this universe. Revealing the name of the final two trilogies will spoil the end of the Last Days trilogy, so I'm not going to say what it is. I also have ideas for spin-off novels that take place during each phase, which will focus on other characters we haven't actually met in the main series or were only minor players, but are part of the same universe - some of which would appear again in Phase 2.

I'm revealing as little as possible for Phase 3 plans to avoid spoilers. Now, here's the thing - at my current pace, which I expect to be able to maintain if not increase, I could finish all three phases in a little over a year once you discount spin-off novels.

But I also have ideas that don't really fit into the Small Worlds mythology, such as a pure sci-fi post apocalyptic book with political commentary, Apollyon Effect and its two planned sequels, Bloodlines, an entire universe of superheroes since that's a genre I want to put my own unique spin on. Of course, if I get to the point where I'm able to do this as my full time job, I'll be able to write multiple parts concurrently and that'll solve the problem.

Oh, and I see a lot of people worried I'm going to burn out. I appreciate the concern, but I don't think that's going to happen - I cannot tell you how much fun I'm having bringing these stories to you all and reading your reactions, but I promise if that's ever a risk, I'll take a vacation before it happens. Thank you so much to everyone who's supported it so far. As a final request, if it wouldn't be too much trouble, if everyone could click on the website link or follow the facebook page at some point it would be a huge help. Both those let me track what part of the world visitors are coming from, which reddit doesn't do, and that data will help me figure out where and how to release the books - and possibly in the future look at translators and other things.

Alternatively, if you just want to leave what country you're from in the comments below, that would be equally helpful!

  1. Small Worlds by Allen Hoffman.
  2. Get A Copy!
  3. Small World by David Lodge.
  4. Small World by David Lodge | Books | The Guardian.
  5. Das Alte Testament als Wahrheitsraum des Neuen: Die neue Sicht der christlichen Bibel (German Editio;

I suggest the website because that doesn't give me any other identifying information about you or involve announcing your country of origin on Reddit - just tells me "someone from country X visited". Did you know I was on Patreon? If you did, thank you for your support! I think this must have been what it felt like to be one of the publishers who first read Harry Potter. I'm so happy I was here for the creation of it! Keep up the Good work man!

Small World

Quick question, I went on your Patreon site and saw that there were two tiers of giving. Are the the only two tiers or is there a way to give more? This, to me anyway, is worth at least as much as Netflix! Thanks a ton for your support! And I really hope this ends up taking off to Harry Potter levels, but I doubt I'll get quiiiiite that lucky. Please don't change it to third eye. That's a whole world of associations that would be terrible to include. I actually thought calling it "Divine sight" got the point across really well and makes it seem like a new sense, where when I hear third eye I think of the classic psychic reading shop.

I just know I call it about 5 different things over the course of the story, and I need to settle on one.

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As a fan of the internet, the word 'query' comes to mind. It really suits the action performed, but I can't really think of a way to have the term flow right in a sentence the way you're using it. Are you planning on publishing physical copies, or will it only be digital versions? I understand that it's harder to publish and sell physical copies, but if you did I would definitely buy them.

So right now I know of a way to sell physical copies here in the US, but I'm not sure about options for doing so internationally. I'll be looking into it, though! From when you started small worlds until now I've read every part on the way to work, sometimes sneaky reading whilst working, when you release a second part!

At one point, whilst waiting on the next Small Worlds installment, I looked through your subreddit and found Arthur King of Hell and read it all right there and then. Will i be able to buy a digital version of the books?

Small Worlds | Royal Road

There will definitely be a way for you to get a digital copy! I'm currently investigating options for international readers to make sure I'm using the best option for their region. I helped a friend get setup on Amazon's Create-a-space. It's Amazon's "self publishing" thing. Basically as long as you have an ISBD that's probably not the right acronym you can upload a PDF of the work to the Create-a-Space thing and then Amazon will do the digital and physical fulfillment. Feel free to shoot me a PM if you want to know more. The part of the Create-a-space thing I'm not clear on is the international part - I'll be PMing you later on, I'm sure, for help with that portion.

Yeah, the international part is confusing - they really don't have the best "Walk-Through. I preffer to buy it in english than translated however most brazilians would rather read it in portuguese. I believe Brazil is not a great place to sell books, book stores are few and often closing their doors. So I don't think you should bother translating it to brazilian portuguese at least not right away. But I already made sure every friend I have took at least a look at your stories. You deserve all the success you can get! I love your work! I'm definitely going to buy the book.

I also like your idea of having translators. I'm from Germany and I'm happy to translate parts for you, if that is something you like! I can't wait to buy this. Lodge confessed that he had re-read the paper that Angelica gives at the MLA conference and thought it was "really rather good". Angelica is also a character from a romance plot taken from Ariosto's Orlando Furioso , and relish for the allusiveness of Small World was shared. One commenter on the book club website claimed that their interest in grail stories had been so awakened by the novel that they had named their son Perceval.

There were comparisons with the literariness of other academic novels, notably AS Byatt's Possession , and another commenter pointed out that Anthony Powell's final novel, The Fisher King , had used the same myth as Lodge. The author's delight in the carnivalesque allowed him to exploit mythology, but what about other belief systems?

One reader wanted to know if Lodge would call himself a Catholic novelist. He declined the label, preferring to see Catholicism as one comic element among others, though he agreed that the Catholicism of his protagonist, Persse, was central to the plot of Small World. Like some knight from romance, he intends to win his beloved while preserving his chastity. If we were to read his novels in chronological order we would see, he thought, a once orthodox Roman Catholic becoming "less and less so as time went on".

We had talked a good deal about how much Lodge had drawn on the real American academic Stanley Fish for his roguish Professor Morris Zapp, and there was a good deal of affection on show for a character who has taken on a peculiar life of his own. The pleasure of creating Zapp for Lodge was bringing him to England — seeing his own country through the eyes of another.

Could Zapp not live on, like his real-life counterpart? Perhaps a short story? Topics Books Book club. Order by newest oldest recommendations. Show 25 25 50 All.