Integrity Works: Strategies for Becoming a Trusted, Respected and Admired Leader

Integrity Works: Strategies for Becoming a Trusted, Respected and Admired Leader [Dana Telford] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.
Table of contents

If I can impress on my students a long term goal of learning, I will acheive forward thinking leadership. Respect the individual to inspire the individual. I am only as smart as my actions display. I will always strive to learn from my students as I teach my students. To always learn is to be intelligent.

I absolutely agree with your five qualities. I have leaders that believe they are exhibiting these qualities or behaviors , but they have no followers. A follow on article telling them how to measure their effectiveness as a leader would be great.

Honesty as a Leadership Quality

You have opened my eyes to know where to be modest and where modesty may become counterproductive. I have been guilty of being phlegmatic when it comes to displaying competence in many situations.

I have also been guilty of showing off intelligence without knowing it. But I have discovered that winning arguments all the time often leaves people hurt and resentful because it amounts to displaying intelligence. I did not see it as showing off intelligence, which I only hear people tell others as a result of the way they say I marshal my point.

The same people who say I am intelligent are the same people who express frustration when I ask questions or disagree with their points of view. What it means for me and people like me is if we ever hope to be good leaders we must drop this habits.

Characteristics of a Good Business Leader

This article was not only very informative but educating. I was recently accept in a Employee Development Program in my place of employment and currently in the 4th month of the one year program. Reading, I could not help but reflect on the current leadership within the management and how it does not reflect any of the characteristics outlined in the article. Fear, intimidation and punishment is the best way I can describe the style of leadership that is currently in management. Saidly, some of these gentlemen have gone through the same develolpment program that I am currently in.

There is a small group of us that are not afraid of those in management and we all have had our share of run ins, and they know that we are not intimidated by their positions. Though I may not be able to change the perspective of these individuals, I can only change myself. I can only improve and continously learn those traits in leadership that will help me effectively lead myself to be a better person and then become an asset within my organization. I love what I do and the organization that employs me, it not only affords upward mobility locally but on the global scale.

I agress with the attributes of leadership. However, leaders must recognize individuals who help them develop and attain their visionary goals. Many times it is the support staff that needs to be credited for helping leaders to stay focused. I especially like the idea of inspiring employees from within. Running a small business as a lone entrepreneur can be frustrating and quite hard at times. Hopefully me and other can take the information here and turn it into a successful leadership style for not only our companies if we have one but our lives as well.

I personally struggle with the forward-thinking. I get so caught up in the day to day problem patients, staffing issues and management obligations that the only forward thinking I know is that our patient volume needs to increase. I have always been the manager that takes direction from the director and runs with it.

I would like to make some critical decisions on my own. This is something that I really want to work on. I have no problems with that at all. A quality I think a great leader must have is humility. You may know it all and if you play your hand others my find you pompous arrogant and choose to unfollow you. Next, I believe the inspiration is a good quality to possess as a leader. By being inspirational you can speak to your followers and move mountains. And by being inspirational you should pay attention to over selling a point to the point you lose credibility if you can not support what you so passionately sold through inspiration to your followers.

Interesting, I never really though about the qualities that make a good leader. The hospital is currently under negotiations to be bought and the CEO has handled it with tremendous skill and poise. She has been open,honest and explained her vision for the hospital. She exhibits most of the qualities.

Thank you for your 5 leadership traits.

Leadership Traits – The Five Most Important Leadership Qualities

I am a retired teacher and have been tutoring since retirement. I am always searching for information that I can pass on to others , but I also need to read more and more about leadership in improving my own true leadership. I am always trying to pass on new information to my adult kids and my grandchildren as well as my students. Teaching is the greatest profession around…it seems that a true teacher can always be inspired by others. I am an elementary teacher and believe that young children need to be inspired at an early age.

I support these leadership traits and practice this in my daily work and when with friends and associates; I wish our local government officials and mayors would do the same; so there can be transparency and action that really improves the quality of life for all. Ask candidates running for office to explain their leadership traits they will follow; most cannot. They just read others without practice. So much fake leadership out there.

It makes me sick, many of us as students were taught code of standards and then we go out to the real world, get jobs and meet these so called leaders who have no code of ethics; nor real leadership traits to inspire us. That is so sad, it just proves how people breed corruption. Greed over being genuine…too much personal wealth building leads to sick power and no community wealth building at all. Where is the leadership on this? Very excellent article that has captured the leading traits of an effective leader to display. It is so true, that merely possessing these traits is not enough; they need to be displayed from a natural sense and not forced.

I have recently taken a managerial position in the hospital where I work. I have worked for the organization for 18 years, but never as a manager. I found this article helpful to me personally, because one of the things I have struggled with is how to be a good leader. The new position is very challenging so I am always trying to find books and programs that that will increase my skills.

I found this article helpful and will try to actively apply these skills to my practice. I agree that in order to be a successful leader you must exhibit the five traits. I must say I greatly benefited from you analysis of the leadership qualities. Anyone who aspires to lead a group of people, or a struggling nation, must possess or acquires such vital traits. Unfortunately, in the Third World, ws have some so-called leaders, who not only lack such qualities, but are also corrupt and boneheaded. Karzai of Afghanistan is a vivid example of such notorious and discredited leaders. I have seen leaders develop over time during my 20 years of service in The United States Army through experience, making several mistakes, humility, honesty, respect for others and a willingness to listen to those who have develop into successful leaders both at the junior and senior level.

The one sure thing I experienced and learned as a junior and senior leader is that leading by example and setting the example will enhance ones leadership abilities, trust and confidence with the ones they have been put in charge of. A non-leader is usually not focused and not paying attention to what they need to do in the future. But a leader does. A leader is honest, forward-looking, competent, inspiring, and intelligent. So that means that people can trust that person enough to be a leader.

And also they have to think about whats going on and things they need to fix. I found your piece very inspiring. I realized i missed a lot of opportunities to exhibit leadership skills in the past. I have helped people, colleagues, my departmental team in the office out of difficult situation times without number. I actually derived fun doing those things.

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Instead of getting promoted, i never knew others were taking the credits. As for me, my temper, arrogance might have worked against me. I am in my early forties now, when i was much younger, my company competitors wanted me to start their offices as manager direct, i ignored them thinking i am a okay in my office. Now, i have to start something on my own as i have learnt in hard way. I studied engineering and have enough experience as far as shop floor operation is concerned.

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But, now i must learn leadership skills fast as i plan to study management. I gained a lot from your tips, many thanks. I would like to see leadership conferences, Dale Carnegie and others, around our nation to prepare the younger generations for leadership roles. Costs should be kept affordable. My generation is becoming older and we must pass the tprch of liberty and leadership to this younger generation.

The cost of freedom is not free! We must save our Democracy and that needs education. The five leadership qualities are being honest,foward looking,competent, inspiring, and intelligent. I think that I can be a great leader because, I am an honest person. I will admit to my mistakes. People trust people that actively display honesty. I think that I am worth following. I think that i exhibit the five leadership qualities. I am intelligent in the respect that I learn from people that lead,and bing intelligent, you learn from asking questions.

A person can develop a great deal of intelligence in any field by simply investing a reasonable amount of time reading on a daily basis. Mark… a well written piece on leadership traits. These are external traits you have listed so I will add the obvious that it takes an inner drive, a passion, to make these work. You also addressed the ability to have a strategic vision and the smarts to carry it out. I would say people skills, the ability to connect to people, is more important than intelligence.

Good luck and keep writing. Throughout my working career as a soldier in the US Army, DoD Civilian as well as work done in other spheres, I have had the opportunity of working with some of the very best leaders and managers who excel in their various fields of endeavor meaning they are competent in their jobs, communicate regularly, candid with their constituents, honest with employees, open minded, go to bat for their subordinates, and best of all will not ask of their employees anything they are not capable of doing themselves.

I have also seen pretentious leaders and managers who lack the essential qualities of a leader and rule their constituents strictly by the neo-classical techniques and bottom line requirements and the results they achieve are self evident. I personally believe that leadership traits can be acquired through learning, practice, repetition and most important of all discipline. I think trust is an important part of leadership but also submit it is a part of honesty.

If you make a promise of a reward to motivate your staff, firstly ensure you have the authority to make that promise. If it comes from your own pocket so much the better. If your staff accomplish that goal, you MUST provide the promises reward. Another example is the negotiations in workplace flexibility. A staff member needs time off for personal or family reasons or some other extraneous request and you negotiate a particular work performance requirement. I recently retired from a career in law enforcement and had the dishonor to work for an anministrative team who would be hard pressed to manage a lemonade stand.

Due to poor management skills, there was no synergy, low morale, and a department divided against itself. Your leadership traits are inspiring and I hope to use them in my future endeavors. Nice read, I have been put in roles of leaderships,, called a born leader. I have always wanted to be a person of integrity and found this speaks volume of a leader.

The leadership skill honesty really was inspiring.. I always agree percent is the greatest reward you can give is inspiring and empowering others. These traits will certainly guide me that far — only God knows! My professor asked me to write down five leadership traits in groups. Leading our group, we listed down Servant, visionary, influence, wise, and knowledge. What you have mentioned above is amazing and needs time to build up accordingly. What about the ability to communicate? A leader also has to be able to adapt to many situAtions.

These are fine traits but in a complex world these are not the traits that help a leader make the best decisions. I offer nine one of which is the ability to share leadership depending on the issue. I am doing a presentation on Leadership qualities.

May I use some of your material giving you credit? This is for a group of academically disadvantaged students.

Integrity Works: Strategies for Becoming a Trusted, Respected, and Admired Leader

The top five traits […]. Your email address will not be published. Honesty as a Leadership Quality People want to follow an honest leader. Forward-Looking as a Leadership Trait The whole point of leadership is figuring out where to go from where you are now. When people do not consider their leader forward-looking, that leader is usually suffering from one of two possible problems: Integrity is the consistency of your actions, your words, your values, and your moral principles. It's at the center of every true success. When you make the time to invest in others, they will return great value.

When you invest in your people you are investing in the future. Great leaders remain humble even after they have acquired great success, money, and power. Confidence is who we are on the outside, and humility is who we are on the inside. If you treat people fairly they will likely treat you back with the same. Leaders who are fair and impartial are the ones who are admired and remembered. They succeed because a concentrated focus determines reality.

The deepest devotion occurs when loyalty is a two- way street. When you lead you need to give your loyalty and give it daily. Integrity requires that you be true and honest--and the long reach of electronic media makes keeping secrets a risky proposition. People respect true hearts because they produce honest actions. The first job of a leader is to inspire trust and build it daily, and great leaders know that trust must be given if it's going to be earned.

Leadership is an achievement of trust. Everyone wants to be valued and appreciated and recognized for who they are and what they do. As a leader, you must find ways to recognize and reward people when they do great work. Communication is vital--and that means being not only a great speaker but also a great listener. Great leaders engage directly with what's in front of them, and they never underestimate the power of the smallest interaction. Great leaders believe that true leadership is measured in moments, not years.

What you do every moment today will influence your future. The things that make you different are the things that define your character, and your character is what defines your leadership.