The Wessex of Thomas Hardy [Illustrated]

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Under the Greenwood Tree Collins Classics. Poems of Thomas Hardy. Far from the Madding Crowd [ Illustrated ]. The Woodlanders Collins Classics. The Withered Arm and Other Stories Thomas Hardy, The Poetry Of.

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  3. Prairie Winter.

Return of the Native Collins Classics. A Pair Of Blue Eyes. The Mayor of Casterbridge Collins Classics.

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Poems of the Past and the Present. Group of Noble Dames. The Mayor of Casterbridge. Far from the Madding Crowd Illustrated. Classic British Love Stories. Under the Greenwood Tree. Tess of the d'Urbervilles.

Thomas Hardy's Wessex

The Romantic Adventures of a Milkmaid. The Return of the Native. Wessex Poems And Other Verses. A Pair of Blue Eyes. Two on a Tower.

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The Distracted Preacher and Other Tales. Selected Novels of Thomas Hardy. Thomas Hardy Six Pack. Time's Laughingstocks and Other Verses.

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The Pursuit of the Well-beloved and the Well-beloved. The Fiddler of the Reels and Other Stories. The Hand of Ethelberta. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long. Where Rhoda and Farmer Lodge's son is hanged. North Wessex — although Christminster is technically not within the borders of Hardy's Wessex, as it is located to the north of the River Thames , he describes it in Jude the Obscure as being "within hail of the Wessex border, and almost with the tip of one small toe within it".

This is where Jude Fawley goes to become a scholar, and is advised to give up his career choice. Sue Bridehead works in a shop which produces religious artefacts there, meets her cousin, and is thrown from her lodgings. Combe Martin is actually in Devon, indicating that Hardy's boundaries are not necessarily linked to current county boundaries.

Here is situated the Church of the d'Urbervilles. After Tess' Father's death, the Durbeyfield family take refuge outside the chapel. It is there that Jude Fawley meets up with his old teacher Mr. It is where Sue Bridehead starts to work as a teacher and promises herself in marriage to Mr. Tess Durbeyfield is born and brought up there. After becoming pregnant by Alec D'Urberville she returns to the village and gives birth to a baby boy, who dies in infancy.

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  • Drusilla Fawley runs a bakery there. It is the place where Sue Bridehead spent her childhood. Jude Fawley is brought there following the death of his father, and it is where he matures into a man. This is the place where Jude goes to prepare himself for the ministry , and where Sue Bridehead is studying to become a teacher.

    The latter runs away from her school there, and later marries Mr. Phillotson in the town. Hardy's heart is also buried here, next to his first wife, Emma. Jude Fawley's father died there. This is the place where Tess Durbeyfield lives with Alec D'Urberville as his mistress, and where she murders him upon the return of her husband, Angel Clare. It is also the place where Sue Bridehead's freethinking friend was buried, and where she was the only mourner at his funeral. Jack Durbeyfield visits the doctor in Shaston and learns that he has a bad heart.

    Phillotson moves there to run a school. Jude Fawley travels there to see Sue Bridehead, who, married to Mr. Phillotson, is working in the town, and they flee the place together.