Persephones Blade

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Persephone was the Queen of the Underworld and was the one responsible for orchestrating the events throughout the game. She had become bitter from caring over the fallen and allied herself with the Dream God Morpheus and the mighty Titan Atlas , in hopes of destroying the world along with herself.

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While chasing his deceased daughter, Calliope , in the Underworld, Kratos, the gods' servant, was met by Persephone and demanded to see his daughter. Persephone explained to Kratos that if he were to see his daughter, who fled to the Elysium Fields, he would need to prove himself worthy by giving up his power and weapons. Only then would he be granted passage into the Elysium Fields as well. As he finally reunited with his daughter, Kratos realized he had been tricked by Persephone when she revealed her plot to destroy the world.

Persephone no longer wanted to live because of the fact that she married a man she did not love, lived a life she did not choose, and that she was betrayed by the very Gods who called her their own. She would be at peace and be free from her miserable existence. She taunted Kratos over the fact that he could do nothing to save his daughter. Kratos angrily tried to attack Persephone, but she merely blasted him away.

Kratos gave up his chance to be with Calliope to regain his powers and weapons so that he might be able to stop Persephone.

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  • PERSEPHONE GODDESS OF - Greek Mythology.
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Transforming into a winged and armored form to combat the Spartan, Persephone flew up the Pillar of the World, which Atlas had already been in the process of destroying. With his blades, Kratos managed to follow Persephone by latching himself onto her. They battled atop the Pillar, where Persephone was aided by Atlas. However, Helios, being held in Atlas's hand, radiated the ray of light which Kratos used to weaken the goddess. He then smashed her to death with the Gauntlet of Zeus.


In her last breath, she told Kratos that his suffering would never end. Her body then started to disintegrate releasing an incredible amount of energy, and Persephone, goddess of the Underworld, finally ceased to exist. Persephone only briefly appears, as part of a puzzle. She, like Ares , is buried in a decorated coffin. Hades himself later mentions her death alongside Athena 's and Poseidon 's as one of the many grievances the Lord of the Underworld has against Kratos.

Also, when Kratos battles Hades, it is within one of Persephone's grottoes, and her face is even engraved in the center of the floor where Kratos fights with Hades. After Hades decided to kidnap Persephone, she was betrayed by the Gods and forced to wed her kidnapper. For this reason, she has come to bear a deep hatred towards not just Olympus , but the entire world. Her bitterness was so great that she was willing to manipulate others and commit suicide by destroying the world, her plan being to die in peace and bring the world down with her.

She claims to see herself in Kratos , due to their mutual suffering at the hands of the gods. Although she believes Kratos is selfish and weak, she shares this same personality trait, as shown by her desire to eradicate mankind completely. Rouse Greek epic C5th A. You did not die. You are still alive, my boy, even if you died.

Sisyphus allows return from the dead 3 Persephone Favour: Orpheus allows wife to return from the dead 4 Persephone Favour: Alcestis returns her to the living 5 Persephone Favour: Heracles quest in the underworld 6 Persephone Favour: The Mysteries of the goddesses Demeter and Persephone promised initiates passage to a blessed afterlife. Homeric Hymn 2 to Demeter 1 ff trans.

Then she went, and to the princes [of Eleusis] who deal justice, Triptolemos and Diokles, the horse-driver, and to doughty Eumolpos and Keleus Celeus , leader of the people, she showed the conduct of her rites and taught them all her Mysteries, to Triptolemos and Polyxeinos and Diokles also,--awful Mysteries which no one may in any way transgress or pry into or utter, for deep awe of the gods checks the voice. Happy is he among men upon earth who has seen these mysteries; but he who is uninitiate and who has no part in them, never has lot of like good things once he is dead [i.

Pindar, Dirges Fragment trans. Sandys Greek lyric C5th B. Pindar appears to be saying that the soul is judged in Hades and, if found guiltless, passes on to the realm of Elysium. It must, however, return to earth twice more and suffer two more deaths. Then, finally, Persephone releases it from the cycle--it returns to earth once more to live life as a righteous king, hero or sage, before being sent to the paradisial Islands of the Blest.

Pindar, Dirges Fragment Some of them delight themselves with horses and with wrestling; others with draughts, and with lures; while beside them bloometh the fair flower of perfect bliss. And o'er that lovely land fragrance is ever shed, while they mingle all manner of incense with the far-shining fire on the altar of the gods. From the other side sluggish streams of darksome night belch forth a boundless gloom. Plato, Meno 81a ff trans. Lamb Greek philosopher C4th B. There were certain priests and priestesses who have studied so as to be able to give a reasoned account of their ministry [i.

As to their words, they are these: They say that the soul of man is immortal, and at one time comes to an end, which is called dying, and at another is born again, but never perishes. Consequently one ought to live all one's life in the utmost holiness. Haides and Persephone presided over the oracles of the dead and the rites of necromancy nekromankia --summoning and communion with the ghosts of the dead.

Odysseus was instructed in necromancy by the witch Kirke Circe so that he might commune with the prophetic ghost of the seer Teiresias. According to the author of the Odyssey the rites were performed on the border of the underworld. Shewring Greek epic C8th B. The blind seer's thought is wakeful still, for to him alone, even after death, Persephone has accorded wisdom; the other dead are but flitting shadows. At the entrance there, the stream of Akheron Acheron is joined by the waters of Pyriphlegethon and a branch of Styx, Kokytos Cocytus , and there is a rock where the two loud-roaring rivers meet.

Then, lord Odysseus, you must do as I enjoin you; go forward, and dig a trench a cubit long and a cubit broad; go round this trench, pouring libation for all the dead, first with milk and honey, then with sweet wine, then with water; and sprinkle white barley-meal above. Then with earnest prayers to the strengthless presences of the dead you must promise that when you have come to Ithaka Ithaca you will sacrifice in your palace a calfless heifer, the best you have, and will load a pyre with precious things; and that for Teiresias and no other you will slay, apart, a ram that is black all over, the choicest in all the flocks of Ithaka.

At this, the souls of the dead and gone will come flocking there. With commanding voice you must call your cmorades to flay and burn the two sheep that now lie before them, killed by your own ruthless blade, and over them to pray to the gods, to resistless Haides and dread Persephone. As for yourself, draw the keen sword from beside your thight; then, sitting down, hold back the strengthles presences of the dead from drawing nearer to the blood until you have questioned Teiresias.

Then, King Odysseus, the seer will come to you very quickly, to prophesy the path before you, the long stages of your travel, and how you will reach home at last over the teeming sea. Arriving there, we beached the vessel, took out the sheep and then walked onwards beside the stream of Okeanos until we came to the place that Kirke Circe had told us of. There, Perimedes and Eurylokhos Eurylochus seized the victims and held them fast, while I myself drew the keen sword from besie my thigh and cut a trench a cubit long and a cubit broad.

Round it I poured a libation for all the dead, first with milk and honey, then with sweet wine, then with water; over this I sprinkled white barley-meal. Then with earnest prayers to the strengthless presences of the dead I promised that when I came to Ithaka I would sacrifice in my palace a calfless heifer, the best I had, and would load a pyre with precious things; and that for Teiresias and no other I would slay, apart, a ram that was black all over, the choicest in all the flocks of Ithaka.

When with my prayers and invocations I had called on the peoples of the dead, I seized the victims and cut their throats over the trench. The dark blood flowed, and the souls od the dead and gone came flocking upwards from Erebos--brides and unmarried youths, old men who had suffered much, tender girls with the heart's distress still keen, troops of warriors wounded with brazen-pointed spears, men slain in battle with blood-stained armour still upon them.

With unearthly cries, from every quarter, they came crowding about the trench until pale terror began to master me. Then with urgent voice I called my comrades to flay and burn the two sheep that now lay before them, killed by my own ruthless blade, and over them to pray to the gods, to resistless Haides and dread Persephone.

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As for myself, I drew the keen sword from beside my thigh, seated myself and held back the strengthless preseences of the dead from drawing nearer to the blood before I had questioned Teiresias. The sinews no longer hold flesh and bones together; these are all prey to the resistless power of fire when once the life has left the white bones; the soul takes wing as a dream takes wing, and thereafter hovers to and fro.

They gathered flocking round the dark blood [of the sacrificial black sheep] all together. So they came forward one after another, and each in turn told me her lineage, for I left none of them unquestioned. Then, when chaste Persephone had dispersed this way and that the souls of those many women, there came before me in bitter sorrow the soul of Agamemon. Other souls of the dead and gone still stood there sorrowfully, each of them questioning me on whatever touched them the most. Indeed I might then have seen [more of] those men of past days I wished to see, but before I could, there came before me with hideous clamour the thronging multitudes of the dead, and ashly terror seized hold of me.

I feared that august Persephone might send against me from Haides' house the Gorgoneion gorgon's head of some grisly monster. I made for my ship at once, telling my comrades to step aboard and to loose the cables.

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Aldrich Greek mythographer C2nd A. He also looked on his mother Antikleia and Elpenor, who had died of a fall in the house of Kirke. Lycophron, Alexandra ff trans. In this account Odysseus visits the necromantic oracle at Cumae. Virgil's account is only quoted in part here. Melville Roman epic C1st B. And she [the Sibyl told him: You shall achieve your aim and with my guidance you shall [visit the underworld]. Aeneas did her bidding and saw the riches of Orcus' [Haides'] frightful realm and his own ancestors and the aged ghost of great-hearted Anchises.

Day-Lewis Roman epic C1st B.

God of War III Video Walkthrough: Persephone to Hades (Chapter 2 Part 4)

But if so great your love is, so great your passion to cross the Stygian waters twice and twice behold black Tartarus, if your heart is set on this fantastic project, here's what you must do first. Concealed in a tree's thick shade there is a golden bough--gold the leaves and the tough stem--held sacred to Proserpine [Persephone]: Yet none is allowed to enter the land which earth conceals save and until he has plucked that gold-foil bough from the tree. Fair Proserpine ordains that it should be brought to her as tribute. When a bough is torn away, another gold one grows in its place with leaves of the same metal.


So keep your eyes roving above you, and when you have found the bough just pull it out: In Statius' Thebaid the seer Teiresias performs necromancy to commune with the dead to discover the cause of a curse-plague afflicting the city of Thebes. Nekromankia ], and makes ready beforehand to evoke the monarch [Haides] sunk below the confines of [the Theban river] Ismenos where it mingles with the deep, and makes purgation all around with the torn entrails of sheep and the strong smell of sulphur, and with fresh herbs and the long mutterings of prayer.

Then he entwined their fierce horns with wreaths of dusky hue, handling them himself, and first at the edge of that well-known wood [i. Then they roll tree trunks thither, and the sad priest bids there be three altar-fires for Hecate and three for the maidens born of cursed Acheron [i. Persephone]; in front and on every side the cypress of lamentation intertwines them. And now, their lofty heads marked with the sword and the pure sprinkled meal, the cattle fell under the stroke; then the virgin Manto [the daughter of Tiresias], catching the blood in bowls, makes first libation, and moving thrice round all the pyres, as her holy sire commands, offers the half-dead tissues and yet living entrails, nor delays to set the devouring fire to the dark foliage.

And when Tiresias heard the branches crackling in the flames and the grim piles roaring--for the burning heat surges before his face, and the fiery vapour fills the hollows of his eyes--he exclaimed, and the pyres trembled, and the flames cowered at his voice: Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica 2. Rieu Greek epic C3rd B. Witches, such as Medea, were practitioners of the necromancy. Medea employs this chthonic power in a spell to restore Aeson's youth. Plunging a knife into a black sheep's throat she drenched the wide ditches with blood; next from a chalice poured a stream of wine and from a second chalice warm frothing milk and, chanting magic words, summoned the Deities of Earth Numina Terrena and prayed the sad shades' monarch Rex Umbrarum [Haides] and his stolen bride [Persephone] that, of their mercy, from old Aeson's frame they will not haste to steal the breath of life.

The Oracle of the Dead Nektromanteion in Thesprotia was a shrine sacred to the netherworld gods Haides and Persephone. The oracles of the daimones Amphiaraus and Trophonios in Boiotia were also necromantic.

For MORE information on the necromantic oracles see: Persephone was the mistress of the Erinyes Furies --underworld daimones who punished the crimes of filial betrayal, impiety and murder. She despatched them when curses were invoked in her name. Lattimore Greek epic C8th B. For he made love to her himself, and dishonoured his own wife, my mother; who was forever taking my knees and entreating me to lie with this mistress instead so that she would hate the old man.

I was persuaded and did it; and my father when he heard of it straightway called down his curses, and invoked against me the dreaded Erinyes that I might never have any son born of my seed to dandle on my knees; and the divinities, Zeus Khthonios of the Underworld [i.

Haides] and Persephone the honoured goddess, accomplished his curses. Aeschylus, Libation Bearers ff trans. Weir Smyth Greek tragedy C5th B. O Gaia Earth , send up my father to watch my battle! O Persephone, grant us indeed a glorious victory! Father, remember the bath where you were robbed of life. The Eumenides' [Erinyes'] source. Praxidike is a title of Persephone as avenger of the dead. Then he displays to heaven those empty orbs, the cruel, pitiful punishment of his own lie, and with blood-stained hands beats upon the hollow earth, and in dire accents utters this prayer: Sightless though I was and driven from my throne, my sons, on whatever couch begotten, attempted not to give me guidance or consolation in my grief.