Bible Notes from Grace

Grace Notes provides verse-by-verse Bible studies and a library of related categorical and historical studies.
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Grace & Jay's Bible Study Notes

Regrettably, there was a conflict between the apostles Paul and Peter. In fact, we, too, are encouraged to do as Paul did if we knew that one of our brothers or sisters in Christ was in the wrong according to Matthew If that person listens and corrects himself or herself, we have gained back a brother or sister, but if not, then we have lost a brother or sister. To correct other Christians is to help them, not to embarrass or to turn against them. Paul was cut and dry about what he had to say to Peter. He did what he had to do in order to save Peter and the Church from further wrongdoing.

The reason why they went to Jerusalem was because they wanted to address the topic of circumcision with the Church there. Judeans from Jerusalem previously taught the churches in Galatia that circumcision was a necessary component to salvation. Only the circumcised could be saved. However, Paul knew the truth: Therefore, Paul and Barnabas felt it critical to go to Jerusalem in order to dispel the inaccuracies taught by the Judeans or at least clarify the true Gospel. Personal preparation in the study of the Scripture cannot be overemphasized. We also must pray for wisdom in understanding the Scriptures.

We also must be willing to be diligent and patient in our study 2 Tim 2: Your spiritual life is also of great importance in your desire to know. With His Spirit at work in our lives we will also have power in ministry Eph 2: The Bible is not simply another book. Every single part of the Bible is inspired by God 2 Tim 3: Inspiration is more than human genius and illumination. Illumination is the influence of the Holy Spirit upon the student of the Word.

Inspiration is more than revelation which means to take the veil off, it is divinely initiated. The veil may be removed from a bride, but the bride is yet to be fully understood. The Bible is divided into two Testaments, the old and the new. There are 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament, for a total of 66 books that are in the Bible. There are 1, chapters with of them in the Old Testament and the other chapters located in the New Testament. The Old Testament contains 23, verses and the New Testament contains 7, verses for a total of 31, verses of Scripture.

The 39 books of the Old Testament were written by over 30 authors. The next grouping contains five Poetical books: The poetical books are followed by the five Major Prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekial and Daniel. Twelve Minor Prophets then conclude the Old Testament: The New Testament begins with five Historical books: Creation of the heavens and earth. Earth prepared for Man. The Headship of the First Man. Mankind dealt with as a whole.

Bible Study

Israel called and blessed. Times of the Gentiles. First Advent of Jesus Christ.

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Ministry of Jesus Christ. Second Advent of Christ. Times of Gentiles-close of Tribulation. Israel recalled and blessed. Destruction of Babylonian systems. Headship of Second Adam. Earth perfected for man. We are going to take a simple look at principles that we must keep in mind while studying the Bible. These principles have been revealed by the Holy Spirit Himself through the written word. They are principles that we are to pass on from one generation to the next 2 Tim 2: This principle recognizes the Essence of God and that His Essence is not compromised.

As you, the student, come to know Him to a greater degree not just about Him, compare Philippians 3: We will now go through a brief introduction of the Essence of God.

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For the sake of simplicity, only a few of His qualities are mentioned. Also, you will find three verses given with each quality. God is absolute righteousness meaning that He is perfect in every way. God is JUST meaning that he is totally and completely fair. But He showed them favor. The world works on the merit system.

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If you do well in school, you get good grades and win awards. If you do well in sports, you make the team and get a lot of applause. If you get into college, the merit system continues to reward excellence. This carries over into the business world after college.

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Exceptional performance earns promotions and raises. Sloppy performance will get you fired. Even the major branches of Christianity, the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church, teach a system of merit-salvation, where you have to add your works to what Christ did on the cross in order to go to heaven.

Most believers who die go to purgatory, where after suffering for a while, eventually you will have enough of your sins purged away and enough merit to qualify for heaven. This merit system of salvation permeates the public mind. Ask anyone on the street his opinion of how a person gets into heaven and you will hear something about being a good person.

It was at the heart of pharisaic, legalistic religion in the times of Jesus and Paul. But as John 1: But instead John 3: In the context, Paul has just spoken of various groups: This does not mean that all people are saved or will be saved. The Bible is uniformly clear that there are two separate, final destinations for all people. Those who do not believe in Christ will pay the penalty of eternal separation from God in hell. The apostle Paul was a persecutor of the church. He called himself the chief of sinners 1 Tim. If the chief of sinners found mercy, so can you!

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As Jesus said Luke 5: Those who knew that they were sinners did. Suppose that you were standing in a long line at the bank, waiting to deposit your paycheck. Suddenly, I grab you by the arm, jerk you out of line, and forcibly drag you out of the building. You hurt my arm, you tore my shirt, you made me lose my place in line, and you made me look like a fool in front of everyone in the bank!

But, one simple fact would change your attitude to one of complete gratitude for the rest of your life: In the second scenario, you had become aware of the danger and you knew that you were doomed unless someone rescued you. You are headed for eternal judgment unless someone intervenes. If so, you are a changed person. It is a process that begins at salvation and continues until we stand before the Lord.

Paul mentions three ways that grace trains us:. So, you begin walking on the path that Jesus described as denying yourself daily, taking up your cross, and following Him Luke 9: This includes saying no to ungodliness.

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This refers to a person who does not reverence God and thus lives by ignoring God. It obviously refers to the person who is openly immoral or evil, but it also includes the outwardly nice person who simply has no place for God in his life. His everyday life is organized, motivated, and run by self, with no place for God. Also, you must say no to worldly desires.