Ducks of Britain and Europe (Poyser Monographs)

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Wheele Technical Series No. Overall, the report shows that the conservation status of the Maccoa Duck is worse than previously understood and that more research and conservation actions are required to quantify the conservation risks. While the revised estimate of the total population presented in this report amounts to birds and the southern population Angola, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, South Africa and Lesotho has now stabilised, the report also warns that the northern population Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Eritrea is in rapid decline.

Reid Joint Nature Conservation Committee A page report summarising the results of aerial surveys of wintering aggregations of seaducks, divers and grebes undertaken by the JNCC in December , February and March The aim of the surveys was to collect data on the wintering numbers and distribution of inshore waterbirds in areas of the UK known to be important for this group of species.

It also supports large numbers of Tufted Duck. This work looks at the numbers of these waterfowl, which have been suggested to decline across the SPA. Guide to Ducks and Geese Chuck Hagner and Tom Vezo Stackpole Books "Common, numerous, and often easy to observe, ducks and geese are nonetheless sometimes difficult to identify.

This straightforward introduction to ducks and geese will help you put a name to almost every duck or goose you'll find in the wild. It offers large, colourful photos of every species found in North America - dabbling ducks, diving ducks, and geese - as well as the loons, grebes, and other waterbirds you're most likely to see. In most cases, both a male and a female in breeding plumage are shown. Accompanying text describes the species' habits, behaviours, characteristics, and calls - information that will help anyone appreciate these wild creatures and make a positive ID in the field.

Globally, there are four populations; two of which are declining, one stable and one increasing. The decreasing populations include the main Central Asian population of 5,, birds and the Pakistan wintering population, which is on the verge of extinction.

Ducks of Britain and Europe

The resident North African population birds is stable and the Spanish population ca. The White-headed Duck occurs regularly in 26 countries, and in another 22 as a vagrant. Birds occur commonly on migration in 10 countries, and in winter December to February in The most important wintering countries differ from year-to-year, presumably depending on weather conditions. During the first quarter of the 20 th century, it was described as one of the most plentiful Anatidae species over a great part of its range. Since then, it has undergone a large, long-term decline globally.

The species is regularly recorded in 77 countries and in at least 26 others as a vagrant.

Ducks of Britain and Europe (poyser Monographs) by Dr Malcolm Ogilvie

Saving New Zealand's Blue Duck David Young Craig Potton "The blue duck, or whio, is one of New Zealand's ancient treasures, a beautiful torrent duck that once lived on clear, fast-flowing rivers throughout most of the country. Sadly, this is no longer the case. While the plight of many of our high-profile endangered species, such as the kakapo and kiwi, are well known, the blue duck belongs to the not so well known 'second tier' of endangered species including kaka, kea, parakeets and North Island brown kiwi whose numbers have dropped alarmingly in the last 15 years, and who now require urgent recovery programmes to prevent a slide toward extinction.

Whio tells the story of how a dedicated group of scientists, field workers and volunteers have set about saving the blue duck, and combines a natural history of the bird with an illustrated history of human interaction, as well as a social history of the blue duck then and now. Heavily illustrated with superb photographs from some of New Zealand's leading wildlife photographers, this is an inspiring, delightful book.

Ducks of Britain and Europe (poyser Monographs) by Dr Malcolm Ogilvie | eBay

The blue duck is particularly special, carrying with it the emblematic power of a bird whose home has come to symbolise the very heart of natural New Zealand. The principal threats to the species and its wetland habitats have been identified and priority actions have been recommended.

About Ducks of Britain and Europe

The main focus of action should be to conserve the wetlands on which this and many other waterbird species are dependent. Kozulin Oiseaux Migrateurs du Palearctique Occidental A Compilation of the Life-history Information S. Kuzyakin Wetlands International Global Series 7 Wetlands International "This publication is important for that it addresses some key gaps in our knowledge of this species. It provides also interesting information on the relationship between man and this species in its vast and main breeding areas.

It provides an important foundation on which further research can be based and provides some of the insight needed to ensure successful management and conservation of the species. From Research To Conservation N. Complete Waterfowl Studies, Volume 1: Complete Waterfowl Studies, Volume 2: Diving Ducks Bruce Burk Schiffer "Diving Ducks covers our ducks of the deeper waters, often salty, who have marvelously adapted themselves to feeding below the surface, sometimes at incredible depths.

The excellent color photos of these interesting varieties of waterfowl in their natural settings provide study material for bird enthusiasts, artists and all manner of hobbyists who need factual visual material in their work. Ruddy Ducks and Other Stifftails: Their Behaviour and Biology P. Carbonell University of Oklahoma Press "An introduction to the morphology, behaviour, and ecology of the ruddy duck and its relatives including the black-headed duck, the masked duck, the maccoa, and the Argentine and Australian blue-billed ducks.

Ducks David Tomlinson Illustrations: Nicholas Pike Whittet Books "An account of the natural history of the world of ducks which covers such topics as plumage, duck noises, extinct ducks, vegetarians and fish-eaters, eggs, ducklings, longevity, migrants, domestic ducks, captive wildfowl and ducks in art. The Wood Duck and the Mandarin: Now, for the first time in history, they are also flying side by side in the wild in a small area of Northern California.

This rare circumstances has given Lawton L. Shurtleff and Christopher Savage the opportunity to observe the Northern Wood Ducks' close relationships and is the starting point of this informative and beautifully rendered book. The opening chapters tell how the Wood Duck and the Mandarin came to inhabit the Pacific flyway and explain their extraordinary similarities.

Subsequent chapters discuss the distinctive histories of the two species and describe the birds throughout the seasons in their native flyways. The Mandarins' place in Asian art and literature is the subject of chapter five. The final chapter illuminate the successful work done to protect the North American Wood Duck, which has made a remarkable recovery from near extinction, and the beginning efforts to protect the Mandarin, whose existence in East Asia is seriously threatened. This initial publication was followed by five supplementary bulletins: This volume graces the tables and libraries of countless North American birders, hunters, and biologists.

Ecology and Management of the Wood Duck F. Holm Stackpole Books Green A report undertaken by the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust and the International Waterfowl and Wetlands Research Bureau Wetlands International "This report contains thorough investigation into the status and conservation of the Marbled Teal Marmaronetta angustirostris, a globally threatened species with an increasingly fragmented distribution and a small world population.

Former and current status are reviewed on a national basis, along with habitat useand biology, the cause of population decline and the conservation measures taken to date. Ducks in the Wild: Conserving Wildfowl and their Habitats Paul A. This book contains colour photographs of each species, an identification guide, and maps showing distribution, as well as details of habits and breeding.

Livezey and Philip S. A Pictorial Study Tricia Veasey Schiffer Publishing "The excellent color photos of these interesting varieties of waterfowl in their natural settings provide study material for bird enthusiasts, artists and all manner of hobbyists who need factual visual material in their work.

Its Life History, Ecology and Management Charles D Stutzenbaker Texas Parks and Wildlife Press "Duck expert Charles Stutzenbaker reports on his years of research along the Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coast, examining limiting factors on population and breeding and offering management recommendations based on present and forecasted conditions. A Pictorial Study Tricia Veasey Schiffer Publishing "This handy book is a comprehensive photographic study of over exquisite full-color pictures of mallards from diverse regions in many natural environments and body positions.

Most of the ducks shown are wild, but there are a few penned. The majority are in full breeding plumage while a few drakes in moult are included for identification.

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Includes 38 full colour plates and many four colour drawings showing in meticulous detail winter and summer plumage. Each species of duck male and female is colour illustrated in flight profile for identification reference.

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A Study in Behavioural Ecology I. Research report 78 British Trust for Ornithology page report. Ducks at a Distance: A Waterfowl Identification Guide Bob Hines Canada Communication Group Guide to identifying birds on the wing, with an emphasis on autumn and winter plumage patterns, size, shape and flight characteristics. Russ Smiley Windward Publishing "As a complete field guide to the 45 species of waterfowl found in North America, this book, which is illustrated by renowned wildlife and marine artist Russ Smiley, includes summer and winter range charts and information on the feeding habits and flyaways of wild ducks and geese.

Carol Ogilvie Poyser This book covers 42 species or subspecies of ducks which occur in Europe, including 11 vagrants from North America or Asia. A large part of the study deals with identification providing detailed information about adult males and females, immature birds, eclipse males, and downy young. Includes colour plates and distribution maps.

In Search of the Eider Peter M. Driver Saturn Press An account of the author's experiences during two expeditions to the remote Canadian Arctic studying Eider. The World of the Wood Duck F. View events that we are attending here. Theme Oxley Nepal Slate Thistle. Your shopping basket is currently empty. Grasshoppers of Greece by Willemse, L. The Pemberley Bookshop Why not come and peruse our comprehensive range of natural history titles at our well stocked bookshop, where you can also receive our expert advice.

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