Sichos In English: Volume 51 - Kislev-Adar I, 5752

Sichos In English Volume 51 The Night Following the Eleventh of Shvat, ( ) · The 11th of Eve of the 2nd Day of Rosh Chodesh Adar I, ().
Table of contents

France Becomes a Life-Giving Wellspring Chassidic thought explains that the intent which motivates our involvement in the world should be two-dimensional in nature.

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In addition to the service of uplifting the Divine sparks invested in the world, we ought to direct our efforts toward transforming the world itself into a dwelling place for G-d. In contrast, the conception of the world as G-d's dwelling opens up an infinite dimension. Just as it is in a person's home that he reveals himself freely, without restraint or inhibition, so too, it is in this world that G-dliness will be revealed without any constraint.

This dimension will be revealed in the Era of the Redemption. This number in itself reflects a connection to the Redemption, for it is a multiple of the number seven. Today's Task The above concepts are relevant beyond the geographic confines of France. For the role of the entire Jewish people and the cosmic reason for their dispersion throughout the world is associated with the process of tziruf, refinement. To borrow an expression of the Previous Rebbe's, [ 37 ] "We have already polished the buttons," and completed the task of refining the world with which our people have been charged.

In the present generation, our people have been given a new responsibility -- to cultivate the world and prepare it for the coming of the Redemption. This involves "opening our eyes"; [ 38 ] i. This realization, and the communication of it to others, will hasten the coming of the time when "The exiled host of the children of Israel as far as Tzorfas And saviors will ascend Mount Zion Back to text Yiddish: Back to text Hebrew: The opening words of an alphabetical hymn praising "Him Who lives forever" Siddur Tehillat Hashem, p.

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Back to text These included several of the colleagues of the Alter Rebbe -- Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi , the first Lubavitcher Rebbe, founder of the Chabad trend of chassidic thought. Back to text In fact the Alter Rebbe refused on principle to live under French rule. Hence his five-month flight with his entire family from Liadi through the bitter winter of , ending in his demise during the last days of that year in the village of Piena.

A few months earlier, on the eve of Yom Kippur , his son -- later to succeed him as the Mitteler Rebbe -- had witnessed the alarming sight of the entire Russian Senate fleeing from Moscow as Napoleon's troops marched triumphantly through its streets. Back to text Though the revolutionaries' overthrow of the yoke of mortal monarchy may well have been inspired by humanitarian ideals, these ideals were not rooted in a faith in G-d. Accordingly, some of the farreaching repercussions of this ideological cataclysm, echoing to this day, may be seen as representing a refusal to accept all authority including the authority of moral restraints , and ultimately a desire to rebel against the Sovereignty of G-d.

Back to text Mishneh Torah, Hilchos De'os 3: Back to text Loc. Back to text Ch. Back to text Ibid. Back to text See Sefer HaMaamarim , pp. Back to text I.

Unisciti a Kobo e inizia a leggere oggi stesso

Admur HaMaharash Kehot; , pp. See Likkutei Dibburim, Vol. Some of the Rebbeim, including the Rebbe Rashab, spoke French. Back to text Translator's Note: Laufer, Yemei Melech Kehot; N. In later years the Rebbitzin once commented to one of the women sent as emissaries to France: This first happened at "" on Simchas Torah, Back to text Siddur Tehillat HaShem, p.

This took place in the winter of Later, in , the French government reversed its stance and restored the original melody. Back to text The recognition of this miracle is significant, firstly as a factor in its own right, but also as part of the process of hastening the coming of the Ultimate Redemption. However, because he failed to recite songs of praise and thanksgiving after the miraculous defeat of the invading Assyrian forces of Sancheriv Sennacherib , G-d withheld this from him. Taking due notice of the miracles that occur to us is thus a fundamental factor in the process of speeding the coming of Mashiach.

Back to text Midrash Tanchuma, Parshas Bechukosai, sec. Back to text Aggadas Bereishis, sec. Back to text Michah 2: Back to text Note how Aggadas Bereishis points out the connection between the concept of Mashiach and the phrase Bereishis Back to text Bereishis Back to text This number combines ten times seven and one hundred times seven. The Everything Torah Book. A Simple Wisdom Book. Inspiration, Information and Contemplation. Rabbi Dov Peretz Elkins. Witnesses to the One.

Ethics of the Sages. Let there be Light. With Heart in Mind. The Beliefnet Guide to Kabbalah. The Book of Jewish Sacred Practices: Rabbi Irwin Kula; Vanessa L.

Sichos In English Book Titles

These are the Words 2nd Edition. Moshiach, Redemption, and the World to Come. The Kabbalah of Time. The Path of Blessing. Judaism - Simple Guides. Entering the Temple of Dreams. Dictionary of Jewish Terms. Reincarnation Angels, Demons and Ghosts. A Brief Introduction for Christians. God as Spirit in Judaism. A Course In Kabbalah. The Ten Commandments of Character. God in All Moments. The Messiah and the Jews.

The Modern Men's Torah Commentary. More Than A Tear. Branches of the Chassidic Menorah Volume 1. My Life in Jewish Renewal. The Natural History of the Bible. Metaphysics of the Profane. Filling Words with Light. Jewish Tales of Reincarnation. Why the Torah Begins with the Letter Beit. Philosophy and Rabbinic Culture.

The Messiah According to Judaism. Rabbi Ariel Ben Yaakov. The Lamp of God: The Fair Dinkum Jew. Hebrew Language and Jewish Thought. The Basic Beliefs of Judaism. The Chassidic Approach To Joy. Your Word is Fire.

Two Minutes of Torah. Volume I — Shidduchim. Volume II — Engagement and Marriage. Sichos In English, Volume 1. In G-d We Trust: A Handbook of Values for Americans.