The HPV Vaccine Controversy: Sex, Cancer, God, and Politics: A Guide for Parents, Women, Men, and Te

Other primary care provider delivery of HPV vaccine. 98 uptake of the vaccine, including health professionals, parents, girls and young women cervical cancer for two women every week, saving over 30 lives every Māori and Pacific Equity Advisory Groups to guide the design and roll out to DHBs.
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For Aboriginal Australians and Polynesians, circumcision likely started as a blood sacrifice and a test of bravery and became an initiation rite with attendant instruction in manhood in more recent centuries. Often seashells were used to remove the foreskin, and the bleeding was stopped with eucalyptus smoke.

Christopher Columbus reported circumcision being practiced by Native Americans. It probably started among South American tribes as a blood sacrifice or ritual mutilation to test bravery and endurance, and its use later evolved into a rite of initiation. Circumcision did not become a common medical procedure in the Anglophone world until the late 19th century.

In , Sayre began using circumcision as a purported cure for several cases of young boys diagnosed with paralysis or significant motor problems. He thought the procedure ameliorated such problems based on a "reflex neurosis" theory of disease, which held that excessive stimulation of the genitals was a disturbance to the equilibrium of the nervous system and a cause of systemic problems. Sayre published works on the subject and promoted it energetically in speeches.

Contemporary physicians picked up on Sayre's new treatment, which they believed could prevent or cure a wide-ranging array of medical problems and social ills. By the turn of the century, in both America and Great Britain, infant circumcision was near universally recommended. After the end of World War II , Britain moved to a nationalized health care system, and so looked to ensure that each medical procedure covered by the new system was cost-effective and the procedure for non-medical reasons was not covered by the national healthcare system.

Douglas Gairdner 's article "The Fate of the Foreskin" argued that the evidence available at that time showed that the risks outweighed the known benefits. In the s, national medical associations in Australia and Canada issued recommendations against routine infant circumcision, leading to drops in the rates of both of those countries.

The United States made similar statements in the s, but stopped short of recommending against it — simply stating that it has no medical benefit. Since then they have amended their policy statements several times with the current recommendation being that the benefits outweigh the risks, but they do not recommend it routinely. An association between circumcision and reduced heterosexual HIV infection rates was suggested in In some cultures, males are generally required to be circumcised shortly after birth, during childhood or around puberty as part of a rite of passage.

Circumcision is commonly practiced in the Jewish and Islamic faiths. The basis for its observance is found in the Torah of the Hebrew Bible, in Genesis chapter 17, in which a covenant of circumcision is made with Abraham and his descendants. Jewish circumcision is part of the brit milah ritual, to be performed by a specialist ritual circumciser a mohel on the eighth day of a newborn son's life with certain exceptions for poor health.

Jewish law requires that the circumcision leaves the glans bare when the penis is flaccid. Converts to Conservative and Orthodox Judaism must also be circumcised; those who are already circumcised undergo a symbolic circumcision ritual. Circumcision is not required by Judaism for one to be considered Jewish, but some adherents foresee serious negative spiritual consequences if it is neglected. According to traditional Jewish law, in the absence of a grown free Jewish male expert, a woman, a slave, or a child, that has the required skills, is also authorized to perform the circumcision, provided that she or he is Jewish.

Some contemporary Jews in the United States choose not to circumcise their sons. This ceremony of brit shalom is not officially approved of by the Reform or Reconstructionist rabbinical organizations, who make the recommendation that male infants should be circumcised, though the issue of converts remains controversial [] [] and circumcision of converts is not mandatory in either movement.

Although there is some debate within Islam over whether it is a religious requirement, circumcision called khitan is practiced nearly universally by Muslim males. Islam bases its practice of circumcision on the Genesis 17 narrative, the same Biblical chapter referred to by Jews. The procedure is not explicitly mentioned in the Quran, however, it is a tradition established by Islam's prophet Muhammad directly following Abraham , and so its practice is considered a sunnah prophet's tradition and is very important in Islam.

For Muslims, circumcision is also a matter of cleanliness, purification and control over one's baser self nafs. There is no agreement across the many Islamic communities about the age at which circumcision should be performed. It may be done from soon after birth up to about age 15; most often it is performed at around six to seven years of age.


The timing can correspond with the boy's completion of his recitation of the whole Quran, with a coming-of-age event such as taking on the responsibility of daily prayer or betrothal. Circumcision may be celebrated with an associated family or community event. Circumcision is recommended for, but is not required of, converts to Islam. The New Testament chapter Acts 15 records that Christianity did not require circumcision. In , the Catholic Church banned the practice of religious circumcision in the 11th Council of Florence [] and currently maintains a neutral position on the practice of non-religious circumcision.

Certain African cultural groups, such as the Yoruba and the Igbo of Nigeria, customarily circumcise their infant sons. The procedure is also practiced by some cultural groups or individual family lines in the Sudan , Zaire , Uganda and in southern Africa. For some of these groups, circumcision appears to be purely cultural, done with no particular religious significance or intention to distinguish members of a group. For others, circumcision might be done for purification, or it may be interpreted as a mark of subjugation.

Among these groups, even when circumcision is done for reasons of tradition, it is often done in hospitals. It's also used for distinguished age groups. The new members are to undergo initiation at the same time. Whenever new age groups are initiated, they will become novice warriors and replace the previous group. The new initiates will be given a unique name that will be an important marker of the history of the Maasai. No anesthesia is used and initiates have to endure the pain or else young boy will be called flinchers.

  1. Just One Touch (Mills & Boon Kimani) (Summer on Marthas Vineyard, Book 1).
  2. US Army, Technical Manual, TM 5-5430-211-13&P, TANK FABRIC, COLLAPSIBLE, PILLOW TYPE, 50,000 GALS, D.
  3. Alien Hearts (New York Review Books Classics)!
  4. Ina Mays Guide to Childbirth?
  5. No. 6: Zapateado.
  6. Iran: Empire of the Mind: A History from Zoroaster to the Present Day.

In doing so, young boys will announce for their family member when they are ready for circumcision by singing. The sacrifice is the blood spill during the initiation procedure. Young boys will be considered an "outsiders" unless they undergo circumcision. Some Australian Aborigines use circumcision as a test of bravery and self-control as a part of a rite of passage into manhood, which results in full societal and ceremonial membership.

It may be accompanied by body scarification and the removal of teeth, and may be followed later by penile subincision. Circumcision is one of many trials and ceremonies required before a youth is considered to have become knowledgeable enough to maintain and pass on the cultural traditions. During these trials, the maturing youth bonds in solidarity with the men. Circumcision is also strongly associated with a man's family, and it is part of the process required to prepare a man to take a wife and produce his own family. In the Philippines, circumcision known as "tuli" is sometimes viewed as a rite of passage.

There is a long-running and vigorous debate over ethical concerns regarding circumcision, particularly neonatal circumcision for reasons other than intended direct medical benefit. There are three parties involved in the decision to circumcise a minor: The physician is bound under the ethical principles of beneficence promoting well-being and non-maleficence "first, do no harm" , and so is charged with the responsibility to promote the best interests of the patient while minimizing unnecessary harms.

Those involved must weigh the factors of what is in the best interest of the minor against the potential harms of the procedure. With a newborn involved, the decision is made more complex due to the principles of respect for autonomy and consent, as a newborn cannot understand or engage in a logical discussion of his own values and best interests. Ethicists and legal theorists also state that it is questionable for parents to make a decision for the child that precludes the child from making a different decision for himself later.

Such a question can be raised for the decision by the parents either to circumcise or not to circumcise the child. Generally, circumcision on a minor is not ethically controversial or legally questionable when there is a clear and pressing medical indication for which it is the accepted best practice to resolve. Where circumcision is the chosen intervention, the physician has an ethical responsibility to ensure the procedure is performed competently and safely to minimize potential harms. Germany allows non-therapeutic circumcision, [] while non-religious routine circumcision is illegal in South Africa and Sweden.

Throughout society, circumcision is often considered for reasons other than medical need. Public health advocates of circumcision consider it to have a net benefit, and therefore feel that increasing the circumcision rate is an ethical imperative. They recommend performing the procedure during the neonatal period when it is less expensive and has a lower risk of complications. Pinto writes "sober proponents and detractors of circumcision agree that there is no overwhelming medical evidence to support either side.

Parents are assumed to have the child's best interests in mind. Ethically, it is imperative that the medical practitioner inform the parents about the benefits and risks of the procedure and obtain informed consent before performing it. Practically, however, many parents come to a decision about circumcising the child before he is born, and a discussion of the benefits and risks of the procedure with a physician has not been shown to have a significant effect on the decision.

Some parents request to have their newborn or older child circumcised for non-therapeutic reasons, such as the parents' desires to adhere to family tradition, cultural norms or religious beliefs. In considering such a request, the physician may consider in addition to any potential medical benefits and harms such non-medical factors in determining the child's best interests and may ethically perform the procedure.

Equally, without a clear medical benefit relative to the potential harms, a physician may take the ethical position that non-medical factors do not contribute enough as benefits to outweigh the potential harms and refuse to perform the procedure. Medical organization such as the British Medical Association state that their member physicians are not obliged to perform the procedure in such situations. The cost-effectiveness of circumcision has been studied to determine whether a policy of circumcising all newborns or a policy of promoting and providing inexpensive or free access to circumcision for all adult men who choose it would result in lower overall societal healthcare costs.

The overall cost-effectiveness of neonatal circumcision has also been studied in the United States, which has a different cost setting from Africa in areas such as public health infrastructure, availability of medications, and medical technology and the willingness to use it. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article is about male circumcision. For female circumcision, see Female genital mutilation. A circumcision performed in Central Asia, c.

History of male circumcision. Circumcision controversies and Circumcision and law. Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics, Fourth edition. Rudolph's Pediatrics, 22nd Edition. Archived from the original on 18 January Archived from the original on Global trends and determinants of prevalence, safety and acceptability" PDF. Archived PDF from the original on In Bolnick, David A. Surgical Guide to Circumcision. Pediatric Clinics of North America. Clinical Ethics in Pediatrics: World Journal of Urology.

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2: Current Opinion in Urology. J Am Osteopath Assoc. The Journal of Sexual Medicine. Retrieved 7 March Retrieved 4 September The Journal of the American Medical Association. Annals of Family Medicine. College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia.

Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol. What's the best way to control circumcision pain in newborns? Handbook of Office Urological Procedures. Van Baal, Pieter H. Archived PDF from the original on August 8, Am J Reprod Immunol. Implications for the United States". Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Archived from the original on 20 February Retrieved 11 March Archived from the original on September 11, Retrieved September 12, Asian Journal of Andrology. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis". Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

Journal of Pediatric Urology.

Read The HPV Vaccine Controversy: Sex, Cancer, God, and Politics: A Guide for Parents, Wom

Archived from the original on October 7, Reactive and Inflammatory Dermatoses. The Journal of Urology. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Epidemiology, pathogenesis and prevention".

Honoring Knowledge, Creativity, Wisdom & Global Cooperation through the Written Word

Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention: The Scientific World Journal. American Academy of Family Physicians. Weak evidence suggests that MS risk might be higher in circumcised boys and young adult males. Circumcision in adolescence or adulthood may evoke a fear of pain, penile damage or reduced sexual pleasure, even though unfounded.

Clinical Microbiology and Infection. A systematic review and meta-analysis". Pain, Trauma and Psychosexual Sequelae" Submitted manuscript. Journal of Health Psychology. Archived from the original on 23 January Retrieved 22 January Reconstructing the Society of Ancient Israel. Westminster John Knox Press. Encyclopaedia Judaica 2 ed. In order to prevent the obliteration of the 'seal of the covenant' on the flesh, as circumcision was henceforth called, the Rabbis, probably after the war of Bar Kokba see Yeb.

Archived from the original PDF on 17 December Retrieved 30 November Buddhism and Islam on the Silk Road illustrated ed. University of Pennsylvania Press. A Review of the Historiography". Journal of Social History. From Badness to Sickness. University of Chicago Press. Oxford dictionary of national biography: What is your evidence that all of the data from all the institutions in the world, both public and private, have constructed the data to such an extent as to render the conclusions unrelaible would be what…exactly?

Of all the diseases we vaccinate against in this country, polio is the one people are LEAST likely to be exposed to, yet this is one vaccine that many anti-vaxers want for their kids. Out of the kids in your school, roughly 30 had pneumonia from measles. There were probably or so hospitalizations. It was 15 years or so after I had measles and mumps that I found out I had a hearing loss from one of them.

Let me say that I absolutely believe kids should get polio vaccine. By contrast, there have been 21 cases of vaccine-derived polio this year. These cases look remarkably similar to regular polio. Andino studies how viruses mutate. In a study published in March, he and his colleagues found that the laboratory-weakened virus used in the oral polio vaccine can very rapidly regain its strength if it starts spreading on its own.

In places with poor sanitation, fecal matter can enter the drinking water supply and the virus is able to start spreading from person to person. Well, I know where you plagiarized that from-NPR. I have read that horrendous article, and think NPR should fire their health reporters.

VAPP is not some newly discovered illness. The study the dopey reporter wrote up probably incorrectly just describes the process by which this happened. Once there are zero cases of wild polio consistently, we can quit vaccinating altogether. The Nordic countries eliminated polio using IPV. We also know measles depresses cell mediated immunity for 3 year s following infection, increasing the risks of other potentially serious infections.

I wonder how many IQ points were knocked off those kids. In fact I wonder how many were knocked off following your own episode of measles. Any vaccine can cause vaccine encephalitis, which can cause autism, seizure disorders, ADHD, and myriad learning and behavioral disabilities. I had it, my brother had it, my daughter had it. And it caused permanent neurological damage in all of us. All vaccines cause an inflammatory reaction, to force the production of the desired antibodies. In many people, the inflammation becomes excessive, and causes stroke-like brain damage. The symptoms of vaccine encephalitis are inconsolable screaming syndrome for days in the case of me and my daughter, months in that of my brother , excessive somnolence, or blank staring episodes, petit mal seizures.

And what are the statistics for encephalitis from the vaccine, compared to encephalitis from measles? Youre more likely to get encephalitis from measles. Also, you are wrong about autism too. My counsellor, who works mostly with autistic people, says that she has met people who were diagnosed at 50 and my dad is certain Great Grandpa has it, but theres not much point getting a diagnosis when youre 90, is there? The autism rate is actually 1 in 68, not 1 in Someone who was diagnosed at 5, 15 or 25 is a part of every statistic after their diagnosis, but not retroactively to the age where they were years.

I was diagnosed as a teenager. Technically, I was not a part of the statistics from when I was a younger child, because how could they? Cia, I counted 19 lies in that single paragraph. The dose makes the poison. When it was in some vaccines but not the MMR , and now, in some versions of the flu shot, the amount in it was tiny.

Do you realise that the dose of the entire vaccine, everything in it, is only 0. Do you realise just how small that is? Its not even a spoonful. That includes everything in the vaccine. The amount of thimerosal? And then talk about plastic spoons? No, I did not know that, but why are you telling me this?

Dimethyl and ethyl are different kinds of mercury. Di usually means two like carbon dioxide has two molecules of oxygen , and methyl mercury is the more toxic one, the one found in tuna. My talk on spoons was an easy way to demonstrate how tiny a dose we are talking about compared to the stock images antivaxxers like, of a terrified child being jabbed, usually in the wrong place, by a needle the size of their arm containing what looks like a whole cup of some scary coloured liquid.

Just out of interest, because I am weird, I actually got one of those spoons and a dropper I have a tarantula and I use it for filling her water bowl , and I put 0. Its literally a few drops. Compounds change things dramatically. Just think of what hydrogen and oxygen look like, compared to what happens if you put them together to make water.

Thimerosal is way more toxic than metallic mercury. Oh, so you were intentionally stating false things i. That means that during pregnancy, a woman can safely be exposed to 50 times the amount of organomercury compounds than is found in the hard-to-find multidose flu vaccine the only vaccine containing thimerosal. But mercury is the most dangerous non-radioactive element there is, damaging at doses as small as one part per billion.

There IS no safe dose of mercury for anyone, especially not for those of use with impaired detoxification mechanisms. No safe dose of mercury? But why is nobody advising everyone giving up tuna, which has more mercury and people generally have more often than flu shots. Also, a lot of things kill cells in a laboratory but have no effect in the human body. Its a completely different process. About half of injected flu vaccines still have as much mercury as they ever did, meaning 50 mcg of thimerosal per dose, with 25 mcg of ethylmercury in it.

Who cares about cyanide, etc.? Or maybe they have, but that was an experiment quickly given up. The important point is that when mercury compounds like methylmercury and ethylmercury enter the human or animal body by consumption, injection, or rubbing on the skin, they are very dangerous and cause symptoms of mercury toxicity.

The important point is that you back up your claims. What is your evidence that anything in vaccines are dangerous and cause symptoms of mercury toxicity at exposure levels achievable by mercury toxicity? Yazbak is the first of a three-part series, with links to the other two parts in the article. I already answered that. You appear just to want to make me waste as much time as possible. What the hell, you get paid for it. No one I ever knew my age or older had residual problems from measles, and we ALL had it as children. Yes, one in twenty got measles pneumonia, but it was rarely serious or untreatable if it were bacterial.

Ear infections are relatively common with measles, but usually are no more serious than ordinary ear infections, and are treated the same way. If you give vitamin A, you will prevent both conjunctivitis and all kinds of eye damage. SSPE was extremely rare until recently, and can occasionally be caused by the vaccine as well as the disease. Recently the rate has gone up a lot in babies, who used to be protected from measles at that time of their lives because their mothers had natural immunity and protected them with placental immunity and breast feeding.

Measles does NOT depress immunity for three years after the illness want the link to the Aaby study again? It DOES depress the immune system much more than is usual, but for only two or three weeks after the day the rash appears. It is very important that measles patients stay quiet at home, protected from germs, for that entire period of time, even after they have apparently completely recovered. He may or may not have died of the diphtheria if his immune system were not temporarily permanently, I guess, as it turned out suppressed by the measles.

In , mortality from measles in the US was less than one in 10, cases. In Europe five years ago, it was three in 10, cases. It is one in ten in malnourished populations in Africa. Did you factor in millions of the malnourished and immunocompromised to reach a figure of one in 1, measles cases dying? Now, how many IQ points do you need to knock off for the MMR causing encephalitic brain damage in so many? Still turning it over. Measles vaccine does not cause SSPE. You know darn well that measles immunity is passed on to infants of vaccinated moms as well; infants of both groups of moms lose immunity fairly soon, about months, and that essentially no immunity is passed through breast milk.

Just to address your claim about immunosuppression induced by measles; this is significant, and results in an increase in other infections, compromising health. It lasts for years following a measles attack. But it is not correct, just what vaccine pushers and their minions some of whom you cited would have us believe, for obvious reasons. Natural measles greatly IMPROVES immune function, resulting in better overall health and an eventual steep reduction in many skin and bone diseases, most cancers, and even heart attacks and strokes.

Aaby found low mortality after mild measles infection in Africa: It has been assumed that measles infection may be associated with persistent immune suppression and long-term excess mortality. However, few community studies of mortality after measles infection have been carried out. We examined long-term mortality for measles cases, sub-clinical measles cases, and uninfected contacts after an epidemic in rural Senegal.

The study was carried out in Niakhar, a rural area of Senegal. Index cases of measles were identified and children less than 7 years of age exposed to measles in the same compound had acute and convalescent blood samples collected. Clinically diagnosed measles cases were serologically confirmed. No index or secondary case of measles died in the acute phase of infection nor did any of the children exposed to measles die in the first 2 months after exposure.

Controlling for background factors had no impact of the estimates. When measles infection is mild, clinical measles has no long-term excess mortality and may be associated with better overall survival than no clinical measles infection. Sub-clinical measles is common among immunised children and is not associated with excess mortality. It is true that everyone I have ever known my age or older had natural measles as a child, including me. If it were that dangerous a disease, you would have expected many of us to have sustained permanent injury from having had measles, but none of the thousands of people in that group that I have known did.

If it were true that measles suppresses immune function for three years after measles, then you would have thought that all of us would be familiar with such cases. Healthy as a horse before, sickly afterwards. In reality, as Dr. Aaby found in his Senegal study, measles does NOT suppress immune function for three years only for three weeks. Shills often say that because so many died of measles, we forget how many were severely damaged by measles.

Except that we have mortality figures for all developed countries going back at least a hundred years, longer than that in some countries. Alexander Langmuir reported in that in children between three and ten, mortality was less than one in 10, cases: Btw, we keep pointing out to you that a mortality is not morbidity and b if babies did get that kind of placental protection how come they came down with the measles?

Any ill effects from measles would have shown up within a short time of having had measles. I knew the people I referred to after this time had passed. You need to explain what you mean by mortality being different from being sick morbidity. In what way have I confused them? I do not know where my response to this went. It just disappeared in cyberspace, I guess. The most common cause of death from measles-related complications is pneumonia. Ear infections can cause deafness. I did not know I had a hearing loss from either measles or mumps until about 15 years after I had these diseases when I had my hearing tested for a job.

To answer your question, far fewer than IQ points you need to knowck off for measles disease encephalitis. Yes, the most common cause of measles deaths is measles pneumonia. But it is true that it is usually viral and relatively mild, and resolves without treatment. Sometimes it is bacterial and should be treated with antibiotics. Most of the children who died of measles in the US outbreak in died of untreated bacterial pneumonia.

Occasionally it cannot be treated with antibiotics, giant-cell pneumonia, especially in those already immunocompromised, as was the case for the only death in the Swansea outbreak several years ago. One severely immunocompromised asthmatic, alcoholic adult patient died of measles, but no one was sure for weeks that he had had measles, it was that unusual a case.

And he was turned away by a doctor when he sought treatment the day of his death. Getting an ear infection does not usually result in deafness, measles or no measles. Now you need to give a citation for how many of these cases of ear infection permanently lost their hearing as a result.

You people phrase things very cagily. Yes, it is, but it is a beneficial disease for well-nourished, healthy children to get, and is VERY rarely dangerous. Being contagious is NOT the same as being dangerous. Vaccine mercury can cause loss of hearing. I became deaf in my left ear two years ago, I think as part of my ongoing mercury chelation experience. I have mobilized too much of it. I had measles, and it did not cause deafness: I had excellent hearing until two years ago. Again, you need to provide evidence and proof. Vaccine mercury may well have had unfortunate effects in you as well as me and everyone in my family.

Again, measles patients should stay in bed, drink as much as they can, take vitamin A, and not take any fever reducers. There is no thimerosal in measles vaccine and there never was! It would freaking kill the live viruses! The leading cause of unilateral sensorineural deafness is mumps disease! I cannot find any sources that gives numbers, just many sources that say that measles can cause hearing loss. Of course there was no thimerosal in the measles vaccine. Did you even get it? I had rubella too. I meant that you had had the mercury-containing DPT series, as I did, and it caused multiple sclerosis and permanent ongoing mercury toxicity in me.

The one which paralyzed both my arms for several days when I was nineteen was my ninth. The first caused vaccine encephalitis as well as mercury poisoning, and I screamed for several days after getting it at three months old. Measles pneumonia is the leading cause of death from measles.

The risk of SSPE in young babies is much higher than that these days, the result of virtually no women having natural measles antibodies with which to protect their babies in their first year, when very few babies used to get it. The risk of developing SSPE may be higher for a person who gets measles before they are two years of age. Aaby Low mortality after mild measles infection compared in uninfected children in rural West Africa, Vaccine ; 21 You post cherry picked and incorrect information, in spite of being corrected and provided with more current research multiple times.

You are a disease promoter. Current research is largely pharma-funded. The childhood diseases like measles, mumps, rubella except for fetuses , and chickenpox are extremely beneficial, therefore, yes, they are good to get. Flu is good to get: HPV is usually good to just get and get over, with immunity to the strain you got. I would recommend the DT series after two, the HIb series after four months only for babies between 6 and 18 months who are in daycare and not breast fed, and the polio series if polio were to come back here. Every parent must research all the diseases and vaccines and decide according to their own child and circumstances.

Many diseases are good to just get naturally. Diphtheria, polio, tetanus, and clinical cases of meningitis are not good to get: In my opinion, pneumococcal meningitis was not deadly enough to justify getting the vaccine, and meningococcal meningitis, while horrifying, is very rare, while the vaccines for them are often very dangerous.

Please lurkers, do not believe this tripe! Gee, check my educational creds, their better than yours and I finished grad school in Japan. Japanese is my fifth language. So Mike — shoot yourself up with all the vaccines you can get a hold of. Where can I check your educational creds exactly, Amanda? I presume from the above that English language was not one of them. And where have I detailed mine for comparison? Who is making the argument is irrelevant.

Actual force, please, not mere coercion at worst. Brian Hooker over the last 10 months regarding studies the CDC has carried out regarding vaccines and neurodevelopmental outcomes, including autism spectrum disorders. I share his belief that CDC decision-making and analyses should be transparent. He further stated that he believed that mercury in vaccines still in the flu vaccine and recommended for pregnant women causes tics.

I note that you also fail to mention that in the press conference Andrew Wakefield recommended using the monovalent measles vaccine option that had a safety record dating back to the late 60s, so he actually recommended vaccinating against measles. You also fail to mention that Dr John Walker Smith who worked with Wakefield in the same capacity was exonerated of all charges The GMC proceeding was a multi-year, multi-million dollar prosecution against Drs.

Wakefield, Walker-Smith, and Murch. It related to a controversial study published in The Lancet suggesting a possible link between autism, the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine and bowel disease. Based on the GMC prosecution, both Drs. Walker-Smith and Wakefield lost their licenses to practice and the Lancet article was officially retracted. The GMC alleged that the physician-authors had failed to obtain necessary ethical clearances and that they had subjected the twelve children in the study to unnecessary medical procedures.

Justice Mitting, reviewing Dr. I regret that my co-authors and I omitted statistically significant information in our article,. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed. Thompson still works for the CDC and he has never retracted that fact. In other words African American males vaccinated on schedule did not have an ncreased risk, so you should be advising they be get vaccinated according to the schedule.

So you are saying that African American babies vaccinated before a certain date do have increased risk? Exactly what Thompson claimed. No, she said nothing of the sort. Quit twisting things around, Judith. I said exactly the reverse, do you often distort what people say to mean exactly the opposite?

Judith, out of curiosity. Is there anything we can say to you. Any evidence we can show you that counters specific implicit or explicit claims of yours which will stop you from repeating them? Why would you do that? Which makes all that other stuff you mention kind of moot. Even if everyone in the CDC lies at the drop of the hat…. Remember when, after the Boston Marathon bombing, some news outlets started speculating about the perpetrators and even disseminated photographs of not-the-bombers?

Sometime soon after the meeting in which we decided to exclude reporting any race effects, the co-authors scheduled a meeting to destroy documents related to the study. The remaining four co-authors all met and brought a big garbage can into the meeting room and reviewed and went through all the hard copy documents that we had thought we should discard and put them in a huge garbage can. I believe we intentionally withheld controversial findings from the final draft of the Pediatrics paper.

That is the absolute craziest bunch of hyperbole of this whole sordid tale. It sounds like they met and threw in hard copy of stuff that was gasp backed up by computer! And the Good Doctor did not personally appear to read that stuff into the congressional record. They text each other to summon them in for the attempted kill. Many mothers are entirely ignorant of what is in their vaccines.. You say one can opt out — only if you are aware. Judith, if thimerosal causes autism, can you point to a reduction in autism rates proportional to the reduction in mercury content from the vaccination schedule in the early s?

But I can show the opposite: In contrast, cumulative incidence of ASD up to age seven increased significantly in the birth cohorts of years through and most notably rose dramatically beginning with the birth cohort of Among the proportion and incidence of regression across the three MMR-program-related periods before, during and after MMR usage , no significant difference was found between those who had received MMR and those who had not.

Moreover, the incidence of regression did not change significantly across the three periods. Of course, scientific evidence is not going to convince committed anti-vaxxers like Judith, anymore than satellite images would convince committed flat-earthers. Those are good citations for debunking MMR-autism claims, but not so much regarding the thimerosal-autism ones, as no MMR ever contained any.

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Thimerosal and the occurance of autism: They will flat-out admit the former, although they will usually deny the latter. Afluria CSL Limited 0 single dose 0. There is no mercury in vaccines, Judith. Thimerosal is half ethyl-mercury by weight. Mark Noble and Dr. Burbacher demonstrated how extremely damaging vaccine mercury in thimerosal is to the subject who gets it. No, Cia, the task was to provide evidence that there is mercury in vaccines. Mercury is an element. Ethyl mercury is just as dangerous as methyl mercury and mercury is one of the most toxic substances on earth.

The influenza vaccine, which continues to use a high mercury level, and the MMR are the two most cited vaccines associated with autism. Yet studies point to other vaccines as well. The risk was greater among non-white boys. During the first four year period of the study—between and —thimerosal was stilled used as a preservative in the Hepatitis vaccine. Thimerosal-derived ethylmercury is a mitochondrial toxin in human astrocytes: Journal of Toxicology vol. I have the court disposition and photographs of Exhibit 3A that was presented at your trial.

The only flu vaccine which has thimerosal in it is Afluria.

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None of the others contain any significant amounts, and no other vaccines contain any either. Mothers are advised they can eat up to 4 ounces of albacore tuna per week and still stay within EPA guidelines for systemic mercury compound exposure. This would total throughout pregnancy the same quantity of organomercurials as contained in 50 shots of the Afluria vaccine, since a single dose which is all that is recommended , contains the organomercury equivalent of 3 ounces of tuna, so this is within safety limits.

Afluria also contains ethylmercury, which is inherently less toxic than methyl mercury, the type of compound found in tuna. Afluria is one of around 7 available flu vaccines. Even if a mother gets Afluria, there are no safety concerns regarding mercury exposure. When you inject it, it has a fast track to them, and is stored for life in those of us with impaired detoxification mechanisms. And it causes many disorders: Right, then you should have no trouble listing the specific flu vaccines that contain mercury, right, Judith?

Just remember that mercury is an element. The vaccines poisoned me. I pulled too much out two weeks ago with ALA, and have had some severe attacks, with dizziness, loss of balance, and vomiting. If you had those rather scary side effects from a mainstream medication, you would be talking about how its horrible poisonous stuff, but I guess as its alternative, its okay?

How do you know you have mercury poisoning? Which of the symptoms of mercury poisoning do you have that cannot be explained by any medical condition youre already diagnosed with? Were you diagnosed by a real doctor? The thing is, some of these alternative tests given by a naturopath or other alternative medicine practitioner, are rigged for false positives, so they can sell you supplements or treatments or whatever.

If someone got mercury poisoning as a child, and left it untreated into adulthood, they probably would not be able to be typing on this thread. In fact, I am certain they would be dead. Actually, I looked it up, and its impossible. This is why you can eat tuna many times in your life and not die. If she had untreated mercury poisoning in childhood that is so severe that she needs months of chelation therapy as an adult, medical science says she would be dead.

An amount of mercury large enough to do this would just straight up kill a baby. And the amount of mercury in her brain never gets any less, meaning she needs constant retreatment with her very expensive quack remedies from her favourite snake oil conman. You think the penny would have dropped by now on how she is being taken for a ride, but no…. But everything alternative must be true, only the majority can be evil…. Its ironic that everything that they accuse mainstream medicine of doing, alternative medicine is definitely doing. Its also amazing how horrible side effects of alternative medicine can get, or how sick they can get for their real health conditions to be untreated, and still insist its fine and totally meant to happen, just means the toxins are leaving the body.

Did you poison the mercury or did the mercury poison you? Also, mercury which is an element in a vaccine would be a manufacturing defect, which you can sue for. Many of us reacted to it with one of many disabling conditions caused by mercury. How curious and completely inexplicable that many children and adults have developed these symptoms shortly after getting mercury-containing vaccines! That being said, autism is also caused by just plain vaccine encephalitis, an excessively enthusiastic immune system reaction to the incursion of a vaccines, which can do stroke-like damage resulting in abnormal or absent language, social relations, and ambulation.

Mercury was largely removed from vaccines by , although my daughter was damaged by the mercury-containing Recombivax, given without permission and against my express orders, a year after Merck promised to take it out, and a decade after most brands of pet vaccines had removed the mercury in them.

It is still in the DPT widely used in the Third World, and in about half of injected flu vaccines in the US in the same large amount it ever was , as in standard Fluzone. Yes, the Danish study had some flaws, but suppressing crucial data is not one. If thimerosal caused autism, we would expect to see a precipitous decline in autism diagnoses among children born after That means that the thimerosal is half mercury, not that half the damn vaccine dose is. What a time waster you are. Thimerosal is a preservative used in vaccines which is half ethylmercury by weight.

Mercury in compounds, like methylmercury and ethylmercury, is even more dangerous than elemental mercury. Or how many children get autism, ADHD, seizure disorders, or learning and behavioral disabilities from it? Certainly not the vaccine companies or their hangers-on. Now, once more, where is there elemental mercury in vaccines? Name two since you used a plural. So what does mercury cause again? Because that list are all things that present differently, and none of them fit with the accepted clinical definition of mercury poisoning. Not all headaches are migraines, some are brain tumours, and others just mean you might need your eyes testing, or to drink more water.

There are two causes of autism, which now afflicts at least one in forty American children. Vaccine encephalitis is the other. It is not rare, but very common. Any vaccine can cause it as part of an overenthusiastic effort on the part of the individual immune system to counter the perceived threat of the vaccine.

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The immune system always mounts an inflammatory response: The symptoms of the painful swollen brain are constant, inconsolable screaming for three hours or longer within a few weeks of a vaccination, blank staring petit mal seizures , or excessive somnolence. If the symptoms last a short time, usually the damage done is slight: Or maybe lack of compassion or tact, which, again, no one will ever associate with vaccine damage. Or, if the screaming etc. As I have told her repeatedly. But no, Cia knows all about the diagnosis of encephalitis, and not just more than me, but more than all the international experts in encephalitis, including those who determine diagnostic criteria.

Like these for instance: Something which no-one will ever associate with vaccine damage? You have less mercury in you from your vaccinations than if you had eaten a couple of dozen tuna sandwiches, Cia. Mercury is extremely toxic in even the smallest amounts. For those of us who do not naturally excrete it readily, it causes life-altering diseases. Has a study been done on how many DPTs a group of 10, M. Many of us keep the vaccine mercury stored in our brains for life, but it is mobilized from time to time to cause symptoms of severe disease, like M.

Please read the articles linked so that you might learn about the difference between ingesting mercury in food and having it injected into you, where it accesses the bloodstream within seconds. I read five years ago that to chelate out the vaccine mercury in the amount necessary to cause M. However, sad experience has convinced me that it is better to chelate it out according to the Andy Cutler protocol in extremely minute amounts at a steady rate for three days a week.

I started chelating in October , stopped for a while starting in October , then, after my harrowing experience with oil-soluble vitamin C, ascorbyl palmitate, started again at the end of August I stopped in mid-June of this year due to a harrowing experience which set off another two months of attacks because of having inadvertently taken too much ALA.

I became as impatient at the slow progress as you apparently would be, and thought to speed it up with ascorbyl palmitate, Mer Detox, and Citra whatever it was. The excessive ALA was an accident, but geez, people take ALA in larger amounts all the time, they sell it at the health food store.

UN- fortunately, with as much mercury as I continue to have in my brain, pulling it out faster than the AC protocol set off many horrible attacks of dizziness, nausea, vomiting, ataxia, sweating, which were identical to my M. Again, there is no safe amount of mercury to inject into someone. Did you read the Mark Noble studies on how thimerosal does severe damage when injected in even the tiniest amounts? Are you still willing to take mercury-containing flu vaccines?

That would be the Andy Cutler who has a degree in chemical engineering, and not in any field relevant to vaccines safety, immunology, neurodevelopmental disorders, etc.? No, nor can I find any studies on thimerosal authored by Noble indexed on PubMed. It is, I trust, on some basis other than a post hoc ergo propter hoc logical fallacy. She should take the money she spends on that crap and put it in trust for her daughter. It has been used in very small amounts in some vaccines since the s to prevent bacterial and fungal contamination, particularly in multi-dose vials where withdrawing repeated doses from the same vial was more likely to result in contamination.

The page meta-review of relevant science examines the various ways that mercury harms the human body. Its authors, John F. Thimerosal is extremely toxic at very low exposures and is more damaging than methylmercury in some studies. For example, ethylmercury is even more destructive to the mitochondria in cells than methylmercury. The ethylmercury in thimerosal does not leave the body quickly as the CDC once claimed, but is metabolized into highly neurotoxic forms.

As someone else explained to you today Judith, ordinary table salt is made up of two dangerous elements. Together, they make innocuous salt. Thimersal is not elemental mercury. So now google Dr. Burbacher and look at their studies specifically on thimerosal. Non-aligned readers will be horrified. Shills will just try to deflect attention away from them. I also recommend the book The Age of Autism: Burbacher and their studies specifically on thimerosal. Also, what is your evidence that at least two people here are shills?

Not provided this time? You know the drill. Would that be the Burbacher study that concluded: Knowledge of the toxicokinetics and developmental toxicity of thimerosal is needed to afford a meaningful assessment of the developmental effects of thimerosal-containing vaccines. Dr William Thompson also said in the same statement: I would never suggest that any parent avoid vaccinating children of any race. Vaccines prevent serious diseases, and the risks associated with their administration are vastly outweighed by their individual and societal benefits.

Organic mercury, which readily crosses the blood-brain barrier, preferentially targets nerve cells and nerve fibers…. In the developing brain, mercury interferes with neuronal migration, depresses cell division, disrupts microtubule function, and reduces [neural cell adhesion molecules]…. Limited data on toxicity from low-dose exposures to ethylmercury are available, but toxicity may be similar to that of methylmercury… Depending on the immunization schedule, vaccine formulation, and infant weight, cumulative exposure of infants to mercury from thimerosal during the first 6 months of life may exceed EPA guidelines….

Because high-dose exposure to ethylmercury from thimerosal results in toxicity comparable to methylmercury, and because of the chemical similarity of the 2 compounds, it appears reasonable to consider toxicity of low doses of methylmercury and ethylmercury to be similar…. Due to possible adverse health effects, investigations on its metabolism and toxicity are urgently needed…. These data raise some concern on the widespread use of thimerosal. The IOM report [Institute of Medicine, US National Academy of Sciences] has concluded the hypothesis that exposure to thimerosal-containing vaccines could be associated with neurodevelopmental disorders is biologically plausible.

Distinct similarities were found between autism and mercury exposure in their effects upon biochemistry, the immune system, the central nervous system structure, neuro-chemistry and neurophysiology. They determined that there was little difference in the neurotoxicities of ethylmercury and methylmercury…. The buildup of mercury in the tissues of children is particularly alarming in light of a recent article by Baskin et al. They have examined the toxic effects of micromolar concentrations of thimerosal in cultured human cerebral corticol neurons and in normal human fibroblasts. The results demonstrated that thimerosal in micromolar concentrations induced membrane and DNA damage, and initiated caspase-3 dependent apoptosis in human neurons and fibroblasts.

In addition, the authors report that thimerosal toxicity may occur at even lower doses than those utilized in their experiments with longer times of exposure. Another recent study by Makani et al. Without being able to tell us at least 1 and 2, you are either a clueless or b trying to scare us. Which vaccines contain elemental mercury?

It may not matter to you but why not answer the question as a show of good faith? So is pretty much everything. Its all about what level it takes to poison you. Some things, such as water, it would take a very high dose to be able to kill you yes, people have died from drinking too much water. For some things, such as a bite from a venomous animal, it can just take a little. Eating several apples at a time is harmless. There is mercury in some fish such as tuna the most toxic sort too , which is why it is recommended to only eat it a few times a week at most.

For just average fish eating, it wont harm you as your liver and kidneys can excrete it in small doses. Many foods contain low levels of aluminium, even things we eat every day. Even human breastmilk and baby formula contains aluminium, and that is the only food any baby under a certain age eats. Formaldehyde sounds scary, but did you know there are small amounts running through your veins as we speak? The body naturally produces small amounts of formaldehyde and then excretes it. It only takes a thimbleful of water to kill people…if inhaled.

We commonly call this drowning. Next steps will be coming up with the answer to these questions:. At what amounts is ethyl mercury toxic? In what amounts is ethyl mercury found in vaccines? Judith, you claimed that there was mercury — an element — in vaccines. Either back up the claim or retract it…but retracting means you need to stop using it with everyone. As for T-Cells incubated — I could incubate cells in water and kill them off that way — hell, I could do this for humans — the latter case is called drowning.

It says nothing about the general safety of water. All I need to know is more than the dog. Justice Mittings remarks were limited to Dr Walker Smith. Recent research should be examined and further research looking into the ever increasing neurological disorders in our children should be undertaken. A team of researchers from the Yale School of Medicine and PennState College of Medicine have found a disturbing association between the timing of vaccines and the onset of certain braindisorders in a subset of children. This new study, which raises important questions about whether over-vaccination may be triggering immune and neurological damage in a subset of vulnerable children something parents of children with autism have been saying for years , was published in the peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Psychiatry, Jan.

More than 95, children in the database that were analyzed had one of seven neuropsychiatric disorders: Sabel, considering what you have told us about your childhood years, you have my sympathies and understanding as to why you now have serious issues and illness. But please stop trying to blame them on vaccines, when any psychologist would explain why you suffer from them. Vaccines have killed and causes paralysis; this is not debatable.

The injected aluminum can cause neurological issues. Even pro vax sources, even the CDC, FDA, NHS websites all state that there are risks associated with vaccines, however the chances of getting one of these serious side effects are rare, compared with the chances of getting one of the serious complications of the diseases they cause, so its less risky to vaccinate.

One in three with some kind of allergy, one in nine asthma, one in twenty a seizure disorder, one in ten ADHD, one in six a learning or behavioral disability, one in forty at least autism, one in childhood diabetes. It is true that there would be more of the VPDs if fewer people vaxxed for them, but I would not recommend that people get most of them unless they were immunocompromised.

I would say the DT series after two years old, the HIb vaccine only for babies between six and eighteen months old in daycare and not breast fed bearing in mind that it DOES cause peanut allergy in one in fifty and other types of damage too, including autism , and the polio series only if polio comes back here. Measles, mumps, rubella for children, not pregnant women , and chickenpox are extremely beneficial diseases to get naturally. Pertussis is good to get for those past early infancy if they have never gotten a pertussis vaccine: I think most people could tolerate the DT series without serious reactions, and if that were the only vaccine they got, I think we could call a halt to the age of autism and of autoimmune disease.

Where are you getting these statistics from? Those may be statistics for how many people have those things almost, 1 in 68 people are autistic , but there is no proof that these things are caused by vaccines. The reason polio is still a part of the schedule despite there not being a case of it in many years, is that polio is still epidemic in other countries. Its only a plane ride away. If nobody was vaccinated, there would be a large outbreak-causing cases of paralysis and some deaths, and because diseases typically have an incubation period before someone starts showing symptoms, and that mild polio can be mistaken for a cold, it would be too late to vaccinate everyone as the vaccine wont work if you already actually have the disease.

Once a disease is gone from everywhere, the vaccine is then removed from the schedule, like smallpox which is really, really good, I am glad that the horrifying deadly disease that is prevented by the scariest looking needle ever is the first one to die. Having the vaccine also trains the immune system to fight off these viruses, but with a much smaller chance of serious side effects. Although these diseases are usually mild, its not all rainbows and butterflies and fun times.

Having a disease sucks, the fevers, the tiredness, the itching, pain, swelling, coughing…even being mildly sick sucks. All of these diseases also come with serious complications that can be even more dangerous, like encephalitis, pneumonia, the chicken pox rash could become infected, measles can cause blindness, mumps can cause infertility, some of these viruses can go dormant in the system and come back later on…with chicken pox, its shingles, which is really painful, but with measles it is SSPE, which is fatal.

Pertussis is NOT good to get past early infancy, you just have a greater chance of not dying from it. Children with pertussis still get really serious coughs, bad enough to burst the blood vessels in their eyes, to make them throw up, disrupt their sleeping, it is not just a bit of a cough. Also, those children with pertussis can easily pass it on to babies who can die from it. It did not increase with vaccines. It existed long before it had a name, but autistic people from those days were either locked in an asylum and lumped in with people with intellectual disabilities, or were misdiagnosed and just thought of as that weird guy in the village.

There are even historical descriptions of what sounds like autism from hundreds of years ago. Then once autism was discovered, people who would have been thought of as having an intellectual disability previously but not in those terms , were then considered autistic. Then as more and more was discovered about autism, they realised it was a spectrum and broadened the diagnostic criteria, which then included the ones who were just thought of as weird. Because the opposite seems true.

Should the people with every vaccine on earth have exactly the same risk as someone who only had one. The very microsecond you do this, you validate every single other study which compares vaccinated people against people with fewer vaccinations. They went through Africa, South America and elsewhere, and vaccinated sick and starving children…They thought they were wiping out measles, but most of those susceptible to measles died from some other disease that they developed as a result of being vaccinated.

The vaccination reduced their immune levels and acted like an infection. Many got septicaemia, gastro-enteritis, etcetera, or made their nutritional status worse and they died from malnutrition. So there were very few susceptible infants left alive to get measles. Archie is just making this information up. It is unlikely that he observed this first or second hand. Need the page number? Archie Kalokerinos on the problem of the very high death rate of Aboriginal children in the part of New South Wales in which he was working. After he had recognized the problem and had rejected the usual explanations of the high death rate of the Aboriginal infants, he was led finally to the conclusion that the infants were suffering from scurvy, a deficiency of vitamin C.

In the period between and several investiga- tions were reported in which it was found that people receiving milligrams to milligrams of vitamin C — per day had fewer colds than people who were given an inactive tablet. During the last three years six more studies have been made of people who receive either vitamin C or an inactive tablet over a period of weeks or months, and they were observed to see whether the incidence and sever— ity of colds were affected.

It was found in every one of these investigations that an added intake of vitamin C leads to a decrease in the number of colds and also to a decrease in the amount of illness caused by colds. Moreover, it has been found that there is a decrease in the incidence of non- respiratory diseases, as well. We may conclude from these studies that an improvement in health may in general be expected to result from an increased intake of vitamin C.

Without examining one patient. Without doing any kind of research. I take it that your refusing my offer to provide the exact page and quote means that you already know this is true. Dettman discovered that some out of every 1, Aboriginal children were dying in the Northern Territories. The cause was a type of toxic shock reaction, complicated by vitamin C deficiency, often brought on by immunisation. In a two-year period without vaccination and with improved nutrition not one child died.

Unlike whatever random person you are referencing. Was Johnny there to observe what Archie did? Oh the how can he comment on what Archie said? Oh Johnny will never admit just how bad vaccines are. At first it was just a simple clinical observation. I observed that many infants, after they received routine vaccines like tetanus, diphtheria, polio, whooping cough or whatever, became ill. Some became extremely ill, and in fact some died.

It was an observation, It was not a theory. So my first reaction was to look at the reasons why this happened. Of course I found it was more likely to happen in infants who were ill at the time of receiving a vaccine, or infants who had been ill recently, or infants who were incubating an infection. Of course in the early stages of incubation there is no way whatsoever that anyone can detect the disease. They turn up later on. Furthermore, some of the reactions to the vaccines were not those that were listed in the standard literature.

Why would I need to be? His book is very clear — you should read it. The correct term is that he hypothesized that certain children were sick because of vaccines but since he ran no tests, consulted no texts and performed no analysis. As far as his account goes he just up and decided that this was the case. And when they stopped vaxxing them they stopped dying. I wish I could buy Dr. However, you can look at the following:. Kalokerinos, a medical GP working in the Australian outback with the Aborigines, discovered that vitamin C prevents sudden infant deaths SIDS brought on by malnutrition and by the introduction of immunization shots.

Deaths rose to former levels after he was drummed out by the Australian health authorities. His work is deservedly praised by other medical heretics including Pauling, Klenner, Cathcart and others who challenge the myths that shots are health-giving and that vitamin C is good only for preventing scurvy. A great book by a great doctor, it should be read by every caring current or future parent.

Pediatricians and MDs in general too. His words went round and round my mind. Then suddenly it clicked. I had known for years that they vaccinations could be dangerous, but had I underestimated this? Of course I had. There was no need to go to Alice Springs. He simply believes this is the case and that is that.

In fact he claims right here that there is absolutely zero need to go and examine any other data. In this case vaccine damage. Well unless, after a movie you go and ask the projectionist how they fit all those people into the projector. That totally makes sense…. Where do children receive vaccinations? At a typical check up, where vaccinations are given, the doctor will do more than just vaccinate the child.

They are more likely to choose someone like a naturopath or a chiropractor as their first port of call for anything health related or the internet , but would they be able to accurately diagnose autism, and would they make the right referrals or suggestions considering they are also suspicious of the mainstream medical community? Are you willing to accept that vaccines have a protective effect on bipolar disorder and depression? Personally this data looks a little noisy.

For example ADHD shows about the same effect size as broken bone. Are we claiming that vaccines cause broken bones? If not, then we should discard that. As for some of the other data points, is there real reason to believe that disorders like anorexia nervosa develop in two weeks? Feel free to read the following: I have — the first is hidden by a pay wall. The unvaccinated represented a very small fraction of it, 94 children out of 17, vaccinated children which makes it impossible to do any meaningful statistics on things such as autism which has a prevalence rate of roughly 1 in Secondly, it is possible that at least some of the children for whom no record of vaccination existed might have still received a vaccine which went unrecorded.

Fourthly, the survey did not ask for date of disease onset, therefore some vaccinated children could have gotten sick before being vaccinated and still be included in the vaccinated prevalence data. However it did show that Asthma, hay fever and neuro dermatitis were much less amongst the unvaccinated. Small wonder no ethical researcher wants to be associated with studies that endanger children. Parameters for comparison were measles, pertussis, poliomyelitis, tetanus and tuberculosis.

Among the unvaccinated group, 2 died of measles before the age of 3 years while 11 others went down with measles during an outbreak in An unvaccinated child also died of tetanus within the study period. In this paper we advocate the total integration of every community in the ongoing Expanded Programme for Immunization in Nigeria.

People who question vaccine safety do not deny that childhood illnesses may be reduced in the short term by vaccination — it is the long term neurological, autoimmune and chronic illness which vaccines can cause that is of concern. There were 12 in the study. The paper was coauthored by 12 other scientists and b the paper made no conclusion whatsoever between MMR and autism.

He simply took the doctors referrals, treated the disease and reported the information provided by the parents, the referring doctors and the outcomes of his investigations. Also, his 19 other papers were never retracted, and the investigations into gastrointestinal disease has been replicated multiple times around the world. Have a read of what Wakefield has said publicly and in interviews. The American Journal of Gastroenterology.