2011 Year of the Rabbit Forecast – The Snake

Chinese Zodiac uses 12 animal signs to predict people's fortune. The twelve animals are Rat, Cow, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey.
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Year of the Snake: Love Compatibility, Horoscope, Personality - Chinese Zodiac Sign

Snake People's Personality by Five Elements Click the following links to get personalities and destiny for the five types of Snake. The birth time of people plays a very important role in terms of whether the destiny is auspicious or not. People under the Dog sign born in different time periods will have different characters and fate.

Those who were born and will be born between The Snake people born in the 1st, 10th, 17th, 18th, 20th, 23th, 25th or the 30th day in Chinese lunar calendar are usually blessed with good luck and fortune during the whole life. The Snake people born in March are intelligent, learned, capable and quick-witted in character. They are adaptable to change and usually have lofty ideals and aims.

Most of them are models of self-made men who start their business empty-handed and get great success. The Snake with the birth month of April are usually quite well off. They are examples of bravery and wisdom. Also, they are lucky enough to get help from others all the life.

The Snake born in May are extraordinary talented, smart and brave in nature. They also have willpower and the mind of philosopher. When doing things, they usually have the foresight to prepare things well in advance. Honest and earnest, the Snake born during this month are usually big men who respected by others greatly. They usually marry well and have superior offspring.

Most of them could make a huge fortune during the life. Born in July, they are fast thinkers and of uncommon brilliance. To others, they are sincere and kind. By using their wisdom of the mind, they could develop great causes. The dates and months here is based on the Chinese lunar calendar. Please use the Gregorian-Chinese Calendar Converter tool on Chinese calendar page to find your lunar birth date and month.

The people under the Snake sign are fit to those works from which they could fully show their talent. Tasks which are stressful, heavy, mindless and repetitive should be avoided to choose and not fit for the Snake. In art, culture, aesthetics and literature fields, they could develop their full abilities. The Snake people usually have a strong sixth sense and keen intuition. So, in the field of religion, they can work happily. Besides, suitable jobs for them include TV presenter, model, athlete, designer and more.

Ox, Monkey and Rooster. Let's take a look at what are good and auspicious names for the male and female Snakes. Why No Cat in Chinese Zodiac?

Zodiac 4Cast by China Rose ~ Snake (aka Taurus, serpent)

The simplest way to prove Chinese zodiac signs not determined by Chinese New Year days is to see your Chinese Astrology Birth Chart using your birthday and birth time. Besides using astrology animal signs and basic fighting and attraction relationships , Chinese zodiac also uses Chinese astrology constellations , which refers to the way ancient Chinese grouped the stars in the sky to predict the coming fortune. More than stars are used in the Chinese zodiac. There are about 60 commonly used ones.

Each star has a different characteristic. Basically, they can be divided into Lucky Stars and Unlucky Stars , which are the major factors to predict people good or bad luck in the coming year. Click on your Chinese zodiac sign or birth year below to peek your fortune of Career, Money Love and Health in , the year of Rabbit. He will make a good plan for his future and then work towards his goals. He behaves politely and is not fond of stirring up trouble. Most of them seem to be kind and merciful, rarely to find they get angry.

The special nature that can't be saw through the mind will make rabbit man a good negotiator. Good oral and communicative skills also makes him popular with others. They usually don't quarrel with others, and often turn hostile forces into friends. He has a very strong sense of family and enjoys a stable marriage. He is full of life interest and likes to make romance and can be a good husband.

But they are too cautious, not easy to open their hearts up thus have a tendency to escape from reality. Sometimes they are too conservative to lose the opportunity. The woman of rabbit is delicate, quick thinking and easy-going. They love the group life and have a good manner whenever dealing with people. The only downside is too jealousy, which makes them easily trapped in love relationships. They put family first and have a good taste in the house decorations. They are gentle with the person they love,but perfunctory with others, even cold and heartless.

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They always have a simple desire for the relationship between people, and they are very careful to maintain their impressions in public. She has no great ambition, she doesn't like life to have a big wave. She needs more security than any other woman because she is so sentimental. She will not fall in love with a person easily, once fallen, she will love with her heart.

The Year of Rabbit

In other words, the deeper love, the deeper wound. The love concept of a rabbit man is very clear and trendy, and there are numerous female suitors. The honesty and love that you show when you are in love always make a woman give her love to you. But when she wants to bind you, you will disappear like the wind.

Rabbit horoscope 2018 horoscope by date of birth

When you are older, your unruly personality will be more stable. But rivers and mountains may be changed but it's hard to alter a man's nature. Even if you fall in love with a girl, you will still have many love affairs as usual. The woman of the year of the rabbit is calm, kind, gentle and pure, just like a clean lotus flower.

Her emotions look like the wind, will never stop for those who she doesn't love. No one could bind her, and if anyone did, she would flee far away. Therefore, it is better for a rabbit woman to marry a man who can understand her characters well and be able to dispel her inner unstable feelings. Marriage should not only be satisfied to be an ordinary housewife but to use your talent ability actively, learn a variety of knowledge or do enough to enrich your work. Your attitude toward marriage is conservative.

You will not betray your husband and children. You will always try your best to take care of your children. It is difficult for the rabbit to save and manage money for the future, so he often wears famous brands after marriage, but the bank account is empty.

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Life seems to be miserable. When talking about the rabbit, people often think of the smart, cute, docile white cartoon character.

Chinese Culture

They usually gives a person a kind of approachable, lively and clear feeling. At the same time, it is also appropriate to attend some parties, so that the personal charm of yourself can be promoted. Unharmonious, the rabbit intentionally or unintentionally to disobey the mouse's will, and the mouse may not be able to tolerate. Although it is not a good marriage, but can live together, because the woman is good at patience, can accommodate the husband.