Color of Sabbath, The: Proclamations & Prayers for New Beginnings

The C0l0I' III II of III III ahhath PROCLAMATIONS & PRAYERS FOR NEW BEGINNINGS The Color of Sabbath The Color of Sabbath Proclamations and.
Table of contents

I said plainly that the work done for the colored people would have to be carried on along lines different from those followed in some sections of the country in former years. Let as little as possible be said about the color line, and let the colored people work chiefly for those of their own race.

In regard to white and colored people worshiping in the same building, this cannot be followed as a general custom with profit to either party--especially in the South. The best thing will be to provide the colored people who accept the truth, with places of worship of their own, in which they can carry on their services by themselves.

This is particularly necessary in the South in order that the work for the white people may be carried on without serious hindrance. Let the colored believers be provided with neat, tasteful houses of worship. Let them be shown that this is done not to exclude them from worshiping with white people, because they are black, but in order that the progress Let them understand that this plan is to be followed until the Lord shows us a better way. The colored members of ability and experience should be encouraged to lead the services of their own people; and their voices are to be heard in the representative assemblies.

Among the colored believers there are many who can labor to advantage for their own people--workers to whom the Lord has given light and knowledge and who possess capabilities of no mean order. These are to labor perseveringly and in every effective way. They are to use our literature and hold tent meetings and meetings in halls. And sometimes where it is permissible white ministers should help them.

Special efforts should be made to increase the force of colored workers. Colored men are to be thoroughly educated and trained to give Bible readings and hold tent meetings among their own people. There are many having capability, who should be prepared for this work. We should be deeply interested in the establishment of schools for the colored people. And we must not overlook the importance of placing the present truth before the teachers and students in the large colleges for colored people that have been established by men of the world.

Schools and sanitariums for colored people should be established, and in these the colored youth should be taught and trained for service by the very best teachers that can be employed. The colored ministers should make every effort possible to help their own people to understand the truth for this time. As time advances, and race prejudices increase, it will become almost impossible, in many places, for Sometimes the white people who are not in sympathy with our work will unite with colored people to oppose it, claiming that our teaching is an effort to break up churches and bring in trouble over the Sabbath question.

White ministers and colored ministers will make false statements, arousing in the minds of the people such a feeling of antagonism that they will be ready to destroy and to kill. The powers of hell are working with all their ingenuity to prevent the proclamation of the last message of mercy among the colored people. Satan is working to make it most difficult for the gospel minister and teacher to ignore the prejudice that exists between the white and the colored people. Let us follow the course of wisdom.

Let us do nothing that will unnecessarily arouse opposition--nothing that will hinder the proclamation of the gospel message. Where demanded by custom or where greater efficiency is to be gained, let the white believers and the colored believers assemble in separate places of worship. Let us cultivate the meekness of Christ. He was the Majesty of heaven, the only-begotten Son of God. Yet "God so loved the world, that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

If, to save a perishing world, God condescended to give up His Son to a painful, ignominious death, should not the Lord's missionaries be willing to make every effort in their power to win and help those who are in the depths of sin, and to flash the light upon those who are in darkness as to what is truth? Christ clothed His divinity with humanity, that He might reach down and Shall not His followers, for His sake, be willing to submit to many things unjust and grievous to be borne, in order to help the very ones who need help?

Let the work be done in a way that will not arouse prejudice which would close doors now open for the entrance of the truth. The men of talent among the colored believers are to be laborers together with God for their own people. And yet there will sometimes be opportunities for them to bear a testimony in tent meetings and in large assemblies, which will reach many, many souls. These opportunities will appear as the Southern field is worked and the loud cry is given. When the Holy Spirit is poured out, there will be a triumph of humanity over prejudice in seeking the salvation of the souls of human beings.

God will control minds. Human hearts will love as Christ loved. And the color line will be regarded by many very differently from the way in which it is now regarded. To love as Christ loves, lifts the mind into a pure, heavenly, unselfish atmosphere. He who is closely connected with Christ is lifted above the prejudice of color or caste. His faith takes hold of eternal realities. The divine Author of truth is to be up lifted. Our hearts are to be filled with the faith that works by love and purifies the soul.

The work of the good Samaritan is the example that we are to follow. We are not to agitate the color line question, and thus arouse prejudice and bring about a crisis. The light of the third angel's message is to be given to those who need light. We are to labor calmly, quietly, faithfully, trusting in our Elder Brother. We are not to be in haste to define the exact course to be pursued in the future regarding the relation to be maintained between white and colored The truth for this time is to be proclaimed before the thousands of people in the Southern States.

Life's Too Short for Anything But Love

The way is to be cleared, as far as possible, of all obstruction. Let the gospel message be given to the people. Let white and colored people be labored for in separate, distinct lines, and let the Lord take care of the rest. The truth must come before the white men and women of the Southern States. Then there will be a work done in their families that will lead to the salvation of many souls. While men are trying to settle the question of the color line, time rolls on, and souls go down into the grave, unwarned and unsaved. Let this condition of things continue no longer. Let men and women go to work, and let them labor as the Spirit of God shall impress their minds.

We need the talent of the colored believers, every jot of it, in this work. Let colored workers labor for their own people, assisted by white workers as occasion demands. They will often need counsel and advice. Let the colored believers have their place of worship and the white believers their place of worship. Let each company be zealous to do genuine missionary work for its own people and for the colored people wherever and whenever they can. When the truth has been presented in a place, and as many white people as will hear and believe have accepted the truth, opportunities will sometimes appear for efforts to be made, in a quiet, unobtrusive manner, by white laborers for the colored people.

Such opportunities should not be overlooked. But we must not unnecessarily arouse prejudice that would close the way against the proclamation of the third angel's message to the white people. They need this Great care must be exercised that nothing be said or done to inflame the feelings of the colored people against the whites. Let us not aggravate the difficulties that already exist. However wisely the workers labor, they will have opposition to meet, without creating an agitation over the color line.

Let us clear the King's highway. Let God have a chance to work.

Life's Too Short for Anything But Love by Robert Lee Hill

Let men keep out of His way. He will plan and manage better than human beings possibly can. Let us remember that our first great work is to preach the word of God, to give the warnings of the Bible. The Lord calls upon all to take up the work in humility of mind. The ministers are not all sanctified through the truth. The Lord calls upon all to lay down their controversies.

Let men beware of doing that which would cut off our last hope of entering difficult fields where there is race prejudice and antagonism. As a means of overcoming prejudice and gaining access to minds, medical missionary work must be done, not in one or two places only, but in many places where the truth has not yet been proclaimed. We are to work as gospel medical missionaries, to heal the sin-sick souls by giving them the message of salvation.

This work will break down prejudice as nothing else can. The Sabbath question is one that will demand great care and wisdom in its presentation. Much of the grace and power of God will be needed to cast down the idol that has been erected in the shape of a false sabbath. Lift up the standard, lift it up, higher and still higher. Point the people to the twentieth chapter of Exodus, in The first four of the Ten Commandments outline our duty to our Maker.

He who is false to his God cannot be true to his neighbor. He who loves God supremely will love his neighbor as himself. Pride lifts itself up unto vanity, leading the human agent to make a god of himself. The gospel of Christ sanctifies the soul, expelling self-love. The Sabbath was instituted in Eden, after God had created the world. Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had made; and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: Ye shall keep the Sabbath therefore; for it is holy unto you: Six days may work be done; but in the seventh is the Sabbath of rest, holy to the Lord: Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant.

I have some things to say in regard to the colored people of the Southern States of America and the relation that we should sustain to them. So long were they under the curse of slavery that it is a difficult problem to know how they should now be treated. When God's workers allow His Spirit to work upon their minds, much will be accomplished in the saving of souls.

The Lord is our helper. He will guide us in all matters if we will trust in Him. One thing is certain: We must have faith in God--faith that He will arrange matters in a way that will enable us to work successfully. No one ever trusted God in vain. He will never disappoint those who put their trust in Him. We are to avoid entering into contention over the problem of the color line. If this question is much agitated, difficulties will arise that will consume much precious time to adjust.

We cannot lay down a definite line to be followed in dealing with this subject. In different places and under varying circumstances, the subject will need to be handled differently. In the South, where race prejudice is so strong, we could do nothing in presenting the truth were we to deal with the color line question as we can deal with it in some places in the North.

The white workers in the South will have to move in a way that will enable them to gain access to the white people. It is Satan's plan to call minds to the study of the color line. If his suggestions are heeded, there will be diversity of opinion and great confusion. No one is capable of clearly defining the proper position of the colored people. Men may advance theories, but I assure you that it will not do for us to follow human theories. So far as The cities of the South are to be worked, and for this work the best talent is to be secured, and that without delay.

Let white workers labor for the white people, proclaiming the message of present truth in its simplicity. They will find openings through which they may reach the higher class. Every opportunity for reaching this class is to be improved. Let colored laborers do what they can to keep abreast, working earnestly for their own people. I thank God that among the colored believers there are men of talent who can work efficiently for their own people, presenting the truth in clear lines. There are many colored people of precious talent who will be converted to the truth if our colored ministers are wise in devising ways of training teachers for the schools and other laborers for the field.

The colored people should not urge that they be placed on an equality with white people. The relation of the two races has been a matter hard to deal with, and I fear that it will ever remain a most perplexing problem. So far as possible, everything that would stir up the race prejudice of the white people should be avoided.

There is danger of closing the door so that our white laborers will not be able to work in some places in the South. I know that if we attempt to meet the ideas and preferences of some of the colored people, we shall find our way blocked completely. The work of proclaiming the truth for this time is not to be hindered by an effort to adjust the position of the Negro race. Should we attempt to do this we should find that barriers like mountains would be raised to hinder the work that God desires to have done.

If we move quietly and judiciously, laboring The time has not come for us to work as if there were no prejudice. If you see that by doing certain things which you have a perfect right to do, you hinder the advancement of God's work, refrain from doing those things. Do nothing that will close the minds of others against the truth. There is a world to save, and we shall gain nothing by cutting loose from those we are trying to help. All things may be lawful, but all things are not expedient. The wise course is the best.

"Pray ye therefore the Lord of

As laborers together with God, we are to work in the way that will enable us to accomplish the most for Him. Let none go to extremes. We need wisdom from above; for we have a difficult problem to solve. If rash moves are made now, great mischief will be done. The matter is to be presented in such a way that the truly converted colored people will cling to the truth for Christ's sake, refusing to renounce one principle of sound Bible doctrine because they may think that the very best course is not being pursued toward the Negro race.

We must sit as learners at the feet of Christ, that He may teach us the will of God and that we may know how to work for the white people and the colored people in the Southern field. We are to do as the Spirit of the Lord shall dictate, and agitate the subject of the color line as little as possible. We must use every energy to present the closing gospel message to all classes in the South. As we are led and controlled by the Spirit of God we shall find that this question will adjust itself in the minds of our people. Let us individually seek the Lord. Let those whose religious experience in the past has been only a surface work, draw near to God.

Repent, repent, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out. When we are prepared to take hold of the work in earnest we shall be better able than we are now to deal with the questions involved in this work. Let every believer do his best to prepare the way for the gospel missionary work that is to be done. But let no one enter into controversy. It is Satan's object to keep Christians occupied in controversies among themselves.

He knows that if they do not watch, the day of the Lord will come on them as a thief in the night. We have no time now to give place to the spirit of the enemy and to cherish prejudices that confuse the judgment and lead us away from Christ. It will take money and earnest, persevering effort to do that which needs to be done among the colored people. Every man needs now to stand in his lot and place, confessing and forsaking his sins, and working in harmony with his brethren. God's workers are to be of one mind and one heart, praying for the impartation of the Spirit and believing that God will fulfill His word.

On one occasion, while Christ was in the midst of His work of teaching and healing, one of the company assembled about Him said: This man had witnessed Christ's wonderful works. He had been astonished at the clearness of His comprehension, His superior judgment, and the fairness with He heard Christ's stirring appeals and His solemn denunciations of the scribes and Pharisees. If words of such command could be spoken to this brother, he would not dare to refuse the aggrieved man his portion. He solicited Christ's influence on his side. The Holy Spirit was pleading with this man to be come an heir of the inheritance that is incorruptible and undefiled, and that fadeth not away.

He had seen evidence of the power of Christ. Now the opportunity was his to speak to the Great Teacher, to express the desire uppermost in his heart. But like the man with the muckrake in Bunyan's allegory, his eyes were fixed on the earth. He saw not the crown above his head. Like Simon Magus he valued the gift of God as a means of worldly gain. The Saviour's mission on earth was fast drawing to a close. Only a few months remained for Him to complete what He came to do in establishing the kingdom of His grace.

Yet human greed would have turned Him from His work to take up the dispute over a piece of land. But Jesus was not to be diverted from His mission. Christ gave the man plainly to understand that this was not His work.

See a Problem?

He was striving to save souls. He was not to be turned aside from this to take up the duties of a civil magistrate. How often today labor is forced upon the church that should never be allowed to enter the work of the gospel ministry! Again and again Christ had been asked to decide legal and political questions. But He refused to interfere in temporal matters. He knew that in the political world there were iniquitous proceedings and great tyranny. But His only exposure of these was the proclamation of Bible truth.

To the great multitudes that thronged His steps He presented the pure, holy principles of the law of God and spoke of the blessing found in obeying these principles.

With authority from on high He enforced the importance of justice and mercy. But He refused to become entangled in personal disputes. Christ stood in our world as the Head of the great spiritual kingdom that He came to our world to establish -the kingdom of righteousness. His teaching made plain the ennobling, sanctifying principles that govern this kingdom. He showed that justice and mercy and love are the controlling powers in Jehovah's kingdom. We are living in the great antitypical day of atonement.

We must individually seek God. This is a personal work. Let us draw near to God, allowing nothing to come into our efforts that would misrepresent the truth for this time. Let everyone confess, not his brother's sin, but his own sin. Let him humble his heart before God and become so filled with the Holy Spirit that his life will show that he has been born again. The gospel of Christ is to be lived, practiced in the daily life. The servants of God are to be cleansed from all coldness, all selfishness.

Simplicity, meekness, lowliness Try to unite the workers in confidence and love. If you cannot do this, be right yourselves, and leave the rest with God. Labor in faith and prayer. Select Christian youth, and train them to be, not workers with hearts like iron, but workers who are willing to harmonize. I pray that the Lord will change the hearts of those who, unless they receive more grace, will enter into temptation.

I pray that He will soften and subdue every heart. We need to live in close fellowship with God, that we may love one another as Christ has loved us. It is by this that the world is to know that we are His disciples.

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Our founder, John Wesley, believed that you could even come unbelieving, and find faith through the mystery and gift of the sacrament. It even has connections to Jewish table prayers. Much of the prayer is the same across denominational lines, as an ecumenical effort to return to very early 3rd century church records of communion liturgy brings us all back to our common roots.

Though some parts of the prayer may change by season or theme, certain things remain. One important aspect is the fact that we ALL say certain parts of the prayer together, affirming that we are all active participants in the sacrament. The prayer begins with praise of God, remembers our salvation through Jesus Christ including the Biblical words of institution from 1 Cor. Be sure to open your heart wide, to experience the fullness of the gift! Our standing has great significance and tradition.

And who shall stand in his holy place? Whether we actually rise to our feet , or straighten up and sit at attention, our rising is an intentional expression of worship. Sometimes our spiritual fire goes cold and dry on its own. When we come together to confess, we are able to repent of that sin-sickness, and find reconciliation with God and each other. Also, it is through meeting with other believers that God often speaks to us. Regular attendance to worship is the wisdom and blessing of God, a gift given to us through law and tradition. In private worship, we may pick and choose what we want to hear.

We are given Ministers to guide our faith journeys through Word, sacrament, and order. Together with Christians of many denominations, we hear the entire Bible in a 3-year cycle, through the common lectionary. We practice our traditions, share time-honored liturgies and creeds, and find expression through God-inspired hymns and songs. In that hour together, we rehearse the holiness that we hope to live out, in the week to come. If you were invited to worship with Jesus this week, would you go? We just show up, and Holy Spirit acts — to heal, to reform, to erase, to make new, to give us joy.

One of our Council goals for the year was to increase our regular attendance of weekly worship. Every year, Christians follow a liturgical year that helps us to experience and contemplate the story of Christ, from his anticipated coming, through his ascension and the coming of the Holy Spirit. Traveling through the story each year helps us to keep fresh our wonder at this central story of our faith.

Each year, we are different, and as the Christ-story unfolds, we are touched and transformed in a different way.

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This month, we explore the upcoming seasons of Advent, Christmas and Epiphany. The Christian year begins with Advent, the four weeks of including Sundays that come before Christmas. Jesus, of course, but not just baby Jesus—we are also looking for Christ-with-us now, and anticipating the final, victorious return of Christ. Readings focus on prophecy and the story of John the Baptist, preparing the way. Though the malls are playing Christmas carols, Christians know that Advent cannot be rushed: Surprisingly,the next season, Christmas, is not as long as Advent — beginning on Christmas Eve, it lasts just one or two Sundays.

Often a white Christ candle replaces the purple candles at the Advent wreath. The date also has beautiful connections between the winter solstice Dec. The short Christmas season gives way to the day of Epiphany, which is the 12th day after Christmas, January 6. We usually mark Epiphany Sunday on the Sunday closest to the 6th Jan.

We celebrate the coming of the magi, and praise, with them, God-with-us, Emmanuel. Epiphany symbols include the gifts of the magi- gold, frankincense and myrrh, the star, and crowns. We will explore more in-depth the following seasons Lent, Easter, Ascension, Pentecost in another article.

Aldersgate will be deeply involved in the Paschal Mystery! What is the Paschal Mystery? It all started with a sacrificial lamb, whose blood was smeared on the doorposts of the Israelite slaves in Egypt. As the beginning of the Exodus, Passover is the central story of redemption for the Jews. Jesus established a new covenant with his body and blood at the Last Supper a Passover meal , and then was crucified.

His resurrection brought new meaning and power to that story of redemption for his followers. And so, during the six weeks of Lent, Christians enter into this Paschal Mystery, remembering the story of passion-death-resurrection, repenting of sin and focusing on the gospel news, to welcome with faith the Spirit of the living Lord. We begin the season with Ash Wednesday, this year: Emphasis is on penitence, and on starting a closer walk with Jesus, through prayer, scripture study, and worship.

Others decide to fast from something, either food or a destructive habit. For the past number of years, Aldersgate has shared in a devotional book of testimony and prayer, written by members. The discipline of Lent helps us to renew our commitment to Christ. The week before Easter is an especially holy time for Christians. We remember the stories of teaching and confrontation with authorities. On Good Friday, we remember the crucifixion and death of Christ. Aldersgate usually has a Service of Darkness Tenebrae with readings and special music designed to help us contemplate the meaning of the cross.