King Edward the Elder - A Short Biography

Edward the Elder was the son and heir of Alfred the Great. Learn about his life and reign, his military conquests with the Danes and his lasting legacy.
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Edward the Elder Facts

Now all England south of the Humber was under Edward's authority. In the later years of his reign Edward fought battles against new adversaries—Viking raiders stationed in Ireland who attacked the western coast of Mercia.

  • Salt In Our Blood: The Memoir of a Fishermans Wife.
  • Timeline for King Edward The Elder.
  • Edward the Elder - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

In Edward campaigned against the raiders, and at the end of the summer all the kings of Britain acknowledged his overlordship. Thereafter, Edward remodeled the administrative structure of Mercia, creating several new shires. His last battle was fought against a rebellious force of allied Mercians and Welshmen—two groups traditionally restless under West Saxon domination.

Edward died on July 17, , and was succeeded by his son Athelstan, who consolidated his father's considerable military and political achievements.

King Edward The Elder | Britroyals

Stenton, Anglo-Saxon England ; 2d ed. For other useful background see the chapter on Aethelflaed, Lady of the Mercians, in Peter Cleomoes, ed. Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. Retrieved September 18, from Encyclopedia. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list.

Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, Encyclopedia.

  • Style For Actors 2nd Edition: A Handbook for Moving Beyond Realism.
  • Edward the Elder.
  • Edward VIII;

Edward the Elder, d. He fought with his father against the Danes.

  1. The Consistent Christian- A Handbook for Christian Living.
  2. Further Reading.
  3. VBA and Macros for Microsoft Excel.
  4. King Edward The Elder (899 - 924).
  5. Edward the Elder Images?
  6. England, Our England!
  7. At the same time he repelled Viking attacks on the shore of England. He was also accepted as overlord by several Welsh rulers and by English Northumbria, and he is supposed to have received the submission of Constantine II of Scotland. The right of the overlordship of Scotland, based on Edward's position, was asserted by later English kings.

    Edward was succeeded by his son Athelstan. Two other sons, Edmund and Eldred, also ascended the throne. Edward the Elder d.

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    By the end of the last Danish strongholds had surrendered. Now all England south of the Humber was under Edward's authority. In the later years of his reign Edward fought battles against new adversaries—Viking raiders stationed in Ireland who attacked the western coast of Mercia. In Edward campaigned against the raiders, and at the end of the summer all the kings of Britain acknowledged his overlordship.

    Thereafter, Edward remodeled the administrative structure of Mercia, creating several new shires. His last battle was fought against a rebellious force of allied Mercians and Welshmen—two groups traditionally restless under West Saxon domination. Edward died on July 17, , and was succeeded by his son Athelstan, who consolidated his father's considerable military and political achievements. Stenton, Anglo-Saxon England ; 2d ed. For other useful background see the chapter on Aethelflaed, Lady of the Mercians, in Peter Cleomoes, ed. Retrieved September 14th, , from http: By continuing, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

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