Rejection (How to Evangelize People)

In evangelism, people fear rejection even when these factors are not at play — even when sharing to “good news” with a stranger. This is.
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Coming to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ is a supernatural and spiritual event. Only the divine power of God can bring a person to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

2 Big Reasons People REJECT Our Evangelism Efforts

In our frail human strength, we cannot make a person accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Remember, God is concerned about them too. What you have said will not be forgotten. Instead, add this person to your prayer list. If they are accessible to you, let them know that you still care very much about them and that you will be available if they have questions about anything that was presented to them.

I often reflect on the rejection and suffering that the Apostle Paul experienced. In 2 Corinthians Five different times the Jewish leaders gave me thirty-nine lashes. Three times I was beaten with rods. Once I was stoned. Three times I was shipwrecked. Once I spent a whole night and a day adrift at sea. I have traveled on many long journeys. I have faced danger from rivers and from robbers. I have faced danger from my own people, the Jews, as well as from the Gentiles.

I have faced danger in the cities, in the deserts, and on the seas.

  • Hickory, Dickory (The Ed McAvoy Mystery Series Book 2).
  • 2 Big Reasons People REJECT Our Evangelism Efforts.
  • Fear of rejection in evangelism according to Bible teaching.
  • The first reason our evangelism isn’t believable is because it isn’t done in grace for each person..
  • A Companion to the Early Middle Ages: Britain and Ireland c.500 - 1100 (Blackwell Companions to Brit.

And I have faced danger from men who claim to be believers but are not. I have worked hard and long, enduring many sleepless nights. I have been hungry and thirsty and have often gone without food.

  1. Where conversations about faith flourish | a resource of the Billy Graham Center.
  2. How to Respond When People Say ‘No’ to Jesus?
  3. Corrie ten Boom: Keeper of the Angels Den (Christian Heroes: Then & Now)?
  4. FIVE STEPS TO C.A.L.M. (Career and Life Management).
  5. How to Respond When People Say ‘No’ to Jesus.
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  8. I have shivered in the cold, without enough clothing to keep me warm. The harsh reality is that when the Gospel is shared, even in deep, genuine love and immense burden for the lost, it will be rejected by many 1 Corinthians 1: Some, like Paul will suffer great persecution for the sake of the Gospel. At the end of the day, when sharing the Gospel we are only responsible for being obedient in sharing the correct data about what it truly means to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

    Introducing Jesus into any relationship has the potential to forever alter and sometimes end that relationship. As people reject Jesus, we often need to reassure them that we will remain committed to them regardless of how they respond. This can not only relieve some of the pressure and awkwardness from our witness, but also leave the door open for future opportunities. Many times, as we explain the gospel and invite someone to respond positively to Jesus, we have a limited understanding of what is actually going on in his or her head and heart.

    Thoughtfully Heading Towards Heaven

    We need to stop and reassess the conversation. When someone rejects the entire message or parts of the message, we need to get into the weeds about what exactly he or she responding negatively to. What is being rejected can be an incorrect understanding of what was presented, an easily-corrected misapplication, or a significant block such as a resistance to the Lordship of Jesus or an unwillingness to believe a critical truth aspect of the gospel.

    Reassessing the tone of the conversation is important as well. Often, when sharing Jesus, there are many other factors in play outside of the believability of the gospel. Reassessing the content of the conversation and the other social and cultural factors is important in processing a response to Jesus with others. As we explain the gospel, it is important to stop and check for understanding. Relating to these reasons can be powerful and disarming.

    “Talk to the Hand!” – Rejection in Evangelism

    Finally, almost always re-ask for a different response! We feel rejected when people reject Jesus, and while sometimes this is the case, most of the time we need to pause, take a breath, and press back in for a different response. I am not advocating becoming a rebel. You can increase your own self-worth to ward off fear of rejection.

    There are three ways. Second, realize that rejection by people is not horrible and terrible, and you can stand it. Even Jesus was rejected, and you are not better than Him. The worst thing people can do to you is kill you, if God permits, then you are in heaven cf. Third, as a practical method, every day write down in a diary five things that you did correctly.

    This will help you focus on and build positive behavior, rather than focus on and repeating unproductive behavior.

    Evangelism - Dealing with Rejection

    With this, Esmie and I pray that your boldness will increase in proclaiming the gospel of Christ. All the best to you.

    1. Evangelism And The Fear of Rejection - Modern Day.
    2. Fear of rejection in evangelism according to Bible teaching.
    3. Schnittmuster: Thriller (German Edition).
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    6. One Night in a Bad Inn: A True Story;
    7. No results found.
    8. What was the apostles response to the authorities commanding them to stop witnessing Acts 4: Realistically, what is the worst thing that can happen to you if people reject your witnessing? In the face of death and persecution for witnessing, what did Paul and Barnabas do Acts Abram and Sarai's name changed and Abraham's meeting with the pre-incarnate Christ. Newman Ministries International, Inc. Fear of rejection in evangelism according to Bible teaching The Bible teaching about fear of rejection is critical in evangelism, but it is helpful whenever you or I face the possibility of disapproval by others: Approval Addiction This causes of fear of rejection stems from the belief that approval equals worth, or conversely, disapproval equals worthless.

      Mistakes and Losers If you have goofed, it does not follow that you are thoroughly a hopeless loser.


      Who is the Judge? Accepting Blame You do not need to mentally accept the blame and shame hurled at you by another person. Increase Self-Approval You can increase your own self-worth to ward off fear of rejection. In the face of his fear of rejection, what did Paul request Ephesians 6: As Christians, what attitude should we expect from the world John What did the early Christians ask of God Acts 4: What was the result Acts 4: What does Romans 8: What does 1 Corinthians 4: What does Hebrews Explain why it is so bad.