On the other hand, failure to embark on a pilgrimage of self discovery will cheat us of as workbooks so that you can read a section and then write your thoughts . experience, getting in touch with one's essence is vital to self discovery and.
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Allow me to cite a personal example. Over a decade ago I formed an image of being a successful fashion designer working abroad. My father was a tailor and mother trained as a dressmaker. Meanwhile I gained a Bachelor of Arts in Fashion Design at university and fulfilled my dream to work in Italy prior to my realisation. Yet many years later when my father passed away, that image perished along with him.

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I abandoned the identity of the successful designer since it was not what I desired after all. So, we must venture beyond who we think we are and allow the authentic self to reflect our true identity. We should step outside our comfort zone, to peer through an alternate reality if we wish to discover who we really are. Your true identity may be found somewhere between your imagined self and outside your comfort zone.

Whilst it may be clinical to consider your self-image arises from your brain activity, I am inclined to believe this is true on an inclusive level. It beckons the question: Known as individuation, a Jungian term used to describe the transformation of the psyche by uniting the personal and collective unconscious into conscious. It is the awareness of oneself to discover your true identity.

Erik Erikson, a developmental psychologist, proposed we undergo eight stages to psychosocial development throughout our life. Self-identity is seen to be an evolving process over the course of your lifetime. In keeping with this, make it a priority to discover your essential self to avoid living an inauthentic life. Once realised, live according to those values and principles by embodying them at the deepest level. Be wary of associating conduct with identity given its inaccurate measure of character. Behaviour is fluid and changes as you grow and evolve.

It is about waking up to and experiencing your true self, your soul and integrating that aspect of self into everyday life. As this process unfolds an ever-deepening experience of self-mastery unfolds with it. This exists even in the midst of intense, active experiences. One is always aware of their thoughts, emotions, bodily sensations, actions and experiences.

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It is true that some of us have created a lot of fear and resistance and judgments karma and therefore enlightenment seems very hard and may seem like a far off, lofty goal. Some of us have struggled very hard and long for happiness, fulfillment and peace and have lost hope or are even bitter by the mention of the idea.

However if we learn a powerful and effective strategy taught by people who have walked the path before us - we can experience enlightenment in a relatively short time if we are committed to do so. So, if happiness and self-mastery are indeed the ultimate attainments - why not make your own enlightenment number one priority? Some people go through life playing a role to mask who they really are.

Why Travel Is Detrimental To Your Path To Self-Discovery

Others simply become what others want them to be. It is only through the discovery of self that we can identify our purpose and actualize our potential. On the other hand, failure to embark on a pilgrimage of self discovery will cheat us of the opportunity to understand who we are and what we want out of life, as well as how we can help others during our time on this earth. Read self discovery books.

Start by getting acquainted with the concept of self discovery. Learn the meaning of a personal inventory and how to handle what you find. Reading books about the discovery of self will open new doors of insight and understanding. Some can be read as theory or text, while others are designed as workbooks so that you can read a section and then write your thoughts.

Her book takes a lighthearted approach to exploring your inner self. Another is The Journey Called You: Browse your favorite bookstore or library for more titles that will introduce you to strategies of self discovery. Buy a journal or notebook and set aside some time to reflect on your life so far. What have you accomplished? What are your pet peeves? Do you have any major fears?

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Are you struggling against certain obstacles? Have you set realistic goals? Do you enjoy occasional daydreams or fantasies? List these in categories and see which area has more. That might be the category to focus on first.

The Experience of Enlightenment

Or if you feel strong emotions about one of the areas, start with that one. Embrace discovery of the self. In assessing your personal inventory, you may feel anxious, nervous, or even a little afraid of what you could find deep within. Whatever lies hidden in your soul will benefit from the light of discovery.

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  8. If you find negative things, like fears, doubts, or negative traits, exposure will help you to deal with them once and for all. Simply put, accept whatever you find and continue to move forward in your quest for self discovery.