Workplace Diversity: Does Not Mean Equal Opportunity, Equal Growth, and Equal Advancement

workplace diversity does not mean equal opportunity equal growth and equal advancement. Million Of PDF Books. Doc ID Million Of PDF Books.
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Some of these benefits include:. But what does it really mean to ensure that all employees are treated equally and have the same access to promotion and progression within an organisation?

Understanding Equality And Diversity In The Workplace

Most commonly, the term?? In simple terms, equal opportunity is about addressing the??

Many organisations have their own equal opportunities policy. In it should be described the steps the organisation will take to abide by equality legislation such as those listed above and promote equality in the workplace.

What is equality and diversity? — E-Learning Modules

Organisations must follow certain procedures for recruitment in order that all applications are treated appropriately and fairly, and that nobody is rejected because of their race, gender, sexuality or any other discriminatory reason. Equal opportunities for promotion should always be made available to all staff, and no employee should be restricted from promotional opportunities because of their colour of skin, religion, gender or any other discriminatory reason. These discussions can be undertaken on a one-to-one basis, or in front of a panel if the employee so wishes, such as at appraisals and personal reviews.

When it comes to pay, under the laws of equality, no employee should be paid any more or any less than any one of their colleagues who are performing the same role due to their age, gender, religion, sexuality or any other discriminatory reason. However, it should here be noted that under some circumstances there becomes a legitimate reason for differences in pay between employees who are undertaking the same job role.

For example if somebody has been with the company for a longer period of time, or has more experience or qualifications.

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It is vital, however, that the employer be able to justify that the reasons for the differences in pay are legitimate, and not based on any form of bias towards one employee over another. A good diversity programme has many beneficial effects on staff and organisations alike.

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Indeed, when it comes to equality and diversity, a good rubric means that the whole working environment is much better, productivity is heightened, and success and business naturally increase. Employees can rest assured that they will not be discriminated against in the workplace, and that they have equal opportunities for promotion and progression, and that they are only being assessed on their performance and measurable merits.

Blind pursuit of Equal OUTCOME leads to an "Abomination of Justice" - Jonathan Haidt

They will feel empowered because they know that they are only being employed for their aptitude, just as is everyone else around them. What is more, the employee can be confident that they will be given the right tools to do their job properly, which can be anything from proper disabled access, flexible working hours, and even good communication from all members of staff. When there are no barriers to job progression, the workforce feels more positive about their jobs and will be more committed to working hard for the company that is working hard for them.

These sorts of diversity and equality initiatives create a real sense of understanding and respect right throughout an organisation, which engenders a much better, more pleasant and productive working atmosphere for everyone. Having people from all walks of life can give a huge boost to a business, with different insights, perspectives and experiences all combining to produce an effective, dynamic and creative workforce. It is of course still the case that some companies do not adhere to the laws or even their own equal opportunities policies.

What is equality and diversity?

In relation to patient care, research published in the British Medical Journal has shown that people aged 50 and over, but especially the old and frail, are not receiving basic standards of healthcare. Experts found shortfalls in the quality of care offered by the NHS and private providers to patients with conditions such as osteoarthritis, incontinence and osteoporosis. An equalities approach understands that who we are, based on social categories such as gender, race, disability, age, social class, sexuality and religion — will impact on our life experiences.

Diversity literally means difference. When it is used as a contrast or addition to equality, it is about recognising individual as well as group differences, treating people as individuals, and placing positive value on diversity in the community and in the workforce. One way in which organisations have responded to the issue of diversity in recent years has been the development of flexibility in working practices and services.

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For example, an employer may allow an employee to work a flexible working pattern to accommodate child care arrangements, or a GP surgery may offer surgeries at the weekends to accommodate those who work full time during the week. These approaches recognise that in order to provide accessible services and to ensure we promote inclusive working environments organisations may need to respond differently to both individuals and to groups.

Equality and diversity is becoming more important in all aspects of our lives and work for a number of reasons:. Life course influences and well-being in later life: Secretary of State Report on Disability Equality: Health and Care Services Office of National Statistics: Gender and health inequalities in the Uk: A series of papers: Tackling health inequalities for minority ethnic groups: Articles and information on race and public health: Harassment and sexual orientation in the health sector. Ruth Hunt and Katherine Cowan.

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General Medical Council, Sexual Orientation discrimination guidelines- www. Positively Diverse A strategic approach to managing and improving equality of opportunity for staff, and benefiting from the diversity of culture, skills and experience they bring to the workplace. The Vital Connection equalities framework Aims to put values of equality, fair treatment and social inclusion firmly at the centre of NHS workforce policy and practice.

Cases for change — anti discriminatory practices, National Institute for Mental Health in England,