The Diaries Of Charles Greville

Charles Greville () made his first occasional diary entries in , but the diary only became a regular habit in the mids.
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From the Hardcover edition. Paperback , pages. Published January 5th by Pimlico first published January 1st To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.

The Diaries Of Charles Greville - Edward Pearce - Google Книги

Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Apr 23, Shelley rated it really liked it Shelves: This is a dense, valuable book to anyone interested in 19th century British politics. It is not for the faint of heart, and it is not an easy read. After years of reading Trollope and delving into Regency-Victorian history - not to mention studying legal history when I was in law school - I barely had enough background to understand half of what Greville discussed.

That said, it's an invaluable resource, witty, well-written, and Greville recounts his interactions with major and minor players in B This is a dense, valuable book to anyone interested in 19th century British politics.

The Diaries Of Charles Greville

That said, it's an invaluable resource, witty, well-written, and Greville recounts his interactions with major and minor players in British society. I enjoyed it, even though it took me a long time to finish. My only real complaint is that the editor did not annotate more, or provide more commentary. I felt there was a world of nuance that I was missing because I simply didn't have enough of a background in the period.

Apr 01, Kristina UK rated it liked it Shelves: This book is a hard read, but worth it for the moments of humour and candid commentary on the period. The Times Great Victorian Lives. Charles Cavendish Fulke Greville. A History of Eton College. The Life of Walter Bagehot. Works of Edward Tyas Cook.

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  • The Diaries of Charles Greville - Charles Greville - Google Книги.
  • Charles Greville (diarist).

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The Strange Death of Liberal England. Voices from the Grave. Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry. Sixty Years a Queen: The Story of Her Majesty's Reign. The Strawberry Hill Set. Masterpieces of Irish Crochet Lace. The Pen and the Sword.

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Mary Queen of Scots. British Voices of the Irish War of Independence. Memories of an Irish Country Childhood. The Fall of the House of Wilde. Old Families of Larne and District. Frederick Douglass in Ireland. Political parties might fall, prime ministers resign, monarchs come and go, but none of it meant that anything awful would happen to Charles Cavendish Fulke Greville. At the end of the day a game of cards or a horse race mattered just as much as rotten boroughs or the ghastliness of Pam as Lord Palmerston was known to his vanishingly few friends.

Technically Greville was a Whig but his capacious understanding of the term is a reminder that he came of political age in the decade before party machinery and discipline got properly under way. The great reform bill, naturally, preoccupies much of the diary during the period. Greville was cautiously in favour of a measure that would widen the franchise to include the better sort of the middling classes.

3 editions of this work

And yet, every bit a child of the revolutionary age he was born in , the thought that this "sweeping, violent and speculative measure" might send the country the same way as France haunted his waking hours. His diary entries see him feeling for a middle way, fretting when his Whig colleagues throw themselves modishly into the arms of Manchester merchants, yet contemptuous when small-minded Tory squires, led by the Duke of Wellington, huff and puff about the rivers of blood that will surely follow.

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Some of Greville's best writing is reserved for the rackety bunch who occupied the British throne.