We Christians Do Not Understand the Gospel!

It is possible to understand the Bible. Jesus said, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John ). Christians possess the mind of God (1 .
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Justice is the quality by which God treats man fairly in accordance with whether they have or have not done His will.

Can the Average Person Understand Bible Teaching and Be Saved?

Love is that quality by which God actively shows good will toward men, seeking our well being. Grace is the quality by which God shows favor to men that they might have the hope of eternal life, though they do not deserve it. We have seen that God has revealed His will through inspired men so people could know what He expects of them and know how to receive eternal life. If that message cannot be understood, then is God a just, gracious, loving God?

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Consider the following passages. If understanding is impossible, then how can God require these things of man and still be just, loving, and gracious?

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Does a just, loving, gracious God require what is impossible? How can one handle rightly a message he cannot understand? Yet how can a message create faith in a heart that cannot understand the message? Those whom the Lord considers to be good and fruitful are those who understand the word. Those who do not understand are unacceptable. So God requires and commands all people to understand, and we must understand to have His approval and to have faith. Yet how can God be just, loving, and gracious in these requirements, if in fact understanding is impossible? These shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord.

All men will be judged according to Jesus' word. Those who do not obey the gospel will be destroyed, and ignorance will be no excuse. But God revealed His word to give us knowledge of what we must obey. If we cannot understand the message, we have no choice but to be ignorant and disobey.

How can God be just and condemn people for disobeying or being ignorant of a message that is impossible to understand? How can He say He really loves us and extends grace to save us, if we cannot understand the only means whereby we can be saved? To say we cannot understand God's word is to deny the justice, love, and grace of God.

Yet if we believe in God's justice, love, and grace, then we must conclude that we can understand the Scriptures.

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God always speaks truth and always keeps His promises. But in the following passages He has stated or promised that we can understand His word. They are profitable to teach and instruct us and to provide us to all good works. How could they make us wise and profit us in these things if we cannot understand them? But He sent it to reveal His will to men, etc. If we cannot understand it, then it does not prosper nor did it accomplish what He sent it for. But if the Bible cannot be understood, then God would be the author of confusion. These passages are clear statements or promises that God gave a message we could understand.

If we cannot understand, then God did not speak the truth and did not keep His promises. To deny that the Bible can be understood is to deny that God is truthful and faithful to His word. But if we believe that God is true and faithful, then we must believe that we can understand the Bible. Consider some lessons we can learn. I have more understanding than all my teachers, For Your testimonies are my meditation.

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. In keeping them there is great reward. How could this prove anything if people could not understand the Scriptures?

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People are not expected to take preachers' word for what the Bible says. Rather, they should use the word to check out the preachers. How could the Bible accomplish this if people cannot understand it? When they did not, they were mistaken, and He held them accountable for that. For every argument anyone could offer why we today cannot understand the New Testament, the same argument would mean that people in the first century could not have understood the Old Testament.

Yet they were capable of understanding it and were expected to do so.

Likewise, we today can understand God's word whereby we can be saved. Then we can be approved by God.

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Otherwise, we need to be ashamed. But Jesus did not blame the Scriptures. He blamed the people. They could and should have studied enough to know the truth. These Christians lacked understanding v12 , but it was their own fault.

Some people do not know the truth, not because it cannot be understood, but simply because they have never studied it or because they have not been diligent in study. Good, moral people sometimes get too busy with family, food, finances, and fun to give the Word space to grow. Bible study must become important enough to us that we make time for it. No knowledge is as important as Bible knowledge. We spend thousands for a college education, but a free Bible education is undervalued.

Surely, there is time for God in there. A great number of people do not know that the Bible is divided. We live under the New Law Colossians 2: If one misses this, he will never understand the Bible. Further, one must always consider who is speaking to understand the Bible. The words of Satan cf. Always observe the context. Some Are Prejudiced against It. If we wear sunglasses, the world looks dark. Many come to the Bible with their minds already made up as to what it says. Like the ancient Jews Matthew This makes proper interpretation impossible. Men can understand the Bible!

We can remove these obstacles from our path and run the race to heaven Hebrews 9: House to House Heart to Heart. Why are people ignorant of the Bible? We should study the Bible because it gives Light in a darkening world Psalm Understanding in a wondering world Psalm Knowledge in a confusing world Proverbs 2: Approval in a rejecting world 2 Timothy 2: Stability in a floundering world James 1: Woodrow Wilson said, A man has deprived himself of the best there is in the world who has deprived himself of a knowledge of the Bible.

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