Discourses in Matthew

Five Discourses in the Gospel according to Matthew.
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Each one of them begins and ends in similar fashion. The second discourse, which is found in chapter 10, begins this way: Matthew opens it officially in The fifth and final discourse begins in But, what is of particular interest to me is how these discourses are used by Matthew to retell the entirety of the Old Testament, demonstrating that Christ is the fulfillment of all that was promised therein.

The first discourse is the Sermon on the Mount, in chapters In His baptism and temptation, Jesus has passed through the Jordan and finished His wilderness journey echoing Exodus , now He ascends the mountain and declares the Law, calling His people to live in a righteousness that exceeds the righteousness of the Pharisees.

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Now, it should be remembered that because Matthew is moving through the Old Testament, by the time we reach chapter 5, he has taken us through creation 1: We now find ourselves at Mount Sinai, if you will, with the closing of the Sermon on the Mount 7: The second discourse, in chapter 10, moves into the period of conquest - the story of Joshua. Jesus commissions the twelve disciples to go into enemy country and cast out the enemy demons, disease, and affliction.

Numbers 13 also begins with the commission and naming of the twelve spies who are to go into enemy country and spy it out with the plan of casting out and conquering the enemy. Leading up to this discourse, in Matthew 9: In commissioning His disciples, Jesus anoints the new leaders of the congregation of Israel for a type of military operation.

Five Discourses of Matthew

Jesus urges them to have no fear He is not making peace with them or those who serve them. Some exclusions may apply. Valid December 15, CST only. Multiple products cannot be combined to achieve bulk discount. Discount off of retail price of product. If current sale price is better than the discounted price, the current sale price will apply without further discount.

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Gospel of Matthew: Five Discourses

Focusing his exploration on Jesus' Five Discourses, Scaer demonstrates that Matthew was written as catechesis, a method in concert with its content and organization. The discourses summarize the message the disciples are to carry to "all nations" and each discourse builds on its predecessors to culminate in the narrative of Jesus' death and resurrection, which is the Gospel's interpretive key. Go back to main content Go back to main navigation.

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Blomberg showed how the five-discourse structure can be used to relate the top-level structure of Matthew with Mark, Luke and John. He then separates Luke into three parts by 9: Each of the discourses has shorter parallel passages in the Gospel of Mark or the Gospel of Luke. The first discourse relates to Luke 6: The second discourse relates to Mark 6: The corresponding unit for the third discourse is Mark 4: The fourth discourse relates to Mark 9: A number of scholars have compared the five discourses to the five books of the Pentateuch , but most contemporary scholars reject the idea of an intentional parallel.

The first discourse Matthew is called the Sermon on the Mount and is one of the best known and most quoted parts of the New Testament.

The 5 Discourses of Jesus

To most believers in Jesus, the Sermon on the Mount contains the central tenets of Christian discipleship. The Beatitudes present a new set of Christian ideals that focus on love and humility rather than force and exaction; they echo the highest ideals of the teachings of Jesus on mercy , spirituality and compassion. The second discourse in Matthew 10 provides instructions to the Twelve Apostles and is sometimes called the Mission Discourse or the Missionary Discourse [5] or the Little Commission in contrast to the Great Commission. This discourse is directed to the twelve apostles who are named in Matthew In the discourse Jesus advises them how to travel from city to city, carry no belongings and to preach only to Israelite communities.