Men and Women

The beauty of human nature is that men and women are complex in equal measures.
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The following facts will blow your mind, and hopefully explain some of the behavior of the opposite sex.

The facts below are tendencies — not rules. There are always exceptions to findings, but these tendencies do help us understand how the two genders tend to think, behave, and act. Have you ever noticed that men and women typically share and present differently in meetings? This might have to do with the prefrontal cortex. The decision center of the brain that controls social behavior, judgement, and consequential thinking.

  1. We both want it all. Beyond that, research finds we have less in common..
  2. A Companion to Colonial America (Wiley Blackwell Companions to American History).
  3. Post Comment;
  4. Chorale Prelude, BWV 679: Dies sind die heilgen zehn Gebot.
  5. Springtime of the Spirit (The Great War);

We can use this knowledge to help us be more productive and efficient. Do you know a woman who worries…a lot? This all comes down to the worry center of the brain. Where people process emotions, arrange memories, and ruminate. In meetings, women are far more likely than men to read facial expressions of people around them, take the emotional temperature of the room, and be sensitive to people around them.

6 Fascinating Gender Differences Between Men and Women in the Workplace | Science of People

This can benefit them—they might notice more, or hinder them—they might notice too much. The brain is divided into 2 hemispheres: They are connected by something called: A thick bundle of nerves connecting the right and left sides of the brain. Do you need to get focused on a project or get working on a deadline? Testosterone is the principle male sex hormone. Men have way more of it than women, but women have testosterone too! In fact, the way testosterone acts in the body points to some interesting gender differences.

When men feel successful, they have lots of testosterone. When they experience a setback, they lose testosterone. This means they need time to replenish their stores after a loss or failure. This is why men tend to need space after a long, hard day. Unlike women, they often do not immediately seek out social support or need to verbalize their thoughts. Avoiding the issue or shutting down gives them time to think through the issue, oftentimes in solitude. This allows men to recoup and replenish their testosterone levels and gain the mental strength and drive to tackle the issue.

Oxytocin is the chemical that helps us feel social attachment. It is incredibly important for our social interactions.


Both men and women produce it and need it to connect. A lot of oxytocin means there is more trust and rapport between people. Men need a balance of oxytocin. If they have had a stressful conversation, they often seek solitude or time alone to replenish and regroup. On the other hand, men can help a woman who is feeling stressed by talking her through the difficulty and letting her process her emotions.

As humans, we produce cortisol when we are stressed—this is natural and good for us. It helps stabilize glucose levels and regulates metabolism and blood pressure. But too much cortisol for too long is bad for the body. In fact, too much cortisol can slow down cognitive performance and make it difficult to think clearly. Women get into bad stress cycles where they cannot recover.

Women recover differently from men, but both genders need time to recoup after a cortisol-inducing event.

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Men need time to help them process. Women need someone to help them process. It can also cause weight gain in men. The reason I wrote this article is to help you feel better about our differences. We want to have different strengths and weaknesses on a team, in a partnership, and in a friendship.

Fascinating Fact #2: Worry Warts

They also help us understand and predict the behavior in our fellow human beings. PS- Thanks to my Dad for sending me this great book and inspiring this article. Why women remember everything Women feel, while men use logic Why equal is not the same! Why women remember everything. Women have a larger hippocampus.

This is where we store memories. This is why women can recall Every. Women feel, while men use logic.

  1. Traveling Graces.
  2. Sean Penn says 'salacious' #MeToo movement aims 'to divide men and women' | Fox News.
  3. Sean Penn Criticized After Saying the Spirit of #MeToo Movement 'Is to Divide Men and Women'.
  4. Fascinating Fact #1: Details, Details, Details;
  5. 6 Fascinating Gender Differences Between Men and Women in the Workplace.
  6. .
  7. 25 Fun Facts About What Makes Men and Women Different?

Men take a more fact-based approach to their environment, often scanning for threats and challenges. Women tend to take a more intuitive approach because they perceive people and events more deeply and with greater memory capacity. We problem solve differently. Men tend to converge in their thinking. They define and clarify the problem and begin by eliminating and isolating issues. This is why women want to talk out problems and men want to dive right into solving them. Men and women in conflict. Men tend to depersonalize and externalize issues or problems, giving them time to think through solutions, often in solitude.

Women tend to personalize and are more inclined to talk through the issue to reach understanding. Did you ever think to ask a man what he thinks emotional support is?

Sean Penn Says the #MeToo Movement Aims to "Divide Men and Women"

I don't think you did. Emotional support can be a buddy sharing a beer with you, nodding his head, and saying, "yeah, life is bullshit sometimes, man" Not all men need what most women would consider emotional support, so don't assume we're in that category. Again, I can not even attempt to speak for all men - like you do - but I can quantify attendance records of my employees, which will show a very opposite result to this claim. Furthermore, the jab at men "ending the night with TV and a glass of Scotch" is pure ignorance of how men cope.

Again, maybe we don't need to vocalize our issues. What if i can confront my issues by removing myself from a social situation, pouring myself a drink, and reflecting on the scenario? That's obviously impossible because I'm a dude. I believe this is an absolute nonsense over generation of how men and women think differently. Drexler is spot on with women - I can't speak to that.

However, if I assume that the absolutely irresponsible, non cited, and stereotypical remarks made toward men were just as "researched" as the views on women then it's an easy conclusion that this article should be disregarded entirely. To be fair, if these claims were to be cited by hopefully multiple reputable sources then I will shut up and be vocally self critical.

Until then, stop posting garbage. Women are very different from people and less perceptive than children. That is why they need to be disciplnined more severely. A wise man must know when to hit a woman. Friends just give you a silent pat on the back and go do something together. That is in my opinion superb emotional support and friendship is so fulfilling for men it's fantastic. We learn, appreciate more from physical interaction while women again only in my opinion learn and also support each other more verbally.

Well most of the women today have certainly changed from the old days, that is for sure. And back in the old days which most of the women were real ladies altogether. What politicians aren't saying about mental health. Back Find a Therapist. What Causes Stress Eating? Parenting Adolescents and the Choice-Consequence Connection.

Sean Penn Says Spirit of #MeToo Movement Is to ‘Divide Men and Women’

Has Gender Always Been Binary? Beyond that, research finds we have less in common. I agree Submitted by Anonymous on August 26, - 6: This seems really casually Submitted by Ben Racine on August 27, - 1: I see some truth, but a bit of bias. Submitted by Constructive Criticism on August 15, - Men and women Submitted by Rainy on October 30, - 5: