Secretly Bound

Secretly Bound has 11 ratings and 5 reviews. Doreen said: This a devilishly clever book. The plot, characters and writing work in harmony. Jade, Jennif.
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I've always felt the core of why I write is the pursuit of a freedom I can't find anywhere else in life. From the earliest time I was writing, at 14 or 15 — anyone who writes at that age understands it's not an act of self-expression; you're trying out things on the page. It's part of the work of getting free of what your parents, your teachers, your friends tell you you are.

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You can go anywhere, and that freedom has always been central to me. So I've never understood the idea I would in any way represent anyone or anything. Just because I feel I want to be endlessly evolving, and I think representation means a kind of stasis Having said that, when your work is, as mine is, deeply rooted in a minority culture, there's also a desire for the writing to be representative, to hold it up as a voice.

And I think that's why you have, for example, the angry Jewish reaction to things Philip Roth was writing in the s, because he didn't fit into the story that certain groups of Jews wanted to tell about themselves. In their mind, he misrepresented them.

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When what he was doing, of course, was being free, being original, exploring and trying to go where other writers had never been before. Although you're out in the world talking about Forest Dark now, it represents who you were roughly two years ago. Does it already feel like an artifact of a former self? In a sense, the moment that you give the book away, whether that's when you do the last set of corrections, or the day it's published, or when readers start to take it home from the bookstore -- at that point, it just isn't yours anymore.

As I was saying before, it becomes a reflection of the people who read it, and some of those reflections are ones that I recognize, and some I don't. But I feel like it's not mine anymore. It's mine in that I wrote it, but it's been given away and it's going to be filled with all these other meanings and readings.

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Ron Hogan is the founding editor of Beatrice. Don't miss a story. Like us on Facebook. Get Unlimited Digital Access Your first month is less than a dollar. We are married to both good and evil, a co-existence held in balance by the power of choice. Echoed from the pens of poets and prose come the things that go bump in the heart, the monsters that frighten us most, the ones that live within.

Wrapped in sensually seductive disguises between black covers erupts Jade and her Dragon.

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They are Secretly Bound. Leading a successful life with the right career, house and home, wife and child, Jade has it all.

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Or so it seems. Beneath the peaceful waters lies the emptiness of a relationship barely sparking. The passion is gone.

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Life is going through the motions, especially in the bedroom. Fantasy remains in the ashes of a once out of control fire, and Jade finds that reality is such a poor substitute. When we thirst, we seek to quench that thirst.

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We are built to survive, no matter the cost. Jade's soul yearns to quench the desert that has become her sexuality. Her quest for an oasis leads her to Mylifeseeker. A storm cloud appears and her name is Emma, bringing with her correspondence sprinkles of rain that soon bursts into a mysterious monsoon flooding Jade's desert and awakens the dragon within. With each email, readers ride on the dragon's breath, holding tightly to the scales glistening in erotic adventures that will assuredly awaken the dragon in every reader.