Perfect Love Compatibility

Love Matches. The Astro Twins horoscope love chart lets you match signs to see which relationships are compatible — and which are not. Aries Love Chart.
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  • Leo in Love - Astro Sign Compatibility.
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They love to be flattered, regardless of sincerity and tend to flatter others with statements that are simply not coming from their heart. A Leo born can also be too bold in their statements and expressed options, hurting others who are much more sensitive then they are. Extremely talkative and at times honest to a fault about what they think of things and others, a key lesson for Leo is to learn when it is best to keep their mouths shut. They can be childish, bossy, immature, pompous, intolerant, demanding and closed-minded.

The pride that they are famous for can quickly turn to arrogance and lack of respect for them will turn to blind rage. They have fragile confidence and usually do not take criticism well.

Horse Love Compatibility, Relationship, Best Matches, Marriage

In Love, Leos need lots of attention, but also give a lot of attention in return. When dating a Leo, money may as well grow on a secret money tree that only those who are Leo born know the whereabouts of, because that is how they spend it. They love to spoil their lover with expensive dining, gifts, luxuries and entertainment.

Best Zodiac Combinations For Couples!

They spare no expense when it comes to love, investing in the best of everything. They often spend it excess and love showing off when doing so. Leo rules the heart, and Leo is certainty one of the most loving, generous, romantic and passionate of the signs. A fire sign, Leo is sure to be anything but ordinary … a love affair unlike any other, filled with excitement and pleasure. Leo loves the theatrical and adores the stages of courtship. Leos are very proud, however pride can cause great vulnerability and a hurt ego, can lead to a Leo becoming deeply wounded. This is especially true when others do not respect Leos wisdom and generosity, so be sure to show gratitude for their grandeur and gifts and you are sure to stay on their good side.

Leo will never tolerate someone disrespecting them. Although they are quick to spark up, and become upset or angry, they are just as quick to forgive and rarely hold grudges. To subdue a Leo, simply flatter them. They are easily flattered and they want it … need it … from others. It is seldom that a Leo is ever depressed and if so, they bounce back quickly.

Often they hide their deep depression or hurt feelings and feign happiness, until they really are feeling happy again. They quickly bounce back from despondency and adjust courageously, easily overcoming a difficult emotional plunge. Leos take great pride in everything, from their physical appearance, to their home and all their worldly possessions … sometimes even their partner, who they may show-off too, to their friends if they are not careful.

Leos actually tend to love to show-off in all areas of their life.

  1. Leo Personality Traits.
  2. Female Horse in Love;
  3. Virgo Love Match Sign Compatibility | LoveToKnow!
  4. They are proud and they need an audience to watch them express this pride. Partners that can be this audience are the best match for a Leo. Also, those who admire them, yet are open to be admired in return will prove very compatible as well. Taking center stage in everything, often with dramatics, Leos love to dress splendidly and expensively.

    Leo in Love – Sign Compatibility

    They bump it up to a higher level when in love and you can expect them to look very well taking care of. The male Leo is very confident and self assured and the female Leo is regal with an innate grace. When a Leo woman realizes that she is in love and that her feelings are reciprocated, she will blossom … with a glowing expression of her happiness … idolizing her love. The Leo woman has a strong personality and she may need to keep her inclination to be domineering in check.

    A Leo man can easily become a willing slave to the one he adores, a different side of this most regal of signs. In love, Leos are very fun, however their partner must be confident enough to understand them. They want an equal and have a need to be proud of the person they are with. Leos like to be adored, but also love the thrill of the chase. When dating a Leo, it is important to compliment them with sincerity and tell them you love them, if you indeed do.

    A relationship of Libra and Pisces can be quite challenging due to the lack of respect between partners.

    Possible Pisces Love Matches

    If they move past it, they might find that their shared search for true love leads them in the same direction They will understand each other with very few words and their love could last forever if they reach enough emotional depth Sagittarius and Pisces are both ruled by Jupiter, and their relationship is full of optimism, laughter and a shared love for the world and people in it. If they are to last, they need to respect their differences too Capricorn can stabilize Pisces as much as Pisces will inspire Capricorn. The outcome of their relationship depends on their shared beliefs and the boundaries they set for each other when Capricorn gets too stiff and Pisces too flaky Aquarius and Pisces have a strong connection through Neptune, the representative of one, true, fairytale love.

    If they happen to find emotional balance, they could have their very own happy ending However, this tendency is mellowed by Gemini's easy-going nature.

    Male Horse in Love

    Mercury's influence on Virgo takes a slightly different turn. Ever the perfectionist, Virgo can be a bit critical under Mercury's rule. What this means for both signs in a relationship is that they may both come to the same logical conclusion about a given situation, but they will deal with that situation in very different ways, which can sometimes lead to discord.

    There are some areas where Gemini and Virgo connect beautifully. Both signs have an appreciation for the arts and enjoy mental stimulation. This could mean engaging in deep conversation or debate, as well as sharing a good book or listening to Mozart. As scattered as Gemini can sometimes appear to be, both signs love to keep a clean and orderly home. They also share a taste for the finer things in life, including stylish clothing and fine dining. The primary area where Gemini and Virgo will find conflict is in the different ways they think about and handle things.

    Both signs are strong minded, and they are ready and willing have their say in any situation, which can lead to some head-butting. Their intellectual natures can also lead to periods of boredom, especially if Virgo proves to be the dominant partner and reigns in Gemini too much. Money can become another bone of contention in this pairing.

    Virgos are very responsible with money, and the urge to save rather than splurge can occasionally cut into Gemini's pursuit of care-free fun. In the romance department, Virgo's libido is slightly less dynamic than that of Gemini, and this can lead to another mismatch of energies.

    Almost any Sun sign love match can be made to work if the individuals are both willing to set aside their differences. All of the love matches below are not naturally compatible, and each needs understanding and compromise by both people involved. Virgo with Virgo is an intelligent and analytical pairing. Both are perfectionists, workaholics, very practical, highly organized, and methodical.

    There's a meeting of the minds so, theirs could be the ultimate business relationship; but when it comes to love, there's a brother-sister vibe that will soon cool romance and passion. There is an element of magnetism in this love match, but the longevity of this relationship is in doubt. An Aries can't take nagging or criticism and has a tendency to act impulsively.

    Virgo can be nagging and critical, and also has a tendency to ponder over an issue before taking any action. These two are very different, and it will take a lot of understanding, adjustments, and compromises from both to make this love match work. Leo has great pride, and Virgo can be very critical. Leo's domineering personality will eventually annoy Virgo, and Virgo's fault finding nature will annoy Leo.

    Theirs is a love match that can quickly prove to be a mismatch. Leo and Virgo seldom end up in a long term emotional or intimate relationship. Libra is a social people person, Virgo is shy. Virgo is reserved when comes to expressing love and affection, Libra is very open and romantic. Virgo is a realist, Libra an idealist. Most often they won't even be attracted to one another. A love match between Virgo and Libra is not a good choice, as theses two are likely to drive one another crazy.

    Virgo is productive, cautious, and reserved.

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    Sagittarius is carefree, spontaneous, and sometimes reckless.