Shadow Spell

About Shadow Spell. From #1 New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts comes the second novel in a trilogy about the land we're drawn to, the family we.
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She was the youngest of five children, also the only girl, of a marriage with Irish ancestors. Her family were avid readers, so books were always important in her life. She attended a Catholic school and credits the nuns with instilling in her a sense of discipline. During her sophomore year in high school, she transferred to a local public school, where she met Ronald Aufdem-Brinke, her future first husband.

In August 17, , as soon as she had graduated from high school, Eleanor married, against her parents' wishes; the couple settled in Keedysville, Maryland. Her husband worked at his father's sheet-metal business before joining Nora's parents in their lighting company, while she worked briefly as a legal secretary. After their sons, Dan and Jason, were born, she stayed home. Calling this her "Earth Mother" years, she spent much of her time doing crafts, including ceramics and sewing her children's clothes.

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The couple ended up separating; they divorced in January In February , a blizzard forced her hand to try another creative outlet. She was snowed in with a three- and a six-year-old with no kindergarten respite in sight and a dwindling supply of chocolate. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page.

Preview — Shadow Spell by Nora Roberts. She has the eyes of a gypsy and the body of a goddess…things Connor has always taken for granted—until his brush with death propels them into a quick, hot tangle. Frustratingly, Meara is okay with just the heat, afraid to lose herself—and their friendship—to something more. But soon, Connor will see the full force and fury of what runs in his blood. And he will need his family and friends around him when his past rolls in like the fog, threatening an end to all he loves… Paperback , pages.

Published March 25th by Berkley Books first published March 1st The Cousins O'Dwyer Trilogy 2. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Shadow Spell , please sign up. Do you need to read the first book to understand the second? Shirlee Yes, this is a three book series and they all need to be read in order for you to get the full meaning of all the different things going on in the …more Yes, this is a three book series and they all need to be read in order for you to get the full meaning of all the different things going on in the books.

This question contains spoilers… view spoiler [The book has a rape scene in the beginning and the threat of rape is mentioned a few times so far I'm halfway through. Does that get more intense in the rest of the book? Stephanie I don't believe we are talking about the same book See all 6 questions about Shadow Spell…. Lists with This Book. Mar 27, Karen rated it it was ok. Nora Roberts is one of my favorite authors. I have read every single book she's written. It seemed to be a collaboration of many books she's already written. I felt I was rereading the same lines from so many other books.

Connor used the same sentences that Roarke uses in her death series. The Irish theme I think has played itself out. I love a bit of supernatural, but the characters did not excite me. As a super fan, I will continue to r Nora Roberts is one of my favorite authors. As a super fan, I will continue to read her books, I just hope they don't turn out as stale as this one: View all 9 comments.

Mar 27, Miki rated it did not like it Shelves: Ok, I know I said I wasn't going to read the second book in this series but I couldn't help myself. It's like driving by an accident scene-it's horrific but you can't stop trying to see more. I just can't decide what is the worst thing -the recycled plot, the stick people characters, or the overdone, awful stage-Irishness. This one had all the bad things of the first one, plus a few more. I confess that I'll probably read the next one, if only to reach closure.

At least I didn't buy this o Ok, I know I said I wasn't going to read the second book in this series but I couldn't help myself. At least I didn't buy this one. View all 18 comments. Why does every other book I pick up have to be part of some ongoing sometimes never ending series?

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Why do I ask stupid questions when I already know the answer? Is this too much to ask?! I reserved this from the library via the internet without knowing it was book 2 in a series. When I picked it up and realized my error which is Why does every other book I pick up have to be part of some ongoing sometimes never ending series? Nora Roberts is usually an author I can count on. I think this idiot has finally learned her lesson. The entire first hour of this unabridged audiobook is spent introducing three siblings in Ireland with magical powers who are battling some evil do-er who murdered their parents.

Here we meet another group of three with magical powers who are related to the previous three. Somewhere around hour three yes, hour three people, you can't call me a quitter! He has magical powers, trains falcons and is content with his happy life. The heroine is Meara, his childhood friend who he enjoys teasing and touching whenever he can. She leads horse tours. I'd be sad if I weren't so bored. What is going on is kind of crazy, convoluted and not very original.

The six main characters spend a lot of moaning and groaning about how to vanquish the evil do-er. They perform some Wiccan ceremonies which never seem to pan out in their favor. It all felt really campy to me and not in the fun kind of campy way. He had a nice enough Irish accent but his American accent was atrocious and he seemed to fade in and out of it. He read the book instead of performing it and paused at inappropriate places. But the worst thing was that he made all of the characters sound almost exactly the same.

I never quite knew who was speaking and the book felt as if it were hours long and I feared it would never end and that this was my own private hell.

If you are following this series, do yourself a favor and skip this audio version. Find it at your library or buy the paperback or suffer like I did. View all 6 comments. The second book of the Cousin O'Dwyer series was better than the first which I reviewed here , in my opinion, because I actually loved the male protagonist, Connor.

The book centers on the friendship and then romance of Meara and Connor. Meara and Connor have been friends for years, and even were each other's first kiss. There hasn't been romance between them before, but it's obvious there are hints of it here and there- Connor talking about what a beautiful gypsy Meara is, Meara talking about The second book of the Cousin O'Dwyer series was better than the first which I reviewed here , in my opinion, because I actually loved the male protagonist, Connor.

There hasn't been romance between them before, but it's obvious there are hints of it here and there- Connor talking about what a beautiful gypsy Meara is, Meara talking about Connor in a way only a girl who loves someone deep down can This book starts off again with the original three, mainly Eamon, and again, goes on about 40 pages.

But again, I found this part to be quite entertaining. It talks more of the evils of Cabhan, his lust of women, and his weakness for power. And throughout the book, Connor and Eamon being the only males of the three stories twist together through dream-like scenes in which they talk, and bring protections to each other. There are several intense encounters between Meara and Cabhan. It's interesting because Meara does not have powers, but Cabhan knows if he takes her, he weakens the six. The hawks and horses just sound so wonderful. To be honest, a big part of the reason why I loved this book so much wasn't even because of just Meara and Connor's romance, though friends falling in love is one of my absolute favorite romantic storyline things.

It was the friendship, again, of the six. Even Boyle seemed to talk and express more than he did in Dark Witch. And, the romance that is stirring between Branna and Fin I really cannot wait for it finally to come together. Though I am interested, as well, in the final battle between the six and Cabhan. I thought for sure they were going to get him towards the end. Of course, there is another book so I should have known it wasn't going to end that way, but they really were so close! Also seen on my blog - http: View all 5 comments. A bit of background As with the first story in this trilogy, Dark Witch, it begins in the past with the three children of the first dark witch, Sorcha.

Each time we learn a little bit more about Cabhan, the dark sorcerer, which helps the six friends figure out a way to defeat him. His breezy, fun-loving spirit is infectious and endears him to friends and family. Both are a bit unnerved but Meara especially so. The strength of this story, however, is the friendship of the six. Narration I have mixed feelings about the narration. I struggled knowing who was talking. I welcome the final chapter of the trilogy and already bought the audiobook, which is narrated by the fabulous Susan Ericksen!

Apr 06, Melissa McHugh rated it it was ok. I suppose when you're Nora Roberts, you can't help but repeat yourself in certain aspects. I usually don't mind it, because the characters are different enough to support it, but her latest trilogy is just I feel like it's a jumble of her earlier stuff. In the first book, you've got a woman selling all her stuff and moving to Ireland where her family is. There's Jewels of the Sun right there. You've got a supernatural fight on your hands that needs to be fought on solstice with a newb I suppose when you're Nora Roberts, you can't help but repeat yourself in certain aspects.

You've got a supernatural fight on your hands that needs to be fought on solstice with a newbie. There's Dance Upon The Air. I liked the leads, but it just felt to familiar for me. In this book, it's even worse because I genuinely liked the romance. I liked Meara and Connor.

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  • But I felt like I was reading another entry in a trilogy I'd already finished. I suppose this is the price I pay for having so many Nora books a year, and at the end of the day, her not so good books are better than other author's best books, so I'll suck it up, and get through this trilogy like I did the Sign of Seven and Blood Brothers, and hope another Bride Quartet is around the corner, because those were some of my favorites.

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    Edited for typos, because I apparently cannot spell. Me ha gustado, sobre todo la parte del pasado y los encuentros entre todos los antepasados y los presentes Connor es un amor, paciente, sensible y con un toque de picaresca y Meara tiene todos los miedos del mundo derivados de su pasado pero es fuerte y compensa todos los defectos A por la historia de Branna, que ganas!!! Oct 28, Holly rated it really liked it Shelves: Oh, how I enjoyed reading about Meara and Connor falling in love. They had so much chemistry, and I absolutely love these characters.

    Their relationships with each other are heartwarming, fun, and very deep. This circle of friendship is tight, a bond links them together through their ancestry and secrets. And I love it when they're all interacting with one another. Even when they're teasing or fighting, they still look out for each other. And I love that it's set in Ireland, because I adore how these characters talk. The circle is my favorite part of this series. The story-line is a bit predictable, but I find that I don't mind it so much.

    I just wish there was a little more action. But the plot is constantly moving, with a few quiet moments thrown in as well. I love the magickal elements and how lyrical the writing is. It makes for a very enchanting read.

    Shadow spells

    I can't wait to find out what happens next, and I'm especially excited about Branna's and Fin's story. I think these two may just be my favorite of the characters, and I want them to have a happy ending so much. Shadow Spell was another wonderful book in this magickal series with amazing friendships and deep family ties, charming Irish scenery, and the knowledge that light always wins. I cannot wait to watch Meara and Connor fall in love! Fin is Roarke's magical twin; Connor was awesome in this.

    He's the sexy-lovable-sensitive hero type. Love the flashbacks to the original three, and the dream shift added an interesting twist. I read this more slowly than I usually read a Nora, but that was my life during the time Bring on Fin in book 3!

    Shadow Spell (anime) | Yu-Gi-Oh! | FANDOM powered by Wikia

    View all 4 comments. Hechizo en la niebla es una buena segunda parte de esta serie. Okay, I've never heard this narrator, Alan Smyth, before and I won't be searching him out again. And the accent didn't sound right. I would have switched to the Kindle to read; however, I decided to speed it up - way up! Plus, I was driving on holiday. This helped some, but not enough. Disappointing, as I loved the narrator in the first book in the series, Katherine Kellgren; she was exceptional.

    Still, I'm enjoying this enchanting series. Roberts does a nice job with the "time travel" or reincarnation aspect - if you can call it either of those. They are a delight. In addition, the solidification of the idea that joining of these six friends is what will ultimately win the day is what shines as this series progresses. This is a "friends to lover" story for Connor and Meara, nicely done.

    I also like that Conner, who, although he deals with the darkness of the sorcery of Cabhan, is himself cheerful and pleasant. If you're looking for a dark and brooding alpha male, you won't find him here. Nice change of pace, that. Mar 13, Ari added it Shelves: Her, Linda Howard and Sandra Brown are my trio of favorite comfort reads. And this trilogy has everything I usually love. Tell me a book is set in Ireland or New Orleans and I'll read it. But I can't keep going. It's the same thing over and over again, everything happens so fast, so abruptly; the constant get togethers drive me insane when they just repeat what I, as the reader, already know has happened.

    They sound so stiff and cookie-cutter. I can barely feel the chemistry between the two leads. I'm well aware that Cabhan will be beaten in the end so I'm not missing much there. I read these books for the ride, for the fun of it, but that's lacking greatly. Some of my favorites by her. Not sure what happened to Roberts with these books, but they're lackluster. Aug 12, Phrynne rated it really liked it.

    I enjoyed this every bit as much as I did the first in the series, Dark Witch. The spotlight is on a different pair of characters this time and Connor turns out to be Roarke's twin brother only with magical skills. There may be a bit of predictability in the story and the characters may be just a little stereo-typically Irish but who cares! It is a fun, easy read and I am looking forward to the last in the trilogy when it comes out later this year.

    Hopefully it will be Branna and Fin's turn to g I enjoyed this every bit as much as I did the first in the series, Dark Witch. Hopefully it will be Branna and Fin's turn to go under the microscope. May 22, Birgit rated it did not like it Shelves: Is it just me or is Nora Roberts getting really boring. I listened to this book well not all of it and as it's set in Ireland the voice actor has an Irish accent which is nice bit it's a male.

    I'm sorry but chic lit being read by a male is just weird. As I said I did not finish it because I know what is going to happen, the two lovers will have a fight over something inane, get back together, attempt to fight the evil Cahban not sure of the correct spelling , they will fail because there is a Is it just me or is Nora Roberts getting really boring. As I said I did not finish it because I know what is going to happen, the two lovers will have a fight over something inane, get back together, attempt to fight the evil Cahban not sure of the correct spelling , they will fail because there is a third book in this trilogy obviously , marriage will be proposed blah blah blah.

    I won't event attempt the third book because once again I know what will happen, the last remaining pair will get together even though they will fight it, have amazing sex, fight, split up, get back together and once again fight and finally win over the evil Cahban because this is the last book. Some magic will be thrown in here and there, some humour I do enjoy the humour , some really long boring conversations, blah blah blah.

    I have read a few of her trilogies and have enjoyed them but this one is just lame. If you liked tales of prophecy, witchcraft and fate. He killed their father and sent them into hiding and away from their beloved home in County Mayo, Ireland. The time is now. Three cousins of their blood have gathered along with their friends and formed a circle to defeat him Five Reasons to Grab a cup of Coffee and Curl-up with Shadow Spell: